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Monday, August 24, 2020

Roti Goreng Isi Ragout (Fried Bread with Ragout)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

Bahan (utk 24 buah)

  • 12 Roti tawar tanpa kulit, 1-2 Daun bawang-iris
  • 150 gr Jagung pipil, 250 ml Susu, Minyak
  • 50 gr Terigu, 2 sm Mentega, 2 Kuning telur
  • 1 Bawang putih & 40 gr Bawang bombay-cincang
  • 200 gr Ayam cincang, ¼ st Pala bubuk, Garam
  • 2 st Daun peterseli/seledri cincang, Lada
  • ½ st Kaldu bubuk


  • 4 Putih telur+6 sm Susu-kocok, Tepung panir/Panko


Cara membuat

  • Ragout: Rebus jagung ½ matang, sisihkan. Aduk rata terigu, susu, lada, garam, kaldu bbk & kng tlr, sisihkan. Tumis bawang pth & bombay dng mentega. Beri daging, matangkan. Mskkan daun bawang, peterseli, jagung & larutan susu. Aduk terus hingga mengental. Angkat & dinginkan.
  • Potong diagonal setiap roti jadi 4 (jumlah 48 ptg). Oles permukaan dari 24 potongan roti dng ragout, lalu tutup dng 24 potongan roti yg lain (tangkupkan). Tekan perlahan utk menyatukan. Celup di putih telur, gulingkan di panko lalu goreng di minyak panas hingga kuning kecokelatan.
  • Utk membuat roti tawar sendiri, klik di link ini Roti Tawar (White Bread)


Ingredients (for 24 pieces)

  • 12 white Bread without crust, 150 gr Corn kernels
  • 50 gr Flour, 250 ml Milk, 2 tbsp Butter, Salt, Oil
  • 1-2 Green onion-sliced, ¼ tsp Nutmeg powder
  • 1 Garlic clove & 40 gr Onion-chopped, 2 Egg yolks
  • 200 gr ground Chicken, ½ tsp Stock powder
  • 2 tsp chopped Parsley/Celery leaves, Pepper


  • 4 Egg whites+6 tbsp Milk-beaten, Breadcrumbs/Panko



  • Ragout: Boil the corn kernels until it half cooked; set aside. Combine the flour, milk, pepper, salt, stock powder & egg yolks well; set it aside. Sauté the onion & garlic with butter. Add in ground chicken & stir until it’s cooked. Put in the green onion, parsley, corn kernels & milk mixture. Stir until the mixture thickens. Remove from the heat & let it cool down.
  • Slice the bread diagonally into 4 (you’ll get 48 pieces). Spread the surface of 24 bread pieces with ragout. Place the other 24 pieces on top o the ragout. Gently pressing it. Dip it into the egg white mixture & then coat it with bread crumbs/panko. Fry in hot oil until it becomes golden brown.
  • To make a homemade white bread, please click on this link Roti Tawar (White Bread)

Roti Goreng Gulung Sosis Keju (Sausage & Cheese Fried Roll Bread)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


  • 8 Roti tawar tanpa kulit, Panir secukupnya
  • 4 Sosis-kerat-goreng & potong 2, ½ st Garam
  • ¼ st Lada, 2 Telur, Keju parut/serut, Minyak
  • 150 ml Susu, Oregano secukupnya (opsional)


Cara membuat

  • Kocok telur, garam, lada & susu, sisihkan. Pipihkan roti dng rolling. Taruh 1 sosis di roti, beri keju & taburi sedikit oregano, gulung yg padat & rapi. Celupkan roti di telur lalu gulingkan di panir.
  • Goreng di minyak panas hingga kecokelatan dng api kecil & letakkan bagian lipatan menghadap ke bawah dulu agar tidak terbuka saat digoreng, balik. Angkat & tiriskan. Sajikan dng sambal atau Mayonnaise.
  • Untuk membuat roti tawar sendiri, klik di link ini Roti Tawar (White Bread)



  • 8 white Bread without crust, Breadcrumbs
  • 4 Sausage-slash-fry & cut into 2, ½ tsp Salt
  • ¼ tsp ground Pepper, 2 Eggs, grated Cheese
  • 150 ml Milk, Frying oil, Oregano (optional)



