

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Pancake Kentang Jerman (German Potato Pancakes/Kartoffelpuffer)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 1 kg Kentang-kupas & cuci, Lada hitam bubuk, Pala bubuk
  • 3 Telur-kocok, 1 Bawang bombay sedang-cincang halus
  • 4-5 sm Havermout/serelia, Minyak sayur/canola, Garam
  • ½ st Thyme, 2 sm Peterseli cincang
Saus apel:
  • 175 ml Air, 4 Apel, 50 gr Gula, ½ st Kayu manis bubuk
  • 1-2 st Air jeruk lemon/nipis, 2 strip Kulit jrk lemon
Saus krim bawang putih:
  • 125 gr Krim asam/Yoghurt tawarLada bubuk, Garam
  • 125 gr Cream cheese, 1 sm Peterseli/Daun lokio cincang
  • 1 st Air jeruk nipis, 1-1½ Bawang putih-cincang halus
  • ½ st Minyak sayur

Cara membuat
  • Parut halus ketang dengan parutan keju/sayuran, gunakan lubang parutan yang terkecilnya. Tuang kentang parut ke dalam selembar kain saring/lap bersih. Siapkan mangkuk, peras2 keras hingga sebanyak mungkin cairan kentang tertampung di dalam mangkuk (kentang sekering mungkin). Biarkan cairan di dalam mangkuk selama 2-3 menit. Anda akan melihat bahwa cairan terbagi 2 yaitu: pati kentang, yang terlihat lebih kental, terletak di dasar mangkuk & cairan bening yang terletak di atas. Buang cairan bening tersebut dari mangkuk, biarkan pati kentang tetap di dalamnya. Masukkan kentang parut kering ke dalam mangkuk berisi pati kentang. Beri telur, havermout, garam, lada & pala lalu aduk rata. Diamkan adonan 10-15 menit sampai cairan sedikit terserap oleh havermout. Masukkan bawang bombay cincang, peterseli & thyme, aduk rata.
  • Saus krim bawang putih: Campur rata krim asam & cream cheese. Beri bawang putih & peterseli/lokio, aduk rata. Masukkan air nipis & minyak, aduk hingga adonan lembut. Bumbui dengan garam & lada.
  • Saus apel: Kupas, buang bagian tengah apel yang keras lalu potong apel kecil2. Masukkan ke panci dengan bahan2 saus apel lainnya. Tutup panci, masak di api sedang-kecil sampai empuk (± 20 menit). Angkat dari api, buang kulit jeruknya. Biarkan mendingin, haluskan dengan garpu/alat penghalus kentang.
  • Panaskan minyak secukupnya di pan anti lengket dengan api sedang. Masukkan per 1 sm munjung adonan ke pan, tekan perlahan dengan spatula untuk meratakan pancake. Goreng sampai kuning kecokelatan. Balik, goreng juga sisi tersebut sampai kuning kecokelatan & crispy. Tiriskan di kertas roti. Hidangkan panas2 dengan saus apel atau saus krim bawang putih.

  • 1 kg starchy Potatoes-peeled & rinsed, Canola/Vegetable oil
  • ½ tsp Thyme, 3 Eggs-beaten, 1 medium Onion-finely chopped 
  • 2 tbsp chopped Parsleyground Nutmeg, ground black Pepper
  • 4-5 tbsp Rolled oats, Salt
  • 4 Apples, ½ tsp ground Cinnamon, 1-2 tsp Lemon juice
  • 175 ml Water, 50 gr Sugar, 2 strips Lemon peel
Creamy garlic dip:
  • 125 gr Sour cream/plain Yoghurt, 125 gr Cream cheese, Salt
  • 1-1½ Garlic cloves-minced½ tsp Vegetable oil, ground Pepper
  • 1 tbsp chopped Parsley/Chives, 1 tsp Lemon juice

  • Grate the potatoes finely with a cheese/vegetable grater; use the finest setting/side of your grater. Put grated potatoes in a clean cheese/dish cloth & wring/squeeze out excess moisture as much as possible into a bowl. Leave the liquid to settle in the bowl for 2-3 minutes. You will find that there are 2 parts of liquid on the bowl; the starch, which is thicker in appearance & sits at the bottom of the bowl, whereas the watery liquid rises to the top. Pour the watery liquid out of the bowl, leaving the potato starch to sit at the bottom. Put potatoes into the bowl with starch. Stir in the eggs, oats & seasoning. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes to let oats soak up the liquid of the dough a bit. Put in chopped onion, parsley & thyme; combine them well.
  • Creamy garlic dip: Mix sour cream & cream cheese well. Stir in garlic & parsley. Add in lemon juice & oil to make a smooth creamy texture. Season with enough salt & pepper to taste.
  • Apple sauce: Peeled, cored & then chop the apples. Put them into a pot together with other ingredients. Cover & then cook over medium-low heat until the apples are soft (~ 20 minutes). Remove from the heat; discard lemon peel. Allow to cool a bit & then crush it with potato masher or fork.
  • Heat some oil in a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Drop each 1 spoonful of batter into the pan; flatten lightly with a spatula. Fry until golden brown; flip it over. Fry also the other side until golden brown & crisp. Drain on paper towel. Serve while they are still hot with some apple sauce or creamy garlic dip.

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