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Sunday, May 3, 2020

Rolade Daging Sapi à la Jerman (German Beef Roulade)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 1¼ kg Daging gandik/paha penutup sapi150 ml Red wine
  • 250 gr Bacon/Daging asap-potong dadu kecil, Garam
  • 6 Acar ketimun botolan, ½ Bawang prei-iris, Minyak
  • 1½ sm Tomat pasta, ½ st biji Allspice, 2 Daun salam
  • 1 Wortel besar, 1 batang Thyme segar/1 st Jintan
  • 180 gr Bawang bombay, 2 sm Mustar pedas sedang
  • 40 gr Seledri umbi/2 seledri batang, Lada bubuk
  • 800 ml Kaldu sapi, 1 sm Maizena+2 sm Air-aduk
  • 3 sm Mentega/minyak samin, Peterseli cincang (opsional)

Cara membuat
  • Iris2 daging setebal ± 5 mm pada bagian yang lebarnya. Pipihkan daging menjadi persegi ukuran ± 10X25 cm. Dapat dilakukan sendiri dengan pisau tajam atau memesan di tukang daging pada saat membelinya. Pemotongan paling mudah dilakukan saat daging ½ beku.
  • Potong wortel & seledri menjadi dadu kecil. Iris2 acar ketimun memanjang. Iris 50 gr bombay, sisanya potong jadi dadu kecil. Tumis bombay iris sampai layu. Sisihkan semua.
  • Bumbui irisan daging dengan garam & lada secukupnya. Olesi permukaan atas tiap irisan tersebut dengan ½ sm mustar secara merata. Taruh seiris acar ketimun di salah satu ujung daging, beri bacon & tumisan bawang iris secukupnya. Susun lagi irisan acar, lalu gulung daging hingga ke ujung satunya dengan rapi. Ikat rolade erat dengan benang pembungkus (seperti membungkus kado).
  • Lelehkan mentega & ½ sm minyak di pan. Masak daging hingga semua sisinya kecokelatan (3-4 menit). Keluarkan rolade & sisihkan. Masukkan wortel, seledri, prei, bawang cincang & tomat pasta ke pan. Tumis beberapa menit sampai mulai empuk. Tuangi 50 ml red wine, masak & aduk hingga cairan mengering. Tuang sisa wine & kaldu ke dalamnya lalu masukkan rolade kembali ke pan.
  • Beri salam, ½ st garam (tergantung keasinan bacon), allspice, thyme/jintan & lada secukupnya. Tutup pan, masak dengan api kecil sekitar 2 jam/sampai empuk. Dapat juga dengan memanggang rolade di oven 175° C dengan fan dinyalakan selama 1½-2 jam. Sesekali siram daging dengan sausnya.
  • Keluarkan rolade & jaga agar tetap hangat. Saring saus lalu masukkan kembali cairan sausnya ke pan. Masukkan campuran maizena & masak sebentar hingga saus mengental. Cicipi, bumbui dengan garam & lada bila perlu. Angkat dari api.
  • Letakkan rolade di piring hangat & buka ikatan benang. Tuang saus di atas rolade lalu taburi dengan peterseli cincang. Cocok dihidangkan dengan kentang puree, potato dumpling atau spätzle dan sayuran penyerta seperti kol merah maupun asparagus masak mentega.

  • 1¼ kg Beef topside/silverside, ½ Leek-sliced, Frying oil
  • 250 gr Bacon/Speck-diced small, 180 gr Onion, Salt
  • 150 ml dry Red wine, 3 tbsp Clarified butter/Butter
  • 1 tbsp Cornstarch+2 tbsp Water-mix, ground Pepper
  • 2 tbsp medium hot Mustard6 Gherkin/Sour pickles
  • 800 ml Beef stock, 40 gr Celeriac/2 Celery stalks
  • 1 sprig fresh Thyme/1 tsp Cumin, 2 Bay leaves
  • 1½ tbsp Tomato paste, ½ tsp whole Allspice
  • 1 big Carrot, chopped Parsley (optional)

  • Slice beef ~ 5 mm thick across the large surface. Flatten meat to about a 10X25 cm rectangle. This can be done by the butcher, or by hand using a sharp knife. It will work best when the meat is partially frozen.
  • Dice carrot & celeriac/celery stalks very fine. Slice gherkin pickles lengthwise into strips. Slice 50 gr of onion & fine dice the rest. Sauté sliced onion with little oil until it wilts; set it aside.
  • Sprinkle each beef slice with enough pepper & salt. Spread the surface of each slice with ½ tbsp of mustard evenly. Put pickle slices on one end; add in some diced bacon & sautéed onion slices. Put more pickle slices & then roll it up neatly, starting from the filled end to the other end. Tie the roll with string to keep them closed (tie like you are wrapping a present).
  • Melt butter & ½ tbsp of oil in a saucepan. Brown the outside part of the rolls in butter (3-4 minutes). Remove rolls & set it aside. Add diced carrot, celeriac, onion, leek & tomato paste into the pan. Sauté for a few minutes until it soften. Stir in 50 ml of red wine; cook until the liquid dries. Pour in the rest of red wine & beef stock. Then place the beef rolls back into the pan.
  • Put in bay leaves, ½ tsp of salt (depends on how salty the bacon is), allspice, thyme or cumin & enough ground pepper. Cover & braise over low heat for ~ 2 hours (until the beef is tender). Or you could also bake the beef rolls over 175° C with oven fan on for 1½-2 hours. Baste beef rolls in between with the broth.
  • Remove beef rolls & keep them warm. Strain the broth mixture & then return liquid into the pan. Stir in cornstarch mixture; cook for a while just to thicken the gravy. Check the taste; add more salt or pepper if it's necessary. Remove from the heat.
  • Put rolls in a warm platter & remove all strings. Ladle gravy over rolls & garnish with chopped parsley. Goes very well with mashed potatoes, potato dumpling or spätzle, and a side vegetable such as braised red cabbage or buttered asparagus.

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