  • Beat eggs, salt, pepper & milk; set aside. Press the bread with rolling pin. Put 1 cut of sausage in the bread; sprinkle with some cheese & oregano. Roll the bread neatly & press a bit to make it compact. Dip it in the egg mixture & then cover with bread crumbs all over.
  • Fry the bread in hot oil over low heat; put the seam side down first until golden brown; flip it over & fry. Remove from the heat & drain on paper towels. Serve them with Mayonnaise or chili sauce.
  • To make a homemade white bread, please click on this link Roti Tawar (White Bread)

Roti Baguette Tanpa Diuleni (No-Knead Baguette Bread)


Mini Baguette


In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

Bahan (utk 3-4 Baguette/8 mini)

  • 480 gr Terigu protein tinggi, 3½ gr Ragi instan 
  • 385 gr Air hangat, 9 gr Garam


Cara membuat

  • Campur air & ragi di mangkuk, biarkan 1 mnt lalu aduk. Sementara itu, campur terigu dng garam. Secara bertahap tuangi air, aduk rata. Keruk sisi2 dari mangkuk, termsk dasarnya agar semua tercampur dng baik. Tutupi dng plastik & biarkan hingga mengembang selama 30 mnt.
  • Basahi tangan & permukaan kerja. Keluarkan adonan ke permukaan kerja (jika wadah adonan besar, lakukan prosedur di dlm wadah, tak perlu dikeluarkan). Lipat2 adonan ke atas adonan itu sendiri: angkat, tarik/regangkan salah satu sisi tepi adonan ke atas dng cukup tinggi (jangan terputus, bila adonan robek sedikit tidak apa2), lalu lipat adonan ke arah sisi yg berlawanan & letakkan di atas adonan itu sendiri. Ulangi & lakukan pelipatan ini utk semua 3 sisi adonan yg lain selama 30-60 detik (lakukan 2 putaran). Mskkan adonan kembali ke mangkuk, tutupi & biarkan mengembang selama 30 mnt. Keluarkan lagi adonan & lakukan prosedur pelipatan yg sama. Mskkan adonan ke mangkuk, tutupi & biarkan 30 mnt.
  • Taburi permukaan kerja & tangan dng tepung. Taruh adonan di muka kerja, ratakan membentuk persegi. Bagi adonan jadi bbrp bagian (tergantung besar roti yg mau dibuat). Bentuk masing2 menjadi persegi. Tarik/regangkan tepi adonan sedikit, lipat sisi2nya spt melipat amplop. Gulung salah satu sisi panjang adonan utk membtk spt batang kayu (paket padat). Letakkan dng sisi sambungan di bawah & beri jarak diantaranya. Tutupi dng serbet lembab & istirahatkan 30 mnt.
  • Membentuk baguette: Taburi permukaan kerja & tangan dng tepung. Letakkan sisi sambungan kearah atas & tepuk utk sedikit meratakan. Hati2, jangan merusak semua gelembung2 udara di adonan. Lipat 1 sisi tepi panjangnya ke arah tengah. Dng hati2, tekan2 ujung sisi yg dilipat tsb dng jari utk merekatkan di tengah adonan. Regangkan adonan sedikit2 setelah tiap lipatan utk membuatnya memanjang secara bertahap. Anda dpt menaburkan lagi terigu jika diperlukan utk mencegah adonan lengket. Berikutnya, lipat sisi ujung yg berlawanan & tekan2 utk merekatkan di sisi tengah. Lipat dari sisi yg sama 1 kali lagi, tekan di tengah lalu gulung adonan hingga mencapai ujung satunya. Cubit2/tekan2 dng jari pertemuan kedua ujungnya utk merekatkan kedua sisi tsb. Dng kedua telapak tangah, guling2kan & regangkan adonan, mulai dari tengah ke arah ujung hingga mencapai panjang yg diinginkan. Letakkan adonan di pan baguette yg sdh diminyaki atau di kain linen/Couche yg sdh ditaburi terigu, sisi sambungan menghadap ke bawah. Jika menggunakan kain, setelah meletakkan 1 adonan, lipat kain di sisi kiri & kanannya utk menyangga adonan (agar bentuk dapat dipertahankan & memisahkan dari adonan lainnya. Taburi atasnya dng terigu. Tutupi dng kain & diamkan 30-45 mnt.
  • Sementara itu, panaskan oven 250° C (Jika akan memanggangnya di pan baguette mini 7X17 cm, panaskan oven 230° C/Fan 200° C). Nalakan api atas & bawah & ltkkan rak oven di bagian tengah. Taruh pan metal berisi air di rak oven paling bawah. Jika anda hendak menggunakan batu panggang, anda juga hrs memanaskannya dulu di oven.
  • Jika tidak memiliki pan baguette, pindahkan adonan dari kain ke atas kertas perkamen dng sisi sambungan menghadap ke bawah. Beri jarak yg cukup diantara adonan. Anda lalu dpt meletakkannya di pan panggang lebar atau di batu panggang nantinya.
  • Kerat permukaan adonan dng pisau tajam/silet. Mskkan pan ke oven. Jika menggunakan batu panggang, keluarkan dari oven lalu letakkan adonan & kertas perkamennya di atas batu. Panggang ± 20 menit, turunkan suhu ke 210° C & panggang 5-10 mnt. Keluarkan baguette dari oven & pan lalu ltkkan di rak kawat. Biarkan hingga mendingin seblm dipotong. Anda dapat memakan baguette dng ulasan roti & daging /keju atau menyajikannya dng sup, misalnya (klik pada link berikut utk melihat resepnya): Sup Krim AsparagusSoup ErcisSoup Krim JamurSoup Krim JagungFrench Onion SoupSoup Krim Kentang


