

Friday, May 16, 2014

Lo Mie/Lor Mee (Braised Noodles in Thick Broth)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 500 gr Mie kuning besar, 100 gr Toge, Air
  • 250 gr Bihun, 2 batang Seledri/Daun bawang-iris
  • 100 gr Otak2-potong2/Udang sedang-goreng
  • 2 Bawang putih-cincang & goreng, Bawang goreng
  • Ngohiong Roll-iris2, 6 Pangsit Goreng
Bahan kuah:
  • 700 ml Kaldu-sisa merebus daging, 3 Telur-kocok
  • 700 ml Air, 175-200 ml Cuka hitam cina *, Lada
  • 65 gr Maizena+225 ml Air-larutkan, Garam
Bahan telur & daging kecap:
  • 500 gr Daging perut babi-potong2 *, 750 ml Air
  • 2 lembar Kembang tahu kering, 3 cm Jahe-iris
  • 4 Telur rebus-kupas, 1 st Bumbu ngohiong
  • 225 ml Saus soya pekat, 5 Bawang putih-iris2
  • 1 Gula batu ukuran sedang (diameter ± 4 cm)

Cara membuat
  • Telur & daging kecap: Didihkan air, bawang putih, saus soya pekat, gula batu & bumbu ngohiong di panci. Masukkan daging (tambahkan air jika air tidak cukup utk menutupi daging). Masak sampai daging empuk ± 15 menit (tergantung ketebalan daging). Setelah empuk, mskkan kembang tahu & telur, masak 10 menit. Tutup panci & biarkan di dalam pot 15-30 menit. Angkat telur & daging dari panci. Belah telur & iris2 daging, sisihkan. Kaldu terasa lebih enak bila dimasak sehari sebelumnya.
  • Kuah: Di panci yang sama, tuang 700 ml air uk mengencerkan kaldu. Tuang cuka hitam secara bertahap (jika ragu2 apakah akan terlalu asam). Didihkan kuah. Tuangkan telur bertahap sambil aduk2 melingkar secepatnya agar kuah menjadi spt sup telur. Tuang larutan maizena bertahap sambil terus diaduk hingga kuah mengental. Bumbui dengan garam & lada. Angkat & sisihkan.
  • Didihkan air secukupnya dengan beberapa tetes minyak. Masak sebentar secara terpisah: toge selama ± 1 menit, bihun ± 3 menit & mie kuning ± 3 menit. Tiriskan & sisihkan.
  • Taruh mie, bihun & toge di mangkuk saji. Tuang kuah sampai menutup mie. Beri telur, daging, pangsit, ngohiong & otak2. Taburi bawang putih cincang, seledri & bawang goreng. Sajikan dengan sambal.
  • * Daging babi dpt diganti dengan dada ayam+tulang. Cuka hitam cina dapat diganti dengan mencampur: 25 ml cuka Balsamic, 15 ml Cuka beras, 135 ml Air.
Adaptasi dari resep Ken Goh, dng sedikit modifikasi. Terima kasih Ken..:)

Bila hendak membuat sendiri, klik pada link untuk melihat resep:
Ngohiong Roll & Pangsit Goreng/Rebus.

  • 100 gr Fish cake-sliced/Shrimps-fried, 6 Fried Wonton
  • 2 stalks Asian celery/Green onion-sliced, fried Shallots
  • Chinese Meatloaf-sliced, 100 gr Beansprouts, Water
  • 2 Garlic cloves-minced & fried250 gr Rice noodles
  • 500 gr thick Yellow noodles
Gravy ingredients:
  • 700 ml Water, 700 ml Meat broth-from braising, Salt
  • 3 Eggs-beaten, 175-200 ml Chinese black vinegar *
  • 65 gr Corn starch+225 ml Water-diluted, Pepper
Braised eggs & meat ingredients:
  • 500 gr Pork belly meat *-sliced750 ml Water
  • 2 sheets Dried bean curd1 tsp 5-spice powder
  • 5 Garlic cloves-sliced4 boiled Eggs-peeled
  • 3 cm Ginger-sliced, 225 ml Dark soy sauce
  • 1 medium size Rock sugar (diameter 4 cm)

  • Braised eggs & meat: In a pot, boil water, garlic, ginger, dark soya sauce, rock sugar & 5-spice powder. Add in the meat (add some more water if it`s not enough to cover the meat). Let it simmer until the meat soften (~ 15 minutes-depends on the thickness of your meat). After the meat soften, put in bean curd & boiled eggs. Let it simmer for another 10 minutes. Close the lid & let it rest in the pot for 15-30 minutes. Remove the eggs & meat from pot; halve the eggs & slice meat. Set it aside. The broth will be tastier if you braised the meat & eggs 1 day in advance.
  • Gravy: In the same pot, pour in 700 ml water to dilute the meat broth. Gradually put in the black vinegar (if you are concern it may be too sour for your taste buds). Bring it to a boil. After it is boiling, gradually add in the eggs; stir in a circular motion as fast as possible. It will become an egg drop/flower soup. Gradually pour in corn starch mixture; stir the gravy constantly. Season with enough salt & pepper. Remove from the heat & set it aside.
  • In a pot, bring some water & a few drops of cooking oil to boil. Blanch the bean sprout (~ 1 minutes), rice vermicelli (~ 3 minutes) & yellow noodles (~ 3 minutes) separately. Drain & set aside.
  • Place yellow noodles, rice noodles & bean sprouts into serving bowls. Pour in the gravy, just enough to cover them. Arrange braised egg & meat, wonton, Chinese meatloaf & fish cakes on top. Sprinkle with 1 tsp of minced garlic, celery & fried shallots. Served it with chili sauce/sliced chilies.
  • * You can substitute the pork belly with chicken breast+bones. Chinese black vinegar can be substitute with mixing 25 ml Balsamic vinegar, 15 ml Rice vinegar, 135 ml Water.
Adapted from Ken Goh recipe, with a minor modification. Thank you Ken..:)

Please click on the recipe links for homemade:
Chinese Ngohiong/Chinese Meatloaf & Fried Wonton.

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