

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tahu Sarang Telur (Quail Eggs in Tofu Nests)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 350 gr Tahu-haluskan, 1 Daun bawang-iris halusGaram
  • 1 Wortel-potong kecil2, 1 st Lada bubuk, Minyak goreng
  • 2 Bawang putih kecil-haluskan/1 st Bawang putih bubuk
  • 10 Telur puyuh-rebus2 Telur ukuran besar, 1 st Gula
  • 1 sm Bawang goreng-tumbuk kasar, 1 st Kaldu bubuk
  • 100 gr Daging/Udang cincang, ½ st Ketumbar bubuk
  • 2 sm Keju parut (opsional)

Cara membuat
  • Campur tahu dengan semua bumbu & keju hingga rata. Beri wortel, daun bawang, daging/udang & 1 telur yg sdh dikocok kmd aduk hingga rata.
  • Ulasi bbrp cetakan tahan panas dng sedikit minyak. Isi cetakan2 tsb dng adonan hingga 1/3 nya, tekan2 utk memadatkan. Ltkkan 1 telur puyuh di tengah2 setiap cetakan. Isi lagi cetakan dng adonan tahu di sekeliling telur puyuh hingga cetakan ¾ penuh & telur terbenam sebagian (bagian atas telur hrs tetap terbuka). Tekan perlahan utk memadatkan adonan.
  • Panaskan kukusan. Kukus adonan 15-20 mnt. Keluarkan, biarkan mendingin. Lepaskan tahu dari cetakannya. Kocok 1 telur, sisihkan. Pnskan minyak di wajan. Celupkan tahu kukus ke dlm telur kocok.
  • Goreng tahu dlm minyak panas hingga kuning kecoklatan. Angkat tahu & tiriskan di kertas penyerap minyak. Sajikan hangat2 dng cabai rawit atau saus sambal.

  • 350 gr firm Tofu-pound, 1 tsp ground Pepper, Salt
  • 1 Green onion-sliced, 1 tsp Broth powder, frying Oil
  • 1 tbsp fried Shallots-coarsely pound, 2 large Eggs
  • 100 gr Minced beef/shrimp, 1 Carrot-cut small
  • 2 small Garlic cloves-grind/1 tsp Garlic powder
  • 10 Quail eggs-boiled, ½ tsp ground Coriander
  • 2 tbsp grated Cheese (optional), 1 tsp Sugar

  • Combine tofu with all seasoning well. Add in the carrot, green onion, beef/shrimp & 1 beaten egg; stir to combine.
  • Grease some moulds with a little oil. Fill up moulds with tofu batter until 1/3 full, press a bit to compact the batter. Place 1 quail egg in the middle of each mould. Fill up the moulds again around the quail eggs until the moulds are ¾ full & the quail eggs are half covered with the batter (keep the top surface of quail eggs remain un-covered). Press the batter to compact.
  • Heat a steamer. Steam the batter for 15-20 minutes. Remove from the steamer; let it cool down before un-moulding the tofu. Beat 1 egg; set aside. In a wok/deep pan, heat some frying oil.
  • Dip steamed tofu into the egg & then fry them on each side until golden brown. Lift from the oil & then drain on paper towels. Serve tofu while it still warm with bird`s eye chili/chili sauce.

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