

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tumis Pak Choy & Tahu (Stir-Fry Bok Choy & Tofu)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 500 gr Pak choy, 1 Tahu, 1 Tomat-potong, Garam
  • 2 Bawang putih-cincang, 2 Cabai merah-iris, Lada
  • ½ sm Kecap ikan, ½ sm Saus tiram, 1 Daun salam
  • 150 ml Kaldu ayam/Air, 2 st Maizena+1 sm Air
  • 1 sm Saus soya, 1-2 sm Tauco asin (opsional)
  • 2 sm Minyak+1 sm Mentega, 1 st Gula

Cara membuat
  • Persiapan: Tahu dipotong dadu lalu goreng hingga kekuningan. Cuci, potong2 pak choy, pisahkan batang dengan daunnya. Campur rata kecap ikan, saus tiram, saus soya, gula. Sisihkan semua.
  • Tumis bawang putih, cabai & salam dengan minyak+mentega di atas api sedang. Masukkan campuran saus & tauco, aduk rata. Tuangi kaldu/air, masak hingga mendidih. Masukkan batang pak choy & tahu goreng. Masak hingga batang empuk tetapi masih renyah. Masukkan daun pak choy & tomat, bumbui dengan lada & garam secukupnya. Tuangi larutan maizena, aduk & masak hingga saus mengental.

  • 500 gr Bok choy, 1 Tofu, 1 Tomato-sliced, 1 Bay leaf
  • 2 Garlic cloves-minced, 150 ml Chicken broth/Water
  • ½ tbsp Fish sauce, ½ tbsp Oyster sauce, 1 tsp Sugar
  • 2 tsp Corn starch+1 tbsp Water, 1 tbsp Soy sauce
  • 2 Red chilies-sliced, 2 tbsp Oil+1 tbsp Butter, Salt
  • 1-2 tbsp Fermented soy beans (optional), Pepper

  • Preparation: Dice tofu & then fry them until golden brown. Rinse & slice bok choy. Separate the bok choy stems from leaves. Combine sugar with all sauces to dissolve. Set all aside.
  • Sauté minced garlic, chilies & bay leaf with oil & butter over medium heat. Stir in the sauce mixture & fermented soy beans. Pour in broth/water & bring it to a boil. Put in bok choy stems & tofu; cook until the stems soften but still crisp. Add in bok choy leaves & tomato. Season with enough salt & pepper. Pour in corn starch mixture; cook & stir until the broth thickens.

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