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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Roti Kepang Pesto Basil & Keju (Basil Pesto & Cheese Braided Bread)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

Roti: (utk 2 roti)
  • 500 gr Terigu serba guna+ekstra, 1 st Gula, 150 ml Air
  • 2½ st Ragi instan, 50 ml Olive oil-ekstra, 1 Telur-kocok
  • 150 ml Susu, 2 st Garam, Mentega cair-ulasan (opsional)
Pesto basilikum*:
  • 40 gr daun Basil segar, ½ st Garam, 120 ml Olive oil
  • 40 gr Kacang pinus/mede sangrai, 1 Bawang putih
  • 30 gr Keju Parmesan parut, Lada bubuk
  • 150 gr Keju serut, Biji wijen
  • 1 st Mix herbs/Thyme/Oregano/lainnya

Cara membuat
  • Mskkan terigu, garam, gula & ragi di mangkuk. Aduk hingga tercampur rata. Tuangi telur, olive oil, susu & air. Aduk lalu keruk juga semua sisi mangkuk, termsk dasarnya utk memastikan semua bahan tercampur rata. Uleni adonan hingga terbentuk adonan yg halus (± 10 mnt). Bulatkan adonan lalu letakkan di mangkuk yg sdh diolesi dng sedikit minyak. Tutupi mangkuk dng plastik wrap & letakkan di tempat hangat, biarkan hingga mengembang 2X nya (± 1½ jam).
  • Proses basil, olive oil, bawang pth & kacang untuk beberapa detik saja di food procesor/blender hingga dihasilkan pasta yg halus tetapi tidak terlalu lembut. Masukkan keju, proses lagi sebentar. Bumbui dng lada & garam kmd aduk rata.
  • Panaskan oven 180°C, pasang rak oven di sepertiga bagian bawah oven. Taburi pemukaan kerja, tangan & rolling pin dng terigu. Taruh adonan di permukaan kerja lalu bagi menjadi 2. Ambil salah satu adonan & tutupi adonan satunya hingga adonan pertama selesai dibentuk. Gilas adonan menjadi persegi ukuran ± 30X40 cm atau 20X50 cm.
  • Ulas rata permukaan adonan dng ½ bagian pesto sampai ± 1 cm dari tepiannya. Beri ½ bagian mozzarella di atasnya lalu taburi dng wijen & mix herbs/thyme/oregano. Lakukan hal yg sama dng adonan satunya.
  • Ambil salah satu adonan tsb lalu gulung dimulai dari salah satu sisi panjangnya. Belah (potong memanjang) adonan di tengah menjadi dua dng pisau tajam yg sdh sedikit diminyaki. Kepang kedua belahan tsb sesuai selera dng sisi yg dipotongnya menghadap ke atas. Tekan/press kedua potongan adonan utk merekatkan ujung2nya lalu lipat ke bawah. Ulangi prosess ini dng adonan yang satunya.
  • Letakkan adonan di pan panggang lebar beralas kertas perkamen. Tutupi adonan longgar saja & biarkan 20 mnt. Panggang selama 40 mnt. Keluarkan roti dari oven, ulasi permukaannya dng mentega cair. Panggang lagi 5-6 mnt sampai kuning kecoklatan. Keluarkan roti lalu letakkan di rak kawat, biarkan hingga roti sedikit mendingin.
  • Catatan: * Pesto basil buatan sendiri ini dpt diganti dng pesto basil botolan beli di toko.

Dough: (For 2 breads)
  • 500 gr all purpose Flour+extra, 1 Egg-beaten, 150 ml Milk
  • 2½ tsp Instant yeast, 150 ml Water, 2 tsp Salt, 1 tsp Sugar
  • 50 ml Olive oil-extra, melted Butter-brushing (optional)
Basil pesto *:
  • 40 gr fresh Basil leaves, 120 ml Olive oil, ½ tsp Salt
  • 1 Garlic cloves, 40 gr toasted Pine nuts/Cashew
  • 30 gr grated Parmesan cheese, ground Pepper
  • 150 gr shredded Cheese, Sesame seeds
  • 1 tsp Mix herbs/Thyme/Oregano/lainnya

  • In a bowl, put the flour, salt, sugar & yeast; mix until everything is evenly distributed. Pour in the egg, olive oil, milk & water. Stir & then scrape all sides of the bowl, including the bottom, to make sure you’ll bring all ingredients in. Knead the dough until it forms a smooth dough (~ 10 mins). Bring it into a ball & put it in a slightly greased bowl. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap & let it proof in a warm place for ~ 1½ hours, to allow it to doubled in size.
  • In a food processor/blender, pulse basil, olive oil, garlic & pine nuts for few seconds (not too fine). Add in the cheese; process again. Season with salt & a pinch of pepper. Give a good stir.
  • Preheat the oven to 180°C, put the oven rack in the lower third of the oven. Flour your working surface, hands & rolling pin. Put the dough in the working surface & divide it in half. Take one of the dough & cover the other until the first dough had been shaped. Roll out the dough into ~ 30X40 cm or 20X50 cm rectangle.
  • Spread half of the pesto over the top, leaving a border of ~1 cm all the way around. Scatter half of the cheese evenly. Sprinkle with sesame seeds & herbs on top. Do the same process with the other dough.
  • Take one of the dough. Starting from one of the long edges, roll up the dough. Cut the roll in half lengthwise with a slightly oiled sharp knife. Braid the strands with the cut sides facing up. Pinch the ends & tuck them under to seal. Repeat the whole process with the other dough.
  • Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Cover the dough loosely & let it sit for 20 minutes. Bake it for 40 mins; take it out from the oven & brush the surface with melted butter. Bake again for 5-6 minutes, just until golden brown. Remove the breads from the oven. Put breads in a wire rack & let it slightly cool down.
  • Note: * You can substitute the homemade Basil pesto with store bought pesto. 

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