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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Roti Olive à la Mediterania (Mediterranean Olive Bread)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 550 gr Terigu protein tinggi+ekstra utk taburan, 1 st Gula
  • 1 sm Olive oil+ekstra utk olesan, 1¼ st Thyme kering
  • 475 ml Air, ½ sm Cuka, 1¼ st Ragi instan, 1½ st Garam
Campur semua bahan di mangkuk:
  • 60 gr Olive hijau isi-belah 2, 80 gr Olive hitam-iris2
  • 60 gr Olive kalamata tanpa biji-belah 2, Parutan kulit 1 lemon

Cara membuat
  • Tuang air & cuka di mangkuk besar, beri garam, gula, ragi, thyme, olive oil. Aduk rata. Mskkan terigu & campuran olive ke dlmnya. Aduk rata. Sisir semua sisi dari mangkuk, termsk bagian dasarnya utk memastikan terigu tercampur dng baik. Bulatkan adonan, tutupi dng plastik wrap. Biarkan hingga mengembang 2-8 jam (sampai adonan berukuran 2x nya dari adonan asal).
  • Buka plastik, aduk cepat adonan utk melepaskan gas yg terbentuk lalu bulatkan adonan. Sisir semua sisi mangkuk. Taburi terigu di atas adonan & dipinggiran antara adonan & mangkuk krn adonan ini sangat lengket. Aduk adonan ke arah terigu hingga tersaput rata. Tepungi meja kerja & tangan. Keluarkan adonan dr mangkuk ke meja kerja lalu bentuk adonan menjadi bola.
  • Utk memanggangnya di 2 pan roti: Bagi adonan menjadi 2, tempatkan masing2 di 2 pan roti yg sdh diminyaki. Pipihkan sedikit & tarik2 adonan perlahan agar rapi menutup sisi tepian pan. Tutupi pan dng serbet bersih, biarkan sampai mengembang 45-60 mnt. Panaskan oven 200° C, taruh rak oven di bagian tengah oven. Taruh juga pan dari metal berisi air di rak paling bawah. Ulas permukaan adonan dng olive oil. Ltkkan pan di rak tengah oven, panggang 35-40 mnt.
  • Utk memanggangnya di pan panggang bulat/pan pie metal 22 cm/penggorengan besi bertangkai 25 cm: Masukkan adonan di pan/penggorengan yg sdh diminyaki. Tutupi pan dng serbet longgar saja, biarkan sampai mengembang 45-60 mnt. Panaskan oven 200° C, taruh rak oven di bagian tengah oven. Taruh juga pan dari metal berisi air di rak oven paling bawah. Ulas permukaan adonan dng olive oil. Letakkan pan/penggorengan di rak tengah oven, panggang ± 40 menit.
  • Utk memanggangnya di Dutch oven: Letakkan adonan di pan bulat/wajan/mangkuk besar yg sdh diminyaki, pastikan wadah tsb berdiameter lbh kecil dari ukuran Dutch oven. Tutupi longgar saja dng serbet & diamkan hingga mengembang 45-60 mnt. Letakkan Dutch oven yg sdh diminyaki di rak oven yg dipasang di ⅓ bagian dari bawah lalu panaskan oven 230° C. Keluarkan Dutch oven dari oven, buka tutupnya & balikkan wajan/pan bulat di atas Dutch oven utk memindahkan adonan ke dlmnya (hati2 krn panas sekali). Goyang2kan dutch oven agar adonan berada di tengah. Ulas permukaan adonan dng olive oil. Pasang tutupnya, panggang 30-35 mnt. Buka tutupnya, panggang 10-15 mnt agar bag. atas roti mengeras kecoklatan (crisp).
  • Keluarkan roti dari oven & pan, letakkan di rak kawat. Biarkan hingga mendingin seblm dipotong. Potong & sajikan, anda dpt memakannya begitu saja atau untuk dimakan bersama sup,misalnya (klik pada link berikut utk melihat resepnya: Sup Krim AsparagusSoup Krim Jagung, Soup Krim Kentang atau Soup Krim Jamur.

  • 4 cups Bread flour+extra for dusting, 1½ tsp Salt
  • 1 tbsp Olive oil+extra for brushing, 1 tsp Sugar
  • 1¼ tsp dried Thyme, 1¼ tsp Instant yeast
  • 475 ml Water, ½ tbsp Vinegar
Combine all together in a bowl:
  • 60 gr stuffed Green olives-halved, 80 gr Black olives-sliced
  • 60 gr pitted Kalamata olives-halved, zest of 1 Lemon

  • Pour the water & vinegar in a big bowl; add in the salt, sugar, yeast, thyme, olive oil. Stir to mix it. Put the flour & olives into the bowl. Stir to combine it well. Scrape all sides of the bowl, including the bottom, to make sure you’ll bring all dry flour in. Bring it into a ball, cover with plastic wrap & let it proof for 2-8 hours to allow it to double in size.
  • Remove the cover; stir the dough quickly to release the gas & then form a ball. Scrape all of the bowl sides. Sprinkle a generous amount of flour on top of the dough & bowl edges because it’s sticky; stir to coat evenly. Flour the working surface & your hands. Scrape out the dough from the bowl into the working surface; shape it into a ball.
  • To bake it in 2 loaf/bread pans: Divide the dough in 2 parts. Place each dough onto a greased bread pan. Flatten the dough a bit & stretching it to the pan edges. Cover the pan with a towel & let it stand to proof for 45-60 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200° C, put the oven rack in the middle of the oven shelf. Put also a shallow metal pan filled with water on the oven bottom rack. Brush the dough surface with some olive oil. Place the loaf pan on the oven rack in the middle shelf & bake it for 35-40 minutes.
  • To bake it in a round baking pan/10” skillet/9” metal pie pan: Place the dough in a greased skillet or pan. Cover it loosely with a towel & let it proof for 45-60 min. Preheat the oven to 200° C, put the oven rack in the middle of the oven shelf. Put also a shallow metal pan filled with water on the oven bottom rack. Brush the dough surface with some olive oil. Place the skillet/pan on the oven rack in the middle shelf & bake it for ~ 40 minutes.
  • To bake it in a Dutch oven: Put the dough in a greased round pan/skillet, make sure it’s smaller in diameter than your Dutch oven. Cover it loosely with a towel; let it proof for 45-60 min. Put a greased Dutch oven in the oven rack to the lower third of the oven & preheat the oven to 230° C. Remove Dutch oven from the oven, take the lid off & flip the skillet/pan over the Dutch oven to move the dough into it. Shake it a bit to centre the dough. Brush the dough surface with some olive oil (be careful, it’ll be really hot). Put the lid on; bake for 30-35 minutes & then 10-15 minutes with the lid off to finish the crust.
  • Remove the bread from the oven & pan. Put it in a wire rack. Let it cool down before you slice. Slice & serve it; you could just eat the bread just like that or serve it with soup, i.e. (click on the link for the recipe): Creamy Asparagus SoupCreamy Corn Soup, Creamy Potato Soup or Creamy Mushroom Soup.

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