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Friday, October 9, 2020

Kue Cantik Manis (Tapioca Pearls Pudding)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


  • 120 gr Tepung hunkwe/Maizena, 150 gr Gula, ½ st Garam
  • 100 gr Sagu mutiara, 1½ liter Air, 2 Pandan, ½ st Vanili
  • 500 ml Santan kental, Ekstrak pandan/rosen/Pewarna (opsional)


Cara membuat

  • Didihkan 1.3 liter air di panci. Masukkan mutiara, masak tertutup sampai matang (berwarna transparan). Angkat, tiriskan lalu siram dng air matang dingin untuk menghentikan proses memasak. Sisihkan. Bila mutiara yang digunakan berwarna putih & anda hendak memberi warna lain, masak mutiara terpisah utk tiap warna. Masukkan pewarna selagi mendidihkan air.
  • Campur tepung dengan 200 ml air, sisihkan. Didihkan santan dng pandan, garam, vanili & gula di api sedang sambil diaduk2 (bila hendak membuat dng warna/rasa lain, masukkan pewarna/ekstrak di tahap ini). Setelah mendidih buang pandan & kecilkan api. Perlahan2 tuang larutan tepung sambil terus diaduk searah. Masak hingga adonan meletup2 & mulai mengental. Matikan api, masukkan mutiara, aduk rata. Adonan harus dicetak secepat mungkin karena cepat mengental.
  • Masukkan adonan ke cetakan & rapikan permukaannya atau letakkan ± 2 sm adonan di atas plastik OPP, kmd bungkus dengan rapi. Biarkan hingga mencapai suhu ruang sebelum disajikan.



  • 120 gr Mung bean flour/Corn starch, 2 Pandan leaves
  • 100 gr Tapioca pearl, 500 ml thick Coconut milk
  • ½ tsp Vanilla, 150 gr Sugar, ½ tsp Salt, 1½ litre Water
  • Food coloring or Pandan/Banana/Rose extract (optional)



  • In a pot, boil 1.3 litre of Water. After it boiled, add in tapioca pearl. Put on the lid & cook pearls until it’s cooked (became translucent, no more hard solid part in the center). Remove from the heat, strain the pearl & then rinse it with cold water to stop the cooking process. Set it aside. If you are using only white pearls & want to have other colours, divide pearls into 2 or 3 equal amounts & cook pearls separately. Put food colouring when you boil the water.
  • Mix starch with 200 ml of water; set it aside. Boil coconut milk with pandan, salt, sugar & vanilla over medium heat; stirring it often. (if you wish to make the pudding with different colour/favour, you should put also the extract/colouring on this step). After it’s boiling, discard pandan leaves & reduce the heat to low. Gently pour in starch mixture, while you keep on stirring it in one direction. Cook & keep stirring until bubbles appeared on the surface & it starts to thicken. Turn off the heat; add in the pearls & stir just until it combined well. Then you should put it straight on into the moulds because it will quickly set & becomes clumpy.
  • Divide mixture among several moulds; smoothing the tops. Or place ~ 2 tbsp of the mixture on a thick plastic sheets & then wrap it neatly. Let it stand to cool down to room temperature before serving it.

Lumpia Bihun Sayuran (Rice Noodle & Vegetable Spring Roll)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 50 lembar Kulit lumpia/Kulit kertas beras, 1 st Kaldu bubuk
  • 3 Daun bawang & 2 batang Daun seledri-iris halus, Minyak
  • 2 sm Terigu, 2 Bawang merah-cincang halus, 3 st Garam
  • 2 st Minyak wijen, 1 sm Kecap asin, 1 sm Kecap manis
  • 300 gr Bihun/bihun jagung150 gr Wortel-serut
  • 1 sm Terigu+2 sm Air-untuk perekatAir mendidih
  • 2 st Lada, 3 Bawang putih, 2 Bawang merah, 3 Kemiri
  • 1 st Ketumbar, 1 Sereh-putihnya

Cara membuat
  • Seduh bihun di air mendidih, diamkan hingga lemas. Tiriskan, aduk rata dng semua kecap & minyak wijen. Gunting bihun di beberapa bagian agar agak pendek. Sisihkan.
  • Tumis bumbu halus & bawang hingga harum. Beri kaldu, garam & wortel, aduk hingga wortel mulai layu. Mskkan bihun, aduk hingga rata. Beri seledri & daun bawang, aduk rata. Taburi terigu, aduk cepat hingga adonan terlihat sedikit menyatu & agak lengket (agar bihun & sayuran tidak berceceran, lumpia lebih mudah dimakan). Angkat dari api.
  • Bila memakai kulit kertas beras, basahi dulu dengan air, tunggu hingga lemas baru digunakan. Letakkan 1 sm munjung adonan isi di salah satu ujung kulit lumpia. Lipat ujung kulit yg terdekat tsb, menutup kearah adonan isi. Gulung 1 kali kmd lipat sisi kiri & kanan kulit kearah tengah agar menutup seluruh adonan isi. Gulung kulit sambil sedikit ditekan2 utk memadatkan hingga hampir ke sisi ujung satunya. Oles ujung kulit tsb dng bahan perekat, rapatkan ke gulungan kulit.
  • Goreng lumpia di minyak panas yg banyak dng api kecil-sedang hingga kecoklatan. Angkat lalu tiriskan di kertas roti.

