

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Kari Panang Sapi/Ayam Thailand (Thai Beef/Chicken Phanaeng Curry)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 600 gr Daging sapi/ayam-potong2 kecil/iris2 tipisGaram
  • 6 Daun jeruk, 1 sm Gula palem3 sm Bumbu Kari Panang*
  • 400 ml Santan kental, 1 sm Kecap ikan, 1/8 st Pala bubuk
  • 30 gr Tekokak, ½ st Gula, 2 Cabai merah-iris tipis2
  • 1 sm Nam pla prik**(opsional)

Cara membuat
  • Bila menggunakan santan kaleng, simpan kaleng di kulkas utk 1-2 jam seblm digunakan. Buka kaleng & ambil bagian yg solid/kentalnya saja utk memasak bumbu kari. Simpan sisa air kelapa.
  • Buang batang tengah dari daun jeruk. Potong 2 lembar daun jeruk kecil2 lalu sisanya diiris2 halus. Sisihkan.
  • Panaskan bagian solid dari santan di wajan dng api sedang-besar sampai keluar minyaknya & terpisah. Bila menggunakan santan kaleng & minyak tak mau terbentuk/terpisah juga, tambahkan sedikit minyak kelapa ke dlm santan panas tsb.
  • Kecilkan api ke sedang, mskkan bumbu kari panang, aduk terus 3-4 menit hingga harum. Beri daging, aduk hingga daging tersaput bumbu dng merata. Mskkan tekokak kmd tuangi air kelapa. Didihkan, kecilkan api ke kecil, masak sambil sesekali diaduk sampai daging empuk, kuah berkurang & mengental. Bila kuah terlalu kering, tambahkan sedikit air (jangan terlalu banyak). Mskkan sisa bahan kecuali cabai & daun jeruk iris halus. Masak hingga rasa menyatu. Tambahi sedikit garam & gula bila perlu. Angkat dari api.
  • Taburi kari dng cabai & daun jeruk iris hls. Hidangkan kari panang dng nasi hangat.
  • * Click pada link untuk melihat resep cara membuat Bumbu Kari Panang.
  • **Untuk membuat Nam Pla Prik (Cabai rendam kecap ikan)-hanya jika anda ingin kari lbh pedas: Mskkan 2/3 mangkuk cabai rawit/cabai padi bersama dng 450 ml kecap ikan di dlm botol. Tutup botol, biarkan selama seminggu seblm digunakan agar rasanya meresap

  • 600 gr Beef/Chicken-bite size/thinly sliced, ½ tsp Sugar
  • 6 Kaffir lime leaves, 1 tbsp Palm sugar, 1 tbsp Fish sauce
  • 400 ml thick Coconut milk, 1/8 tsp ground Nutmeg, Salt
  • 3 tbsp Phanaeng Curry Paste *30 gr Pea eggplants
  • 2 Red chilies-sliced, 1 tbsp Nam pla prik** (optional)

  • If you`re using caned coconut milk, set the can in the fridge for 1-2 hours before using it. Open up the can & scoop out the thicken/solid coconut cream part to cook the curry paste with later on & save the left over coconut water/juice.
  • Discard kaffir lime leaves stem; then slice 2 of them into small pieces & thinly slice the rest; set aside.
  • Warm up the coconut cream in a wok/deep pan over medium-high heat until the oil from the coconut milk separated out & a thin film formed. If you`re using a caned coconut milk & the oil from coconut milk won`t formed (separated), add a bit of coconut oil into the coconut milk.
  • Reduce the heat to medium; add in the phanaeng curry paste & stir continuously for 3-4 min until it fragrant. Stir in the meat until the liquid coats the meat evenly. Add in the pea eggplants & then pour in coconut water/juice; bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat to low; let it simmer until the meat is tender enough to your liking and the liquid reduced & thicken; stir occasionally. If the liquid becomes too dry, add just a bit more water (not too much). Stir in remaining ingredients except for the thinly sliced kaffir lime leaves & chilies. Cook until the flavor blended. Add more salt or sugar if it`s necessary.
  • Remove from the heat & sprinkle the thinly sliced kaffir lime leaves & chilies on top. Serve the phanaeng curry with steamed Jasmine rice.
  • * Click on the link to see the recipe on how to make homemade Phanaeng Curry Paste.
  • **To make the Nam Pla Prik (Chilies marinated in fish sauce)-only if you want to have the curry to be more spicy: Put 2/3 cup of Thai chilies together with 450 ml of fish sauce in a jar. Seal the jar & keep it for a week to mature before using.

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