

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Siomay Bandung (Steamed Fish Dumplings Bandung Style)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 20 lembar Kulit pangsit-potong jadi lingkaran 8 cm *
  • 2 Telur rebus-belah, 2 Tahu-potong segitiga
  • 2 Kentang sedang, 2 Pare kecil-belah & buang biji
  • 4 Daun kol lebar, Air & Minyak secukupnya
  • Garam+Bawang putih+Ketumbar bubuk+Air secukupnya
Bahan isi:
  • 300 gr Ayam cincang, 1 Telur-kocok, 1 st Gula
  • 300 gr Ikan tenggiri/Udang-cincang halus
  • 200 gr Tepung tapioka, 50 ml Air, 2 st Garam
  • 2 st Jahe cincang, 2 st Minyak wijen
  • 4 Bawang merah & 2 Bawang putih-iris2
  • 75 gr Labu siam-parut halus, ½ st Lada bubuk
  • 2 Daun bawang-iris halus1 sm Saus soya
Bahan saus kacang:
  • 250 gr Kacang tanah-goreng, 300 ml Air
  • 3 Bawang putih-tumis, 2 cm Kencur, Garam
  • 3 Cabai merah & 4 Rawit-tumis, 2 Daun jeruk
  • 4 Kemiri-sangrai, 25 gr Gula merah
  • Kecap manis, Saus tomat/sambal, Jeruk limo

Cara membuat
  • Persiapan: Rendam tahu dlm larutan air+garam+ketumbar+baw.pth selama 20 mnt kmd kukus sebentar/goreng hingga berkulit. Kukus kentang ½ matang kmd belah 2. Kerok bagian tengah tahu, kentang & pare hingga berbk spt mangkuk. Keluarkan bagian kuning dari telur rebus. Tipiskan bagian yg terkeras dari tulang daun kol kmd rebus hingga lemas saja, tiriskan.
  • Isi: Tumis bawang2. Angkat, campur dng semua bhn isi (kecuali daun bawang & labu). Blender hingga lembut. Keluarkan dari blender, beri dn bawang & labu siam, aduk rata.
  • Pembentukan: Lkkan 2 st adonan isi di tengah kulit pangsit. Tekuk kulit ke arah sisi tepi2 adonan isi, btk spt mangkuk. Perlahan tekan kulit kearah adonan isi utk merapatkankan, biarkan bagian atas adonan isi tetap terbuka. Lekuk2an kulit dng cara menekan2nya di beberapa bagian ke arah adonan isi menggunakan ujung gagang sendok. Tekan permukaan adonan isi dng punggung sendok utk memadatkan adonan. Tekan bagian bawah adonan utk meratakan dasar. Mskkan juga adonan isi ke dlm telur, kentang, tahu & pare. Ltkkan adonan isi di tengah daun kol (jumlah bahan isian tergantung besar ukuran kol). Lipat/Gulung kol agar menutupi bahan isian dng rapi.
  • Panaskan kukusan. Olesi dasar wadah kukusan dng minyak agar siomay tidak lengket. Atur siomay di wadah, beri jarak diantaranya ± 1½ cm agar tidak saling melekat. Kukus hingga matang (± 20 mnt). Klrkan dari kukusan. Kukus telur, tahu, pare, kol & kentang hingga matang.
  • Saus Kacang: Tumbuk/Blender kacang tetapi jangan terlalu halus, sisihkan. Haluskan cabai2, bawang, kemiri & kencur. Masak bumbu kacang & bumbu halus tsb dng air, dn jeruk, garam & gula hingga mengental & berminyak. Angkat dari api, buang dn jrk.
  • Atur siomay bersama kol, telur, kentang, tahu & pare isi di piring saji, siram dng saus kacang & beri perasan air jeruk limo. Sajikan dng kecap manis & saus tomat/sambal.
  • Untuk membuat kulit pangsit sendiri, klik di link ini: Pangsit Goreng/Rebus

  • 20 Wonton wrappers-cut into 8 cm circles**
  • 2 boiled Eggs-halved, 2 Tofu-triangle cut
  • 2 small Bitter gourds-halved & seeded
  • 2 medium Potatoes, enough Water & Oil
  • 4 wide Cabbage leaves
  • Salt+ground Garlic+Coriander+Water
  • 300 gr ground Chicken, 1 Egg-beaten, 50 ml Water
  • 300 gr Spanish mackerels fillet *, 2 tsp Sesame oil
  • 75 gr Chayote-grated, 200 gr Tapioca flour
  • 2 Green onions-sliced, 2 tsp minced Ginger
  • 4 Shallots & 2 Garlic cloves-sliced, 1 tsp Sugar
  • 1 tsp Soy sauce, ½ tsp ground Pepper, 2 tsp Salt
Peanut sauce:
  • 250 gr Peanuts-fried, 2 cm Lesser galangal
  • 3 Garlic cloves-sautéed, 25 gr Palm sugar
  • 3 Red chilies+4 Bird`s eye chilies-sautéed
  • 300 ml Water, 4 Candlenuts-toasted
  • 2 Kaffir lime leaves, enough Salt
  • Sweet soy sauce, Chili/Tomato sauce, Kaffir lime juice

  • Preparation: Soak tofu in enough salt+garlic+coriander+water mixture for 20 min; then steam/fry them. Steam potatoes just until ½ cooked; then halve. Scoop out center of the tofu, potatoes & bitter gourds with a teaspoon to form them into a cup. Remove the egg yolks from boiled eggs. Trim the cabbage thickest center stem (hard spine) & then cook for a while just until softened; drain. Chopped the fish/shrimps, set aside.
  • Filling: Sauté shallots & garlic; remove from the heat. Put all of the filling ingredients (with the exception of green onions & chayote) in a food processor/blender. Process until finely ground. Remove from the blender; stir in the green onions & chayote.
  • Wrapping procedure: Put 2 tsp of filling in the center of a wrapper. Fold up the wrapped along the filling sides; shape it into a cup. Gently squeeze to seal the wrapper sides (leave the upper side of filling uncover). Pleats the excess wrapper with the handle of a spoon. Press down the filling surface with the back of a spoon to compact the filling. Press down the dumpling bottom to flattened. Put also some filling into the eggs, potatoes, tofu & bitter gourds cups. Place some filling in the center of cabbage leaves (the amount depends on the cabbage size). Wrap cabbage leaves to cover the filling neatly.
  • Heat a steamer. Lightly grease the base of steamer tray. Place dumplings ~ 1½ cm apart on the steamer tray. Steam until they are cooked (~ 20 min); remove dumplings from the steamer. Steam also the eggs, tofu, biter gourd, cabbage rolls & potatoes.
  • Peanut sauce: Grind the peanuts until they are fairly smooth but still a bit chunky; set aside. Finely grind the chilies, garlic, candlenuts & lesser galangal. Cook ground peanuts & spices with water, kaffir lime leaves, salt & sugar until the sauce thickens & greasy. Remove from the heat & discard the lime leaves.
  • Place some steamed dumplings, rolled cabbage, egg, potato, tofu & bitter gourd in serving plates. Pour over some peanut sauce & then sprinkle kaffir lime juice on top. Serve the dish with sweet soy sauce & chili/tomato sauce.
  • * You can substitute it with other white fish such as cod, featherback, mahi-mahi or also possible to use medium size shrimps.
  • ** For making homemade wonton wrapper, please click on this link: Fried/Boiled Wonton

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