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Monday, September 7, 2020

Pizza Cepat Saji Tanpa Ragi (Quick Pizza-No Yeast)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

Bahan (2 Pizza-30X24 cm/16 Pizza mini)

Adonan roti utk Pizza:

  • 450 gr Terigu, 1 sm Gula, 12 gr Baking powder, 1 Telur
  • 65 gr Olive oil, 110 gr Susu, 110 gr Air, 1 st Garam


  • 1 Kuning telur+1 sm Susu-campur

Topping: (apa saja yg disukai utk pizza)

  • Keju serut/Mozzarella/Cream cheese, Pesto basil/Saus pizza
  • Cabai/Jalapeno-iris, Pepperoni/Sosis, Tomat, Dn basil segar
  • Oregano/Bumbu Italy, lada bubuk, dll


Cara membuat

  • Panaskan oven 200° C. Aduk terigu, bak. powder & garam di wadah. Di wadah lain aduk susu dng air, telur, olive oil & gula hingga larut. Tuang masuk adonan ini ke terigu, aduk rata. Uleni dng tangan lalu lipat ujung2 adonan ke arah tengah selama, hanya sampai adonan halus & menyatu saja (jangan diuleni terlalu lama). Tutup adonan & istirahatkan 10-15 menit.
  • Lipat ujung2 adonan ke arah tengah 1 kali lalu bulatkan. Bagi adonan menjadi 2 & tekan2 dng jari2 sampai masing2 berbentuk persegi ± 30X24 cm. Atau bagi jadi 16 utk membuat pizza mini. Bentuk jadi bola2, atur di pan beralas kertas perkamen, beri jarak yg cukup di antaranya. Minyaki bagian dasar luar dr gelas. Tekan dasar gelas di tengah bola utk membentuk cincin di tepi adonan. Ulasi bagian tengah adonan dng pesto basil pesto/saus pizza. Beri topping sesuai dng selera.
  • Ulasi bagian luar adonan dng bhn olesan. Taburi bagian atasnya dng oregano/bumbu Italy & lada bbk. Pangang 25-30 mnt (sampai kuning kecokelatan & matang). Keluarkan dari oven & hias pizza dng daun basil segar.
  • Resep untuk membuat sendiri saus pestonya, silakan klik pada link: Saus Pesto Daun Basil

  • Adonan ini juga dapat dipakai untuk membuat 8 buah Roti Sosis Korea (klik pada link untuk melihat resepnya).


Ingredients (2 Pizza-30X24 cm/16 mini Pizza)

Pizza crust:

  • 450 gr All-purpose Flour, 110 gr Water, 1 Egg
  • 65 gr Olive oil, 110 gr Milk, 12 gr Baking powder
  • 1 tsp Salt, 1 tbsp Sugar

Egg wash:

  • 1 Egg yolk+1 tbsp Milk

Topping: (any topping you fancy in a pizza)

  • Shredded cheese/Mozzarella/Cream cheese
  • Basil Pesto/Pizza sauce, Chilies/Jalapeno slices
  • Pepperoni/Sausages, Tomato, fresh Basil leaves
  • Oregano/Italian seasoning, ground Pepper, etc



  • Preheat the oven to 200° C. In a bowl mix the flour, baking powder & salt. In another bowl, combine milk, water, olive oil, egg & sugar; whisk until the sugar dissolved. Pour this mixture into the flour & then stir to combine the dough. Knead & then fold the dough edges over itself, just until the dough smooth (don’t knead it too long). Cover, let the dough rest for 10-15 minutes.
  • Fold the dough edges over itself 1 more time & then round it. Divide the dough into 2 & then using your fingers to shape each dough into a ~ 30X24 cm rectangle. Or you could divide the dough into 16 to make mini pizzas. Round each one of it & then arrange the dough balls in a baking tray lined with parchment paper; give enough space between them. Grease a glass outer bottom side. Press the centre part of the dough balls with the glass bottom to flatten & form a ring around the edges. Spread a thin layer of pizza sauce/pesto on the dough centre surface & then arrange the toppings. 
  • Brush the dough outer part with egg wash. Sprinkle enough oregano/Italian seasoning & pepper on top. Bake for 25-30 minutes (until golden brown & cooked through). Remove from the oven & garnish the pizza with fresh basil leaves.
  • For the recipe on how to make a homemade pesto sauce, please click on the recipe: Basil Pesto Sauce

  • You could also use this pizza dough for making 8 pieces of Korean Sausage Bread (click on the link for the recipe).

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