

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Es Cendol (Indonesian Green Noodle Ice)

In Indonesian & English

  • 60 gr Tepung beras, 15 gr Tepung tapioka
  • 1 sm Gula, 1 baskom Air es, Es serut
  • 75 gr Tepung hunkwee*, 1 st Garam
  • 75 gr Pandan-iris2+650 ml Air **
  • Tape Ketan hitam (opsional)
  • Nangka-potong2 (opsional)
Bahan santan:
  • 300 Santan, ¼ st Garam, 1 Pandan
Bahan sirup gula:
  • 250 gr Gula jawa-sisir, ½ st Garam
  • 2 Pandan, 2 cm Jahe-geprek, 250 ml Air

Cara membuat
  • Cendol: Blender pandan & air, saring dng saringan halus, ambil airnya lalu sisihkan. Campur rata tepung2, garam & gula. Tuangi air pandan, aduk hingga tak bergumpal. Masak adonan dengan api sedang-kecil sambil terus diaduk hingga adonan kental, meletup2 & terlihat translusen, angkat. Letakkan saringan cendol di atas baskom berisi air es dengan jarak cukup jauh dari baskom agar cendol yang disaring bisa jatuh. Tuang adonan ke saringan cendol, tekan2. Biarkan cendol di dalam air es ± 15 menit agar mengeras di dalam air tersebut. Saring, sisihkan
  • Sirup Gula: Didihkan air, jahe, pandan. Masukkan gula jawa & garam, masak sampai mengental. Angkat, biarkan sampai mendingin.
  • Santan: Rebus santan, pandan & garam di atas api kecil sambil diaduk. Begitu mendidih matikan api. Angkat, biarkan sampai mendingin.
  • Taruh es serut di gelas tinggi, tuang sirup gula, beri cendol, santan, tape ketan hitam & nangka di atasnya.
  • * Dapat diganti dengan tepung kentang
  • ** Dapat diganti dengan 650 ml air dicampur dengan ekstrak pandan secukupnya.

  • 75 gr Mung bean flour*, 1 tsp Salt
  • 60 gr Rice flour, 15 gr Tapioca flour
  • 75 gr Pandan leaves+650 ml Water **
  • 1 tbsp Sugar, a bowl of iced Water
  • Shaved ice, Jackfruit-sliced (optional)
  • Fermented black sticky rice (optional)
Coconut milk ingredients:
  • 300 Coconut milk, ¼ tsp Salt, 1 Pandan leaf
Coconut/Palm sugar syrup:
  • 250 gr Coconut/Palm sugar-shaved
  • 2 Pandan leaves-knotted, ½ tsp Salt
  • 250 ml Water, 2 cm Ginger-bruised

  • Cendol/Green noodle: Process pandan leaves & water in a blender. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve; set aside. Combine all flour, salt & sugar well. Stir in pandan water until there are no lumps. Cook & stir the mixture constantly over medium-low heat until it's bubbling, translucent & thicken. Place a cendol sieve (metal sieve with big holes/steamer basket/potato ricer/spƤtzle press) over a bowl of iced water; give enough space between the sieve & bowl. Scoop in a spoon of the batter into the sieve & then press/push it through the holes into ice bath to form thick short noodles. Soak noodles in iced water for ~ 15 minutes (noodles became solid/harden). Drain & set aside.
  • Coconut sugar syrup: Boil water, ginger & pandan leaves. Add in the coconut sugar & salt. Let it simmer until the syrup thickens. Set aside & let it stand to cool down.
  • Coconut milk: Simmer the coconut milk, pandan leaf & salt over low heat; stirring constantly. Turn off the heat right after coconut milk starts to boil. Set aside & let it stand to cool down.
  • Layer the ingredients in a tall glass; starting with  shaved ice, pour in some sugar syrup. Add in the noodles & fermented sticky rice; pour in some coconut milk & top with the jackfruit.
  • * Mung bean flour substitute: potato starch
  • ** Pandan leave substitute: Mix 650 ml water with few drops of pandan extract.

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