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Sunday, May 3, 2020

Puding Susu Lapis Rose atau Orange (Rose or Orange Topped Milk Pudding)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 750 ml Susu, 200 ml Krim kental
  • 65 gr Maizena, ½ Jeruk orange-parut kulit
  • 125 gr Gula, 1 st Air mawar/Rose water
Toping Pistachio:
  • 10 gr Mentega, ½ st Air jeruk nipis
  • 1 sm Gula, 100 gr Pistachio-cincang
Lapisan atas-pilih antara Rose atau Orange:
  • 1 st Konsentrat rose (3 sm Sirup Rose)-utk rose atau 2 sm Sirup orange-utk orange
  • 200 ml Air, 15 gr Maizena

Cara membuat
  • Campur & aduk rata susu, krim, gula & maizena hingga tak bergumpal. Didihkan dng api sedang sambil diaduk terus. Masak sampai campuran mengental & muncul gelembung2 besar di permukaannya. Angkat dari api, aduk masuk kulit jeruk parut & air mawar. Tuang di cup saji & biarkan hingga agak dingin lalu simpan di kulkas sampai permukaannya mulai set 20 mnt).
  • Lapisan Rose/Orange: Campur & aduk rata sirup/konsentrat rose atau orange, air & maizena. Didihkan dng api sedang sambil diaduk terus. Masak sampai campuran mengental & muncul gelembung2 besar di permukaannya. Angkat dari api lalu sendokkan adonan utk melapis di atas puding susu. Ratakan adonan hingga permukaannya sama tinggi. Biarkan hingga dingin lalu tutupi dng plastik wrap. Simpan di kulkas selama minimum 2 jam hingga semalaman.
  • Toping Pistachio: Lelehkan mentega dng api sedang-besar. Beri pisthacio lalu aduk2 hingga mulai terpanggang rata. Masukkan gula, aduk hingga cair dan mulai terbtk lapisan karamel di pistachionya. Angkat dari api, beri air nipis, aduk rata. Biarkan hingga dingin lalu sendokkan di atas puding dingin. Hidangkan segera atau dpt juga di simpan di kulkas sampai siap dihidangkan.
  • Note: Bila anda menggunakan konsentrat utk lapisan atas, anda hrs menambahkan sedikit gula. Utk pudingnya: bila tidak ada air mawar, dpt diganti dng vanili. Bila tidak ada kulit orange, dpt diganti dng ½ st aroma lemon atau air lemon

  • 750 ml Milk, 200 ml Heavy cream
  • 65 gr Cornstarch, 1 tsp Rose water*
  • 125 gr Sugar, ½ of Orange zest*
Pistachio Topping:
  • 10 gr Butter, 100 gr Pistachio-chopped
  • 1 tbsp Sugar, ½ tsp Lime juice
Top Layer-choose between Rose or Orange:
  • 1 tsp Rose concentrate (3 tbsp Rose syrup)-rose topping or 2 tbsp Orange syrup-orange topping*
  • 200 ml Water, 15 gr Cornstarch

  • Whisk the milk, heavy cream, sugar & cornstarch to combined, without any lumps. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat; whisk constantly until the mixture thickens & large bubbles form. Remove from the heat; whisk in the orange zest & rose water. Pour it into some cups. Let it cool down & then refrigerate until the surface begun to set (~20 min).
  • Rose/Orange Top Layer: Combine the rose or orange concentrate, water & cornstarch well. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat; whisk constantly until the mixture thickens & large bubbles form. Remove from the heat & spoon a layer of it on top of the milk pudding. Level the mixture so you get an even surface. Let cool & then covering it with cling wrap. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or up to overnight.
  • Pistachio topping: Melt the butter over medium-high heat. Put in pistachios; stirring frequently until it begins to toast. Add in sugar; stir until it's melted and lightly caramelized around the pistachios. Take it off the heat, then toss in the lime juice. Let it cool completely. Spoon the pistachio on top of cooled pudding. Serve right away or keep refrigerated until its time to serve.
  • * Note: When you’re using concentrate for the top layer instead of syrup, you need to add some sugar on it. For the pudding: if you don’t have rose water, you can just use vanilla & you could also substitute the orange zest with ½ tsp of lemon aroma or lemon juice.

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