Ingredients (for 3-4 Baguette/8 mini)

  • 480 gr Bread Flour, 3½ gr Instant Yeast
  • 385 gr warm Water, 9 gr Salt



  • Put water & yeast in the bowl. Let it stand for 1 minute; stir to combine. Meanwhile, combine all flour with salt. Gradually add in the water & then stir it well to combine. Scrape all sides of the bowl, including the bottom, to make sure you’ll bring all dry flour in. Cover it with plastic wrap & let it rest for 30 min.
  • Wet your hand & the working surface. Scrape out the dough onto the working surface (if your bowl is really big, just doing it on your bowl, no need to scrape it out). Fold the dough onto itself: pull 1 side of the dough, stretching it up a bit high (don’t break it; when it tear off a bit, it’s ok) & then folding it towards the opposite side (lay it off on top of itself). Repeat & do this folding procedure on all 3 other sides of the dough for 30-60 sec. (do it 2 turns). Put it back into the bowl, cover & allow to rise for 30 min. Scrape out the dough again & do the folding procedure 1 more time. Cover & allow it to rise for 30 min.
  • Flour the working surface & your hands. Scrape the dough out onto the working surface & flatten it a bit into a rectangle. Divide the dough into several parts (depends on how big you want to make it). Shape each one of it into a rectangle. Stretch the dough sides a bit & fold each edge like folding an envelope. Roll 1 of the long side of the dough to make it into a log (compact package). Put the seam side down & give enough space between each dough. Cover dough with a damp towel & let it rest for 30 minutes.
  • Shaping the baguette: Flour the working surface & your hands. Put the seam side up & flatten it just slightly, be careful not to destroy all of the air bubbles. Fold over 1 long end side into the middle part of the dough. Use your fingers to carefully press the edge of that folded side to seal it in the middle dough part. Stretch the dough a bit after each of this folding & pressing procedure to make the dough longer gradually. You should also sprinkle more flour whenever you need it, to prevent sticking. Next, fold the opposite end side into the middle & carefully press to stick it again. Fold 1 more time from the same side, press in the middle & then roll the dough until it reached the other end. Pinch the edges to completely seal the dough. Using both hands, roll & stretch the dough evenly from the centre until it reach your desire length. Put the dough in a greased baguette tray or a highly floured Couche (linen cloth), seam side down. If you’re using a Couche, fold up the Couche after you put 1 dough, on the left & right side of the dough, to give support to the dough (so it could hold it shaped) & to separate it from the next one. Sprinkle with some flour on top. Cover the dough with the cloth & let it rest for 30-45 min.
  • Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 250° C (If you’ll bake it in a mini 7X17 cm baguette tray, preheat the oven to 230° C/Fan 200° C). Turn on the top & bottom heat & put the oven rack in the middle of the oven shelf. Put a shallow metal pan filled with water on the oven bottom rack. If you will be using a baking stone, then you also have to preheat it first on the oven.
  • If you don’ have a baguette tray, carefully transfer the dough from the Couche into a parchment paper; seam side down. Give enough space between each dough. You could then put it in a baking sheet or a baking stone later on.
  • Score the dough surface with a sharp knife/razor blade. Put the baguette tray/baking sheet in the oven. If you’re using a baking stone, remove it from the oven; put dough & the parchment paper on the stone. Bake for ~ 20 minutes, turn the temperature down to 210° C & continue baking it for 5-10 min. Remove the baguette from the oven & tray, then put it in a wire rack. Let it cool down before you serve or cut the bread. You could just eat the baguette with some bread spread & meat/cheese as sandwich or serve it with a cup of soup, i.e. (click on the link for the recipe): Creamy Asparagus SoupGreen Pea SoupCreamy Mushroom SoupCreamy Corn SoupFrench Onion SoupCreamy Potato Soup

