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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Roti Rosemary & Bawang Putih (Rosemary Garlic Bread)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 350 gr Terigu protein tinggi+ekstra, 20 gr Mentega leleh+ekstra
  • 1 sm Gula st (3½ gr) Ragi instan, 2 Bawang putih-cincang
  • 300 ml Air hangat, ½ st Lada hitam bubuk, Olive oil-ulasan
  • sm Rosemary segar cincang+1 sm ekstra st Garam

Cara membuat
  • Campur ragi, gula & air hangat, aduk rata. Diamkan bbrp menit sampai campuran berbuih.
  • Mskkan terigu, garam & lada ke mangkuk yg hangat lalu aduk utk mencampurnya. Beri mentega, rosemary & bawang putih, aduk lagi. Tuangkan campuran ragi, aduk sampai semua tercampur rata. Keruk semua sisi mangkuk, termsk bagian dasarnya utk memastikan semua sdh tercampur dng baik. Uleni adonan selama ± 5 mnts, hanya sampai adonan halus & tidak terlalu lengket. Bulatkan adonan, tutupi dng plastik. Biarkan hingga mengembang 1-1½ jam, sampai adonan berukuran 2x dari asalnya.
  • Taburi meja kerja & saput tangan dng terigu. Keluarkan adonan & letakkan di meja kerja. Pukul adonan utk mengeluarkan gasnya. Taburi permukaannya dng sedikit terigu. Gunakan tangan (& pengikis plastik) utk melipat adonan dari sisi2 tepinya ke arah tengah lalu bulatkan adonan. Jika ingin membuatnya menjadi bbrp roti utk perorangan, bagi adonan menjadi 3-4 buah lalu bentuk menjadi btk oval membulat & kemudian memanggangnya di pan panggang persegi/pan datar. Atau anda dpt membuatnya menjadi 1 roti bundar besar & memanggangnya dng Dutch oven.
  • Untuk memanggangnya di pan panggang persegi/pan datar: Alasi pan dng kertas perkamen anti lengket lalu letakkan di atasnya potongan2 adonan, beri jarak yg cukup di antaranya. Tutup dng serbet, longgar saja & biarkan sampai mengembang 2X nya (30-45 mnt). Panaskan oven 200° C, taruh rak oven di bagian tengah oven. Taruh pan metal berisi air di rak oven paling bawah. Ulasi permukaan adonan pelan2 dng olive oil, lalu taburi rosemary. Tekan rosemary sedikit ke permukaan adonan. Letakkan pan di rak tengah, panggang 20-25 menit, sampai kecoklatan.
  • Utk memanggangnya di Dutch oven: Letakkan adonan di pan bulat/wajan/mangkuk besar yg sdh diminyaki, pastikan wadah berdiameter lbh kecil dari ukuran Dutch oven. Tutupi longgar dng serbet. Diamkan hingga mengembang 30-45 mnt. Taruh Dutch oven yg sdh diminyaki di rak oven yg dipasang di ⅓ bagian dari bawah, panaskan oven 230° C. Keluarkan Dutch oven, buka tutupnya & balikkan pan/wajan di atas Dutch oven utk memskkan adonan ke dlmnya. Goyang2 Dutch oven agar adonan ada di tengah. Ulasi permukaan adonan pelan2 dng olive oil & taburi rosemary. Tekan rosemary sedikit ke permukaan adonan (hati2 panas sekali). Pasang tutupnya, panggang 30-35 mnt. Buka tutupnya, panggang 10-15 mnt agar permukaan roti mengeras kecoklatan (crisp).
  • Keluarkan roti dari oven, letakkan di rak kawat. Ulasi permukaan roti dng mentega selagi panas. Biarkan hingga mendingin seblm dipotong/disajikan. Anda dpt memakannya begitu saja, dng ulasan roti & daging atau untuk dimakan bersama sup, misalnya (klik pada link berikut utk melihat resepnya): Soup Krim KentangSoup Krim JagungSoup Krim JamurSoup ErcisSup Krim Asparagus.

  • 350 gr Bread flour+extra,  tsp Salt, 2 Garlic cloves-minced
  • 300 ml warm Water, ½ tsp ground Black pepper, Olive oil-brushing
  • 1 tbsp Sugar, tbsp fresh chopped Rosemary+1 tbsp extra
  •  tsp (3½ gr) Instant yeast, 20 gr melted Butter+extra

  • Add the yeast & sugar to lukewarm water & mix thoroughly. Let it rest for few minutes, allow the mixture to become bubbly.
  • Put the flour, salt & pepper in a warm bowl; mix until everything is evenly distributed. Stir in the butter, rosemary & garlic to combine. Pour in yeast mixture; stir until the the dough well blended. Scrape all sides of the bowl, including the bottom, to make sure you’ll bring all ingredients in. Knead the dough ~ 5 minutes, just until it becomes smooth & not too sticky anymore. Bring it into a ball; cover with plastic wrap & let it proof for 1- hours, to allow it to double in size.
  • Flour the working surface & your hand. Scrape out the dough onto the working surface & punch it down to release the gas. Flour the dough surface a bit. Use your hand (& a plastic scraper) to fold over the edges to the centre of the dough to form a ball. If you want to make it into several individual bread, divide the dough in 3-4; shape them into rounded oval loaves & baking it in a baking pan/sheet. Or you could just make a big round bread & baking it in a Dutch oven.
  • To bake it in a baking pan/sheet: Line a baking pan/sheet with non stick baking paper. Put the dough onto the baking sheet; give enough space between each dough. Cover the sheet loosely with a towel & let loaves rise again until doubled (30-45 minutes). Preheat oven to 200° C, put the oven rack in the middle of the oven shelf. Put a shallow metal pan filled with water on the oven bottom rack. Gently brush the dough surface with olive oil, then sprinkle with rosemary over the loaves; press lightly into the surface. Place the baking sheet in the oven middle rack & bake for 20-25 minutes, until lightly browned.
  • To bake it with a cast iron Dutch oven: Put the dough ball in a greased round pan/bowl/skillet, make sure it’s smaller in diameter than your Dutch oven. Cover it loosely with a towel; let it proof for 30-45 min. Put a greased Dutch oven in the oven rack to the lower third of the oven; preheat the oven to 230° C. Remove Dutch oven from the oven, take the lid off & flip the pan/skillet over the Dutch oven to move the dough into it. Shake the Dutch oven to centre the dough. Gently brush the surface with olive oil, then sprinkle with rosemary over the dough; press lightly into the surface (be careful, it’ll be really hot). Put the lid on; bake for 30-35 minutes & then 10-15 minutes with the lid off to finish the crust.
  • Remove the bread from oven & put the bread in a wire rack. Brush the surface with butter while it is still hot. Let it cool down before you serve/cut the bread. You could just eat the bread just like that, with some bread spread & bacon or serve it with a cup of soup, i.e. (click on the link for the recipe): Creamy Potato SoupCreamy Corn SoupCreamy Mushroom SoupGreen Pea SoupCreamy Asparagus Soup.

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