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Monday, September 7, 2020

Roti Tawar (White Bread)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


  • 125 ml Susu hangat, 125 ml Air hangat, st Garam, 3 sm Gula
  • 400 gr Terigu protein tinggi, 1 sm Minyak netral+ekstra
  • 2 st Ragi instan, 25 gr Mentega-cairkan & ekstra utk olesan


Cara membuat

  • Campur air dng ragi, sisihkan. Mskkan terigu, garam & gula di mangkuk besar, aduk rata. Beri minyak & mentega, aduk hingga rata. Tuangi campuran ragi & susu. Campur rata dng spatula. Uleni dng stand mixer sampai adonan kalis ± 10 mnt. atau uleni dng tangan selama ± 12 menit. Bulatkan adonan & taruh di mangkuk yg sdh diulasi minyak. Tutupi mangkuk dng plastik/serbet. Ltkkan mangkuk adonan di rak tengah oven. Ltkkan pan berisi air panas di bagian bawah oven. Tutup pintu & biarkan adonan di dalamnya sampai adonan tsb mengembang 2 kalinya (± 1 jam).
  • Minyaki pan roti dng minyak cukup banyak, sisihkan. Keluarkan adonan dari box. Tekan adonan utk mengeluarkan gasnya lalu ltkkan di permukaan kerja. Pipihkan sedikit & bentuk menjadi persegi. Lipat adonan spt melipat amplop. Gulung menjadi spt kayu. Rapatkan sambungannya dng menekan2 memakai jari. Mskkan di pan dng sisi sambungannya menghadap ke bawah, Regangkan & tekan adonan dng ringan sampai menutup seluruh permukaan dasar pan. Minyaki selembar plastik, gunakan utk menutup pan dng longgar. Taruh pan adonan di rak tengah oven, ltkkan pan lain berisi air panas di bawahnya. Diamkan hingga adonan mengembang (35-40 mnt).
  • Buka plastik penutup. Nyalakan api atas & bawah oven, atur suhu di 180° C. Panggang selama ± 50 menit. Memanggang roti dimulai dari oven yg dingin akan membuat roti mengembang lebih tinggi. Jika permukaan adonan menjadi terlalu cokelat (setelah memanggang ± 25 mnt), tutupi adonan dng aluminium foil. Keluarkan pan dari oven & taruh di tempat hangat selama 10 mnt. Keluarkan roti dari pan & taruh di rak kawat. Ulasi permukaan roti dng mentega selagi panas. Biarkan roti hingga mendingin sebelum dipotong.
  • Roti tawar dapat dimakan dengan selai/daging & dapat juga digunakan sebagai hidangan pendamping untuk soup maupun untuk membuat makanan2 lain seperti (klik pada link untuk melihat resep2nya):
Soup Krim TomatSoup Kacang Lentil à la ItalySoup Ercis, 
Puding RotiRoti Goreng Isi RagoutRoti Goreng Gulung Sosis Keju, 
Roti Goreng Daging Asap & KejuRoti Goreng Lapis Ayam, 
Ayam KodokSteak Daging Cincang Panggang



  • 125 ml warm Milk, 125 ml lukewarm Water, 3 tbsp Sugar
  • 400 gr Bread flour, 25 gr melted Butter+extra for brushing
  • 1½ tsp Salt, 1 tbsp Neutral oil+extra, 2 tsp Instant yeast



  • Mix the yeast with water; set aside. Put the flour, salt & sugar in a big bowl: combine it well. Add in the oil & melted butter; stir to combine. Then add in the yeast mixture & milk. Using a spatula, mix until it well combined. Knead it with a stand mixer until it’s elastic ~ 10 min. Or knead it by hands for ~ 12 minutes. Round the dough & then put it in a lightly greased bowl & cover with a plastic wrap/towel. Put the bowl in the oven middle rack. Place a pan filled with boiling water on the oven bottom rack. Close the door & let the dough stay inside until it double in size (~ 1 hour).
  • Grease the loaf pan generously; set aside. Remove dough bowl from the box; press the dough down to degas it. Put it in a working surface. Flatten a bit into a rectangle & then fold the dough like folding an envelope. Roll dough into a log. Seal the edges by pinching it a bit & put it on the pan, seam side down. Stretch & press the dough lightly until it fits neatly on the loaf pan. Lightly grease a plastic wrap. Cover the pan loosely with the plastic & then put it in the oven middle rack. Place another pan filled with boiling water underneath. Let it proof in the oven for 35-40 minutes.
  • Remove the dough cover. Turn on the oven upper & bottom heat, set the temperature to 180° C. Bake for ~ 50 minutes. Baking the bread starting from cold oven will allow the bread to rise higher. When the dough top becomes too brown (after ~ 25 min of baking), cover the dough with aluminium foil. Remove the pan from oven & put it in a warm place for 10 min. Remove the bread from pan & put it in a wire rack. Brush the bread surface with butter while it is still hot. Let it cool down before you slice.
  • You could eat the bread with jam or meat, or eat it with soup. It is also possible to use the bread as an ingredient to make other kind of dish (click on the links to see the recipe):
Creamy Tomato SoupItalian Lentil SoupGreen Pea Soup, 
Bread PuddingFried Bread with RagoutSausage & Cheese Fried Roll Bread, 
Fried Bread with Smoked Beef & CheeseFried Bread with Chicken, 
Frog Chicken-Roast Deboned Chicken Stuffed with Ground Meat & Eggs 
Grilled Ground Meat Steak

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