

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Rendang Telur Puyuh & Kentang (Quail Eggs & Potatoes Dried Curry)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian

  • 30 Telur puyuh-rebus, 300 ml Santan kental
  • 400 gr Kentang-potong dadu, 2 st Gula jawa
  • 75 gr Kelapa parut sangrai-haluskan, Garam
  • 2 Daun jeruk-iris halus, 200 ml Kaldu sapi
  • ½ st Asam1 Sereh-geprek, Minyak
  • 2 Bawang merah-iris halus
  • 2 Cabai merah, 3 Cabai keriting, 2 cm Jahe
  • 3 Bawang merah, 1 st Lada, 1 st Ketumbar
  • 2 Bawang putih, 1 cm Lengkuas-iris2

Cara membuat
  • Tumis bumbu hls, bawang & sereh hingga harum. Mskkan kaldu, santan, dn jrk, asam, gula jw & kentang. Masak di api sedang sambil sesekali diaduk hingga kentang matang.
  • Kecilkan api, mskkan kelapa halus, garam & telur puyuh. Masak sambil sesekali diaduk hingga kuah mengering. Angkat kmd hidangkan dng nasi putih hangat.

  • 30 boiled Quail eggs, 1 Lemongrass-bruised
  • 400 gr Potatoes-diced, 200 ml Beef broth
  • 75 gr grated Coconut-roasted, frying Oil
  • ½ tsp Tamarind, 300 ml thick Coconut milk
  • 2 Kaffir lime leaves-thinly sliced, Salt
  • 2 Shallots-thinly sliced, 2 tsp Palm sugar
Grind into a paste:
  • 2 Red chilies, 3 Cayenne peppers, 3 Shallots
  • 2 cm Ginger, 1 tsp Coriander, 1 tsp Pepper
  • 2 Garlic cloves, 1 cm Galangal-sliced

  • Sauté the spices paste, sliced shallots & lemongrass until fragrant. Put in the broth, coconut milk, kaffir lime leaves, tamarind, palm sugar & potatoes. Cook it over medium heat; stir occasionally until the potatoes are cooked. Coarsely grind grated coconut; set aside.
  • Reduce the heat to low, add in ground coconut, enough salt & quail eggs. Bring to a simmer; stir occasionally until the liquid dries. Remove from the heat & serve with warm steamed rice.

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