

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Pastry Gulung Isi Daging Cincang/Saucijzenbroodje (Sausage Rolls)

In Indonesian & English


  • 1 bks klt Puff Pastry (275 gr)
  • 125 gr Daging sapi cincang, 2 Telur
  • 125 gr Daging ayam/babi cincang
  • ½ st Lada htm bbk, ½ st Ketumbar bbk
  • 1 Daun salam, 1 sm Peterseli cincang
  • 1 sm Mentega, 1 sm Keju parut
  • 1 Bawang putih-hlskan, 50 ml Susu/Kaldu
  • 1 sm Baw.bombay cincang, 4 sm Panir
  • ¼ st Cayenne pepper bubuk, 1½ st Garam
  • 1 Wortel kcl-parut, 1 st Saus mustar
  • ½ st Pala bubuk, 1 st Oregano (opsional)
  • Terigu secukupnya

Cara membuat

  • Tumis baw.pth, bombay & daun salam dng mentega di api sedang sampai harum. Angkat dari api, buang daun salamnya & biarkan sampai dingin.
  • Giling halus daging2 cincang, tumisan bawang, 1 telur, susu/kaldu, keju, garam, lada, ketumbar, cayenne pepper, saus mustar & pala dng food processor. Campur adonan daging dng peterseli, oregano, wortel & panir hingga rata. Bagi adonan menjadi 2.
  • Potong klt pastry jadi 2 di tengah. Taburi permukaan meja kerja dng sedikit terigu, ltkkan 1 lembar kulit di atasnya. Susun daging ± 1 cm dari bagian tepi kulit pastry secara memanjang. Bentuk daging menjadi silinder sepanjang sisi tepi dng rapi. Gulung kulit sampai menutupi daging dng rapat. Tekan perlahan bagian atas utk sedikit memipihkan. Olesi ujung gulungan kulit dengan telur kocok utk merekatkan. Ulangi prosedur ukt sisa adonan & kulit pastry. Gores2 ringan bagian atas kulit tetapi jangan sampai tembus ke adonan daging. Olesi seluruh permukaan kulit pastry dng telur kocok.
  • Panaskan oven 200° C. Alasi loyang dng kertas perkamen, taruh pastry roll diatasnya dng sisi dasar gulungan menghadap ke bawah. Panggang 20-25 mnt (sampai pastry mengembang & kuning kecoklatan). Balik posisi pastry roll, panggang lagi sebentar. Keluarkan dari oven kmd potong2 sesuai selera


  • 1 pack (275 gr) Puff pastry sheet, 2 Eggs
  • 125 gr minced Beef, 1 clove Garlic-grind
  • 125 gr minced Pork/Chicken, 1½ tsp Salt
  • ½ tsp ground Black pepper, 1 Bay leaf
  • 1 tbsp chopped Parsley, 1 tsp Mustard
  • 50 ml Milk/Broth, 4 tbsp Bread crumbs
  • 1 tbsp chopped Onion, 1 tbsp Butter
  • ½ tsp ground Coriander, enough Flour
  • ½ tsp ground Nutmeg, 1 tsp Oregano
  • ¼ tsp Cayenne pepper powder
  • 1 baby Carrot-grated
  • 1 tbsp grated Cheese


  • Sauté the garlic, onion & bay leaf with butter over medium heat until fragrant. Remove from the heat; discard the bay leaf & then let it chill.
  • Grind all meat, sautéed onion-garlic, 1 egg, milk/broth, grated cheese, salt, coriander, pepper, cayenne pepper, mustard & nutmeg until it becomes very fine with a food processor. Combine the mixture with bread crumbs, oregano, carrot & parsley well. Divide the mixture into 2.
  • Cut the pastry sheet into 2 in the middle. Dust working surface with some flour. Lay 1 pastry sheet on it. Place the meat in pastry sheet lengthwise, leaving 1 cm edge. Form the meat into a long cylinder shape neatly. Tightly roll up the pastry sheet to enclose filling. Slightly press the roll top side evenly to flatten a little. Smear ends with some beaten egg to secure. Repeat the procedure for the rest of meat & pastry sheet. Slightly press the top of pastry sheets in several places with a fork tip (don`t cut the meat part). Smear the pastry sheets all over with some egg.
  • Heat the oven to  200° C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper; put in the rolls, seam side down. Bake for 20-25 mins (until the pastry puffed & golden brown). Turn sausage rolls position over & bake again for a while. Remove from the oven; and cut sausage rolls as desired.

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