

Friday, May 23, 2014

Sup Krim Asparagus (Creamy Asparagus Soup)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 500 gr Asparagus, 35 gr Mentega1 Bawang bombay sedang-cincang
  • 50 ml Krim, 600 ml Kaldu ayam, 1 sm Peterseli cincang100 ml Air
  • 2 sm White wine, Garam & Lada bubukperasan Air jeruk lemon
  • 1 batang daun Thyme/1 st thyme kering1 Bawang putih-cacah

Cara membuat
  • Potong bagian yg keras dari ujung bawah asparagus & buang. Potong ujung atas asparagus (± 4 cm dari atas). Potong2 sisa asparagus setiap ± 1½ cm.
  • Lelehkan mentege di panci dengan api sedang. Masukkan bawang bombay cincang & bawang putih. Tumis hingga harum & layu (± 5 menit). Masukkan potongan2 kecil asparagus. Bumbui dengan  garam & lada secukupnya. Masak selama ± 5 menit. Beri kaldu, air & thyme. Besarkan api, masak sampai mendidih. Kecilkan api, tutup panci & masak hingga asparagus empuk (15-20 menit). Tuang wine & aduk rata.
  • Dengan menggunakan blender/food processor, proses sup sampai benar2 halus. Saring sup & kembalikan ke panci. Nyalakan api ke sedang, masukkan potongan2 ujung atas asparagus & krim ke dalam sup. Masak sampai ujung asparagus tersabut empuk (2-4 menit). Beri peterseli cincang & air lemon. Cicipi & tambahi garam/lada jika perlu. Hidangkan sup selagi hangat dengan sepotong roti misalnya (klik pada link berikut untuk melihat resepnya): Roti Jalapeño KejuRoti Olive à la MediteraniaRoti Serealia MaduRoti Keju & Bawang BombayRoti Tanpa Diuleni atau Roti Rosemary & Bawang Putih

  • 500 gr Asparagus, 35 gr Butter, a squeeze of fresh Lemon juice
  • 50 ml Cream, 600 ml Chicken stock, 1 medium Onion-chopped
  • 2 tbsp White wine, Salt & Pepper1 Garlic clove-minced
  • 1 tbsp chopped Parsley, 100 ml Water, 1 sprig of fresh Thyme

  • Cut off the woody stem bottoms from each spear & remove. Trim the tips of asparagus (4 cm from the top). Chop remaining asparagus stalks into ~ 1½ cm pieces.
  • Melt butter in a pot over medium heat. Put in chopped onions & garlic; cook until fragrant & translucent (~ 5 minutes). Put in asparagus pieces. Sprinkle with enough salt & pepper to taste. Cook for another ~ 5 minutes. Add in the broth, water & thyme. Increase the heat & bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat; cover with the pot lid & bring it to a simmer until the asparagus are tender (15-20 minutes). Pour in the white wine & stir to combine.
  • With a blender/food processor, puree the soup until it`s really smooth. Press the puréed soup through a sieve back into the pot. Turn the heat to medium; add the asparagus tips & cream into the soup. Cook just until the tips are tender (2-4 min). Put in chopped parsley, lemon juice & adjust the seasoning to taste. Serve the asparagus soup warm with a slice of bread, i.e. (click on the link for the recipe): No-Knead Jalapeño Cheese BreadMediterranean Olive BreadHoney Mix Oats BreadNo-Kned Cheese & Onion BreadNo-Knead Bread or Rosemary Garlic Bread

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