  • 50 sheets Spring roll wrapper/Rice paper wrappers, Oil
  • 3 Green onions & 2 stalks Asian Celery-sliced, 3 tsp Salt
  • 300 gr Rice/Corn noodle, 2 tsp Sesame oil, 2 tbsp Flour
  • 1 tbsp Flour+2 tbsp Water-for sealer, boiling Water
  • 1 tbsp Sweet soy sauce, 1 tbsp Salty soy sauce
  • 2 Shallots-chopped, 150 gr Carrot-shredded
  • 1 tsp Broth powder
Grind into a paste:
  • 2 Shallots, 3 Candlenuts, 1 Lemongrass-white part only
  • 2 tsp Pepper, 1 tsp Coriander, 3 Garlic cloves

  • Soak rice noodle in boiling water until it's soften; drain. Mix it well with sesame oil & both soy sauce. Using a scissor, cut the noodle to make it a bit shorter. Set it aside.
  • Sauté the spices paste & shallots until fragrant. Put in carrot, salt & broth powder; cook until it's soften. Stir in rice noodle. Mix in celery & green onion. Sprinkle with flour all over; stir to combine until the noodle becomes a bit sticky. Remove from the heat.
  • If you're using rice paper wrapper, wet it with water first. Wait until it's soften before you can use it. Place 1 spoonful of filling close to one corner of the wrapper. Fold the corner to cover filling. Roll the wrapper one time; fold over the left & right-facing corners to completely cover the filling. Roll the wrapper & press a bit to compact the spring roll until you almost reach the other corner. Brush that corner with sealer for gluing & then fold the end side into the spring roll.
  • Deep fry spring rolls in hot oil over low-medium heat until golden brown. Remove from the heat & drain in paper towels.

Bubur Mutiara Warna-Warni (Colourful Tapioca Pearls Porridge)


In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)



  • 100 gr Sagu mutiara putih, 1.2 liter Air
  • 120 gr Gula, Pewarna/ekstrak berbeda2 warna*


  • 400 ml Santan kental, ¼ st Garam, 2 Pandan
  • 30-40 gr Gula (sesuai selera), ¾ sm Maizena+Air


Cara membuat

  • Mutiara: Bagi semua bahan sama banyak utk setiap warna yg hendak dibuat lalu masak masing2 warna terpisah. Didihkan air di panci. Setelah mendidih, masukkan mutiara & ekstrak/pewarna, masak tertutup dng api sedang selama ± 10 menit. Aduk2 mutiara agar tak melekat di dasar panci & gosong. Tutup & masak lagi. Ulang prosedur pengadukan & masak ini sampai mutiara hampir matang (bintik putih di tengah mutiara tinggal sedikit). Bila dlm proses pemasakan, air kurang, boleh ditambahkan sedikit air panas. Beri gula, aduk & masak hingga mutiara benar2 matang (warna transparan). Angkat, tiriskan lalu siram dng air matang dingin untuk menghentikan proses memasak & tak lengket satu dng lainnya. Sisihkan.
  • Kuah santan: Potong daun pandan menjadi 2 atau 3. Campur maizena dng air secukupnya, hanya utk melarutkan, sisihkan. Masak santan, pandan, garam & gula hingga mendidih di api sedang sambil diaduk2. Setelah mendidih, masukkan larutan maizena. Aduk & masak hingga saus santan sedikit mengental saja. Angkat dan keluarkan dari panci.
  • Tempatkan mutiara di piring2 saji lalu siram dengan kuah santannya.
  • * Ekstrak yg digunakan misalnya ekstrak pandan, strawberry, rosen, pisang, mangga atau ubi ungu.



