

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sauto Tegal (Yellow Chicken Soup Tegal Style)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • ½ ekor Ayam, 1½ lt Air, 3 Daun jeruk, 3 Daun salam
  • 1 Sereh, 4 cm Jahe & 1 cm Lengkuas-geprek, ½ st Lada
  • 18 gr/5 Bawang putih & 55 gr/10 Bawang merah-haluskan
  • 1 st Gula2 cm Kunyit-haluskan, 1 st Kaldu bubuk
  • Garam, Minyak
  • 100 gr Toge, 2 Daun bawang-iris2, 100 gr Soun
  • Jeruk nipis-iris2, Bawang goreng
Sambal tauco:
  • 2 Bawang putih, 4 Bawang merah, 2 Kemiri
  • 6 Cabai keriting, 1 st Gula, 3 Cabai merah
  • 2-3 sm Tauco, 50 ml Air

Cara membuat
  • Tumis bumbu halus hingga harum. Masak tumisan dengan air, jahe, lengkuas, sereh, daun jeruk, salam & bumbu2 sampai rasa menyatu. Masukkan ayam, masak hingga ½ matang. Angkat ayam dari kuah lalu goreng hingga kecokelatan. Suwir2 daging ayam lalu sisihkan.
  • Sambal tauco: Haluskan bawang2, cabai2 & kemiri. Tumis dengan sedikit minyak hingga harum. Beri tauco, gula & air. Aduk & masak hingga mendidih. Angkat.
  • Seduh terpisah toge & soun dng air panas. Tiriskan & sisihkan. Susun ayam suwir, toge & soun di mangkuk saji. Siram dengan kuahnya lalu taburi daun bawang & bawang goreng. Hidangkan dengan sambal tauco & irisan nipis.

  • ½ Chicken, 1½ lt Water, 3 Kaffir lime leaves, Salt
  • 4 cm Ginger, 1 Lemongrass & 1 cm Galangal-bruised
  • 5 (18 gr) Garlic cloves & 10 (55 gr) Shallots-grind
  • 1 tsp Broth powder, ½ tsp ground Pepper, frying Oil
  • 3 Bay leaves, 2 cm Turmeric-grind, 1 tsp Sugar
  • 2 Green onions-sliced, fried Shallots, Lime-sliced
  • 100 gr Bean sprouts, 100 gr Mung bean thread
Soy bean paste chili sauce:
  • 2 Garlic cloves, 2 Candlenuts, 3 Red chilies
  • 6 Cayenne peppers, 4 Shallots, 50 ml Water
  • 2-3 tbsp Soy bean paste, 1 tsp Sugar

  • Sauté ground spices until fragrant. Boil sautéed spices together with water, ginger, galangal, bay leaves, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves & other seasonings until the flavor blended. Add in chicken; cook until they are ½ done. Remove chicken from the soup & fry it until golden brown. Shred the chicken meat & set it aside.
  • Soy bean paste chili sauce: Grind shallots, garlic, candlenuts & all chilies. Sauté this ground spices with some oil until fragrant. Stir in soy bean paste, sugar & water. Bring it to a boil.
  • Soak mung bean thread & bean sprouts separately in hot water. Drain & then set them aside. Place shredded chicken, bean sprouts & mung bean thread in serving bowls. Pour in the soup; sprinkle with green onions & fried shallots. Serve the soup with the chili sauce & lime.

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