

Monday, May 5, 2014

Siomay Goreng (Fried Siu Mai/Dumplings)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 38-40 lbr Kulit pangsit-potong jadi lingkaran 8 cm*, 2 st Jahe cincang halus
  • 250 gr Udang kupas-bersihkan punggungAir+garam-aduk, ½ st Lada bubuk
  • 250 gr Daging ayam/babi, 1 st Angciu/Shaoxing wine (opsional), Air panas
  • 3 Jamur hitam/Shitake, 50 gr Bengkuang-parut halus1 sm Minyak wijen
  • 2 Daun bawang-iris halus, 1 Wortel kecil-parut halus, ½ st Kaldu bubuk
  • 4 Bawang putih & 2 sm Bawang goreng-haluskan1 st Garam, 1 st Gula
  • 2 st Kecap asin, 150 gr Tepung tapioka/maizena, 2 Putih telurMinyak
Saus kacang: (alternatif:saus sambal)
  • 250 gr Kacang goreng, 2 Daun jeruk, 1 st Air jeruk limau300 ml Air
  • 3 Bawang putih & 3 Cabai merah-haluskan, 25 gr Gula jawa, Garam

Cara membuat
  • Potong batang jamur kmd rendam di air panas ± 10 mnt (sampai empuk). Peras airnya kmd ptg kecil2, sisihkan. Rendam udang di air garam selama 2-3 mnt kmd keringkan. Ptg udang kecil2 kmd cincang, sisihkan. Ptg2 daging/ayam btk dadu kmd cincang halus.
  • Isi: Tumis daging ½ matang, angkat. Aduk rata daging, jahe, bawang2 & jamur di mangkuk. Beri garam, gula, lada, kaldu, kecap asin, angciu, aduk sampai menyatu. Mskkan udang & minyak wijen. Aduk sampai menyatu. Beri bengkuang, dn bawang, wortel & telur. Campur rata. Mskkan tp tapioka, uleni hingga menyatu. Tutup mangkuk & simpan di kulkas selama ¾-1 jam.
  • Pembentukan: Lkkan 2 st (± 15 gr) adonan isi di tengah kulit pangsit. Tekuk kulit ke arah sisi tepi2 adonan isi, btk spt mangkuk. Perlahan tekan kulit kearah adonan isi utk merapatkankan, biarkan bagian atas adonan isi tetap terbuka. Lekuk2an kulit dng cara menekan2nya di beberapa bagian ke arah adonan isi menggunakan ujung gagang sendok. Tekan permukaan adonan isi dng punggung sendok utk memadatkan adonan. Peras perlahan adonan pada area sekeliling pertengahan tingginya utk membentuk pinggang. Tekan bagian bawah adonan utk meratakan dasar. Ulangi prosedur utk sisa adonan.
  • Panaskan minyak yang banyak di wajan/pan, goreng siomay hingga kuning kecoklatan.
  •  Saus kacang: Tumbuk/Blender kacang tetapi jangan terlalu halus. Tumis bawang pth & cabai hingga harum. Mskkan air & daun jeruk, didihkan. Beri kacang, garam & gula. Masak sambil sesekali diaduk hingga saus mengental & berminyak. Angkat, kucuri air jrk limau, aduk rata.
  • Atur siomay di atas piring saji. Sajikan dng saus kacang atau saus sambal.
  • Untuk membuat kulit pangsit sendiri, klik di link ini: Pangsit Goreng/Rebus

  • 38-40 Wonton wrappers-cut into 8 cm circle*, 2 tsp minced Ginger
  • 250 gr peeled & deveined large Shrimps, 3 Chinese black mushrooms
  • 250 gr Chicken fillet/Pork loin, 1 tsp Shaoxing wine/Rice- (optional)
  • 2 Egg whites, 1 tsp Sugar, enough lightly salted Water, hot Water
  • 2 Green onions-thinly sliced, ½ tsp Broth powder, 1 tbsp Sesame oil
  • 50 gr Jicama-grated, 1 baby Carrot-grated, 4 Garlic cloves-grind
  • 2 tbsp fried Shallots-grind, ½ tsp ground White pepper, enough Oil
  • 150 gr Tapioca flour/Corn starch, 1 tsp Salt, 2 tsp Salty soy sauce
Peanut sauce: (alternative: chili sauce)
  • 300 ml Water, 2 Kaffir lime leaves, 3 Garlic cloves-grind
  • 250 gr fried Peanuts3 Red chilies-grind, enough Salt
  • 1 tsp Kaffir lime/lime juice25 gr Palm sugar

  • Cut off mushroom stems; soak it in hot water until softened (~ 10 min). Squeeze out any excess water & then cut mushrooms into small pieces; set aside. Soak the shrimp in salted water for 2-3 minutes; pat dry. Cut the shrimps into small pieces & then coarsely chopped; set aside. Dice cut the meat & then chopped it into small pieces.
  • Filling: Sauté the meat until ½ cooked; remove from the heat. In a bowl, combine the meat, ginger, mushrooms, ground garlic & shallots well. Season with salt, sugar, pepper, broth powder, soy sauce, wine; stir well. Add in the shrimps & sesame oil; mix them well. Stir in green onions, egg whites, grated Jicama & carrot. Put in the tapioca flour; knead until they bind together. Cover the bowl & refrigerate for ¾-1 hour.
  • Wrapping procedure: Put 2 tsp (~ 15 gr) of filling in the center of a wrapper. Fold up the wrapped along the filling sides; shape it into a cup. Gently squeeze to seal the wrapper sides (leave the upper side of filling uncover). Pleats the excess wrapper with the handle of a spoon. Press down the filling surface with the back of a spoon to compact the filling. Gently squeeze the dumping on the waist area to create a curve. Press down the dumpling bottom to flattened. Repeat the procedure for the rest of wrapper & filling.
  • Heat a lot of oil in a deep pan/wok. Deep fry the dumplings until they are golden brown.
  • Peanut sauce: Grind the peanuts until they are fairly smooth but still a bit chunky. Sauté ground garlic & chilies until fragrant. Add in water & kaffir lime leaves; bring it to a boil. Put in ground peanuts, salt & palm sugar. Cook until the sauce thickens & greasy; stir occasionally. Remove from the heat; stir in kaffir lime juice.
  • Place the fried dumplings in serving plates. Serve with the peanut sauce or just with chili sauce.
  • For making homemade wonton wrapper, click on the link: Fried/Boiled Wonton

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