

Monday, May 5, 2014

Siomay Dim Sum (Chinese Steamed Pork & Shrimp Dumplings/Siu Mai)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 20 lembar Kulit pangsit-potong jadi lingkaran 8 cm **
  • 100 gr Udang kupas besar-bersihkan punggung
  • 200 gr Daging babi *, 2 Jamur hitam/Shitake
  • 2 st Minyak wijen, Air campur sedikit garam
  • 1 cm Wortel-cincang halus, Air panas secukupnya
  • Bagian putih dari 2 daun bawang-iris halus
  • 1½ st Jahe cincang halus
Bahan perendam:
  • 3 st Air, ½ st Garam, sejumput Lada bubuk
  • ¼ st Gula, 1½ st Saus soya, ¼ st Baking soda
  • 1 st Maizena, 1 st Angciu/Shaoxing wine

Cara membuat
  • Potong batang jamur kmd rendam di air panas ± 10 mnt (sampai empuk). Peras airnya kmd ptg kecil2, sisihkan. Rendam udang di air garam selama 2-3 mnt kmd keringkan. Ptg udang kecil2 kmd cincang, sisihkan. Ptg2 daging btk dadu kmd cincang kecil2.
  • Isi: Aduk rata daging, jahe & jamur di mangkuk. Beri semua bahan perendam, aduk searah 2-3 mnt sampai menyatu. Mskkan udang, daun bawang & minyak wijen. Aduk perlahan sampai menyatu. Tutup mangkuk & simpan di kulkas selama ¾-1 jam.
  • -   Pembentukan: Lkkan 2 st (± 15 gr) adonan isi di tengah kulit pangsit. Tekuk kulit ke arah sisi tepi2 adonan isi, btk spt mangkuk. Perlahan tekan kulit kearah adonan isi utk merapatkankan, biarkan bagian atas adonan isi tetap terbuka. Lekuk2an kulit dng cara menekan2nya di beberapa bagian ke arah adonan isi menggunakan ujung gagang sendok. Tekan permukaan adonan isi dng punggung sendok utk memadatkan adonan. Peras perlahan adonan pada area sekeliling pertengahan tingginya utk membentuk pinggang. Tekan bagian bawah adonan utk meratakan dasar. Ltkkan cincangan wortel di bagian atas adonan isi. Ulangi prosedur utk sisa adonan.
  •  Panaskan kukusan sampai airnya mendidih dng api besar. Buat bbrp lubang di kertas roti agar uap dpt keluar, kmd minyaki kertas roti secukupnya. Alasi dasar wadah kukusan dng kertas roti tsb. Tata siu mai di atasnya, beri jarak diantaranya ± 1½ cm. Kukus siu mai selama 15-20 mnt.
  • Dapat diganti dng daging ayam.
  • ** Untuk membuat kulit pangsit sendiri, Klik di link ini: Pangsit Goreng/Rebus

  • 20 Wonton wrappers-cut into 8 cm circles **
  • 100 gr peeled & deveined large Shrimps
  • 200 gr Pork loin*, 2 Chinese black mushrooms
  • 2 tsp Sesame oil, enough lightly salted Water
  • 1 cm Carrot-minced, enough hot Water
  • White part of 2 Green onion-thinly sliced
  • 1½ tsp minced Ginger
Marinade ingredients:
  • 1½ tsp light Soy sauce, 1 tsp Corn starch
  • ¼ tsp Sugar, 1 tsp Shaoxing wine
  • ¼ tsp Baking soda, 3 tsp Water
  • ½ tsp Salt, a pinch of ground Pepper

  • Cut off mushroom stems; soak it in hot water until softened (~ 10 min). Squeeze out any excess water & then cut mushrooms into small pieces; set aside. Soak the shrimp in salted water for 2-3 minutes; pat dry. Cut the shrimps into small pieces & then coarsely chopped; set aside. Dice cut the meat & then chopped it into small pieces.
  • Filling: In a bowl, combine meat, ginger & mushroom well. Put in all of marinade ingredients; mix them in one direction for 2-3 minutes until they bind together. Add in the shrimps, green onion & sesame oil; stir them gently to combine. Cover the bowl & refrigerate for ¾-1 hour.
  • Wrapping procedure: Put 2 tsp (~ 15 gr) of filling in the center of a wrapper. Fold up the wrapped along the filling sides; shape it into a cup. Gently squeeze to seal the wrapper sides (leave the upper side of filling uncover). Pleats the excess wrapper with the handle of a spoon. Press down the filling surface with the back of a spoon to compact the filling. Gently squeeze the dumping on the waist area to create a curve. Press down the dumpling bottom to flattened. Top the dumpling fillings with some minced carrot. Repeat the procedure for the rest of wrapper & filling.
  • Heat a steamer until the water is boiling over high heat. Make some holes randomly in a baking paper to allow the steam to pass through & then lightly grease it. Line the base of steamer tray with the baking paper. Place dumplings ½ inch apart on the steamer tray. Steam for 15-20 min.
  • * You can also substitute the pork with chicken fillet.
  • ** For making homemade wonton wrapper, click on the link: Fried/Boiled Wonton

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