Monday, August 17, 2020

Pad Thai (Thai Noodle Stir-Fry)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


  • 400 gr Mie beras utk Pad Thai (Kwetiau tipis), 3 Telur
  • 75 gr Tahu goreng-iris dadu, 4 Daun kucai-iris panjang
  • 2 genggam Toge+extra, 2 Bawang putih-cincang, Garam
  • 60 gr Kacang-sangrai & cincang halus, 1 st Ebi-tumbuk
  • 8 Bawang merah (½ Bawang bombay sedang)-iris tipis
  • 6 sm Minyak sayur, 250 gr Udang kupas/Ayam-iris2
  • Cabai bubuk & Jeruk nipis-potong2

Saus: Campur semua

  • sm Puree asam, 3 sm Kecap ikan, 6 sm Gula merah
  • sm Saus tiram, 2 sm Saus soya, 1 st Cuka


Cara membuat

  • Rendam mie di air mendidih, diamkan 5-7 menit. Tiriskan & bilas dengan air dingin, lalu tiriskan lagi.
  • Tumis bawang2 di wajan besar dengan 2 sm minyak, gunakan api besar & masak ± 30 detik. Masukkan ayam/udang, tahu & ebi. Masak hingga matang. Dorong semua ke satu sisi, beri sisa minyak lalu tuang telur di sisi lain. Orak arik telur hingga matang lalu campur dengan ayam. Kecilkan api ke sedang.
  • Masukkan mie & beri saus. Aduk hingga saus terserap dengan rata. Cicipi, beri garam bila perlu.
  • Beri toge, kucai & ½ bagian kacang cincang. Aduk cepat hingga rata lalu angkat dari api. Letakkan di piring2 saji, taburi dengan sisa kacang & cabai bubuk. Sajikan dengan nipis & toge. Peras nipis di atas mie sebelum makan



  • 400 gr Dried rice sticks noodle, 6 tbsp Vegetable oil
  • 75 gr fried Tofu-cubed, ground Chilli & Lime wedges
  • 2 Garlic cloves-chopped, 1 tsp dried Shrimps-pound
  • 250 gr pealed Shrimps/Chicken fillet-sliced, 3 Eggs
  • 8 Shallots (½ medium size Onion)-thinly sliced, Salt
  • 4 Chives-sliced, 2 handful of Bean sprouts+extra
  • 40 gr Peanuts-roasted & finely chopped

Sauce: Mix all

  • tbsp Tamarind puree, 3 tbsp Fish sauce
  • tbsp Oyster sauce, 6 tbsp Palm sugar
  • 1 tsp Rice vinegar, 2 tbsp Soy sauce



  • Soak noodles in boiling water for ~ 5-7 minutes. Drain & rinse under cold water; drain it again.
  • Sauté garlic & shallot with 2 tbsp of oil in a wok under high heat & cook it for ~ 30 seconds. Toss in & cook the chicken/shrimps, tofu & dried shrimps until it's cooked through. Push all to one side of the wok; add the rest of oil on the other side & pour eggs in. Scramble the egg until it cooked & then mix them into chicken. Turn the heat to medium.
  • Put in noodles & pour the sauce over. Toss gently for ~ 1½ minutes, until the sauce is absorbed by the noodles. Taste, add in some salt if it’s necessary.
  • Add in bean sprouts, chives & half of the peanuts; toss quickly to combine. Remove from the heat.
  • Put it in the serving plate; sprinkled with remaining peanuts & ground chilli on top. Serve it with lime wedges & bean sprouts around the plate. Squeeze over lime juice before eating.

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