

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Sunday Braised Chicken Dinner

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 1¼ kg Ayam utuh/2 Ayam kampung muda-kecil *, 2 Daun salam
  • 250-300 gr Wortel besar, 4-6 Seledri batang impor, Olive oil
  • 300 gr Bawang bombay, 40 Bawang putih, 1 sm Oregano kering
  • 1 sm Rosemary segar cincang, 2 sm Maizena+air dingin-campur
  • 500 ml Sparkling wine**, 500 ml Kaldu ayam**, sejumput Gula
  • 1 batang kecil Thyme, 1 batang kecil Sage, Petersely cincang
  • Kecap ikan, Lada bubuk, Garam secukupnya
  • Air jeruk lemon & parutan kulit lemon

Cara membuat
  • Cuci ayam dng air dingin kmd keringkan. Potong ayam jadi 8-10. Buang lemak2nya. Untuk ayam kecil potong tiap ekor jadi 4 saja. Sisihkan ayam. Potong2 wortel & seledri batang secara diagonal sebesar 2½ cm & belah baw.bombay jadi 8 (jangan ptg pangkalnya agar bombay tak tersebar).
  • Panaskan dulu pan besi dalam berdasar tebal di atas api sedang/besar utk mencegah perlekatan nantinya. Mskkan olive oil, hanya cukup menutupi dasar pan. Setelah panas, mskkan bbrp ptg ayam (jangan berjejal di dlm pan). Masak & balik ayam sampai permukaannya kecoklatan. Kmd masak sisa ayam. Sisihkan ayam.
  • Tambah sedikit olive oil ke pan kmd masak sayuran bergantian hingga kecoklatan juga. Pertama masak wortel, kmd seledri, bombay & baw.putih terakhir krn hanya membutuhkan wkt sebentar. Sisihkan sayuran. Tuang Champagne & kaldu ke pan, masak sambil garuk/kerik sisa2 kecoklatan bekas menggoreng yg melekat di pan.
  • Panaskan oven 165º C. Ltkkan ayam di panci berdasar tebal, mskkan sayuran, tuangi kladu & champagne panas. Beri salam, rosemary, oregano, sage & thyme. Bumbui dng 1 sm kecap ikan, garam & lada seckpnya. Didihkan di atas kompor. Pindahkan panci ke dlm oven & masak selama 30-40 mnt (thermometer instan yg ditempatkan di bagian daging dari paha ayam menunjukkan suhu 75º C). Atau dapat juga dng dimasak di atas kompor saja dng suhu kecil.
  • Saus: Tuang campuran maizena sedikit2 ke dlm kuah yg mendidih di beberapa tempat & aduk2 sampai kuah sedikit mengental. Bumbui dng bbrp tetes air jeruk lemon, parutan kulit jeruk lemon, gula, kecap ikan atau garam & lada bubuk seckpnya. Angkat dari api.
  • Hidangan akan terasa jauh lebih enak bila disimpan dulu dikulkas semalaman agar rasa menyatu Panaskan hidangan di kompor/microwave. Sesuaikan bumbu bila perlu. Beri peterseli cincang utk menyegarkan rasa. Ltkkan potongan ayam di piring yg sdh dipanaskan, beri sayuran & tuangi atasnya dng saus. Hidangkan dng salad hijau & roti baguette atau spätzle. Anda dpt juga menambahkan sayuran tambahan spt parsnip, turnip, kentang atau umbi seledri, dll.Utk 6-8 porsi.
  • * Ayam kampung muda-kecil seperti yang digunakan utk membuat ayam bakar taliwang.
  • ** Dpt juga digunakan 235-475 ml dry Vermouth bersama kaldu utk menggantikan wine, atau gunakan 1 liter kaldu saja tanpa sparkling wine.

  • 1¼ kg whole Chicken/3 Poussin/2 Spring ChickenFish Sauce
  • 250-300 gr large Carrots, 4-6 Celery ribspinch of Sugar
  • 2 tbsp Corn starch+enough cold water-mix2 Bay leaves
  • 1 tbsp fresh chopped Rosemary, 1 tbsp dried Oregano
  • ½ lt Sparkling wine*, 500 ml Chicken broth*, Olive oil
  • small sprig of Thyme & of Sage300 gr Yellow onions
  • 40 Garlic clovesenough ground Pepper & Salt
  • enough Fresh lemon juice & Lemon zest
  • chopped Flat leaf parsley

  • Thoroughly wash the chicken in cold water; pat dry. Cut the chicken into 8-10. Remove as much fat as possible. If using Poussin/Spring chicken, just cut each one of it into 4. Set the chicken aside. Cut carrot & celery into 1 inch diagonal chunks, & cut onion into 8-root end on.
  • Heat a deep, heavy bottom iron pan on medium/high to eliminate sticking; then add olive oil to just cover the bottom of the pan. After the oil shimmer, add in few pcs of the dried-off chicken (do not crowd) to brown. Then brown the rest. Set the chicken aside.
  • Add more oil into the pan, and then brown the vegetables (one kind at a time). Brown the carrots first & then celery, onions & garlic last because it only takes a few moments. Set the vegetables aside. Pour the Champagne & broth into the pan to deglaze. Cook & scrape up the flavorful brown bits.
  • Preheat oven to 325º F. Place chicken into a braising pot; put in the vegetables; then pour in hot liquid. Add in bay leaves, chopped rosemary, oregano, sage & thyme. Season with 1 tbsp of fish sauce, enough salt & ground pepper. Bring everything to boiling on the stove. Transfer the pot to the oven & simmer for 30-40 min (an instant read thermometer placed into fleshy part of a thigh should read 170º F. Or just continue to cook at a low simmer on top of the stove.
  • Sauce: Pour the corn starch mixture a little at a time into the bubbling sauce at various spots and stir a bit until slightly thicken & opaque. Season the sauce by adding a few drops of lemon juice, some lemon zest, sugar, fish sauce or salt & ground pepper. Remove from the heat.
  • Allow flavors to marry in the refrigerator overnight; the dish will taste much better on the next day. Reheat the dish on the stove/microwave. Adjust seasoning if necessary. Add chopped parsley to freshen the flavors. Place the desired chicken piece on a heated plate; add vegetables & top with the sauce. Serve them with a simply dressed green salad & fresh baguettes or spätzle. You can also serve them with additional root vegetables such as: parsnips, turnips, potatoes, celery root, etc. Yield: 6-8 servings, with lots of veggie and sauce leftovers.
  • * Use 235-475 ml of dry Vermouth instead of sparkling wine with the chicken broth, or just use 1 litre of chicken broth without the sparkling wine.
I`ve got the recipe from my friend Viana de León. Thank you so much my dear..:)

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