Tapioca Pearls:

  • 100 gr white Tapioca pearl, 120 gr Sugar
  • 1.2 litre Water, Food colouring/Extract*

Coconut milk sauce:

  • 2 Pandan leaves, ¼ tsp Salt, 30-40 gr Sugar
  • 400 ml thick Coconut milk, ¾ tbsp Cornstarch+Water



  • Pearls: Divide all pearls ingredients evenly, depends on how many colour you’ll be using & then cook them separately. In a pot, boil Water. After it boiled, add in tapioca pearl & extract/color. Put the lid on & cook pearls over medium heat for ~ 10 minutes. Stir pearls so it won’t stick to the pot bottom & got burned. Cover & cook again. Repeat the procedure until pearls almost cooked (only a tiny white solid spot could be seen in the middle of pearls). If the water reduced too much during cooking, you could add a bit more hot water. Add in sugar; stir until it’s cooked (became translucent, no more hard solid part in the centre). Remove from the heat, strain pearls & then rinse it with cold water to stop the cooking process & it’s not sticking one to another. Set it aside.
  • Coconut milk sauce: Slice pandan leaves into 2 or 3 pieces. Combine cornstarch & enough water, just enough to dilute it; set it aside. In a pot, cook coconut milk, pandan, salt & sugar until it’s boiling over medium heat; stir constantly. Add in cornstarch mixture; cook & stir just until the sauce rather thickens. Remove sauce from the pot.
  • Arrange tapioca pearls in serving plates/bowls & then pour the coconut milk sauce over.
  • * You could use extract such as pandan, strawberry, rose, banana, mango or purple yam.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Cake Chiffon Ketan Hitam (Black Beauty Chiffon Cake)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)



  • 5 Telur suhu ruang-pisah, 34 gr Terigu, 17 gr Maizena
  • 100 gr Tepung ketan hitam, 100 ml Santan kental
  • 75 ml Minyak sayur/canola, 140 gr Gula-blender
  • 1 st Baking powder, ½ st Garam


Cara membuat

  • Panaskan oven 180°C, nyalakan fan oven. Letakkan rak di posisi bawah (di tengah bila oven pendek).
  • Campur tp. ketan, terigu, maizena, garam, 100 gr gula & bak.pwd kmd saring. Buat lubang di tengahnya, tuangi santan, kng tlr & minyak. Aduk searah dng whisk/spatula hingga halus & rata. Sisihkan.
  • Kocok putih telur dng mixer sampai berbusa dan mulai kaku. Secara bertahap mskkan 40 gr gula, kocok hingga kaku. Mskkan putih telur kocok ke adonan terigu secara bertahap, sambil diaduk dng spatula secara melipat2 searah sampai menyatu saja, jangan terlalu lama.
  • Tuang ke dlm loyang chiffon atau spring-form bertube tinggi uk. 22 cm. Ratakan permukaannya. Panggang selama 10-15 mnt (sampai cake mulai mengembang & retak). Matikan fan oven, nyalakan api atas. Tutup loyang dng alu-foil. Panggang lagi selama ± 35 mnt. Test tusuk dng lidi di bag. tengah kue utk melihat kematangan. Bila blm matang, panggang lagi dng ditutup alu foil.
  • Keluarkan dari oven & balikkan loyang di atas rack. Bila tdk menggunakan loyang chiffon berkaki, sangga bagian lubang loyang dng botol/gelas/dasar cup yg rata. Biarkan cake sampai mencapai suhu ruang. Balik loyang, jelujuri melingkar di bagian tepi cake dlm loyang dng sisi tumpul pisau (sekali jalan) agar cake terlepas dari perlekatannya. Keluarkan cake dari loyang.



  • 5 room temperature Eggs-separated, 17 gr Cornstarch
  • 100 gr Black sticky rice flour, 140 gr Sugar-finely grind
  • 75 ml Vegetable oil/Canola oil, 34 gr Flour, ½ tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Baking powder, 100 ml thick Coconut milk



  • Preheat oven to 180°C, turn oven fan mode on. Place oven rack in the lowest shelf (in the middle if the oven is rather small).
  • Combine sticky rice flour, flour, corn starch, salt, 100 gr of sugar & baking powder & then sieve into a bowl. Make a well in the centre of the flour; pour in the coconut milk, egg yolks & oil. Using a whisk/spatula, stir the batter in one direction until it combine well & smooth. Set it aside.
  • Beat egg whites with a mixer until foamy & soft peak form. Gradually add 40 gr of sugar; continue beating it until stiff peaks form. Using a spatula, gradually fold egg whites into flour batter in one direction, and then folding the remaining whites just until combined. Do not over mix the batter.
  • Pour the batter into a 22 cm chiffon cake form (spring-form tube pan). Smooth the top. Bake for 10-15 minutes (until the cake rose & starts to crack). Turn off the oven fan & turn on the upper heat. Cover the cake form with aluminium foil. Bake for ~ 35 minutes. Insert a toothpick in the centre of cakes to check if it’s came out clean (means it’s cooked). If it’s not cooked yet, cover & bake again.
  • Remove the cake form from the oven & turn the form upside down on a cooling/wire rack. You should elevate/suspend the pan tube over a flat cup bottom/bottle. Let the cake cool down to room temperature. Turn the cake form over. Run a blunt side of a knife, with one movement, between the sides of the cake & the pan. Remove cake from the form.

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