

Monday, June 9, 2014

Puff Pastry Isi Ragout-Pasteitje met Ragout (Chicken Ragout in Puff Pastry)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 2 lembar kulit Puff pastry (550 gr), 1 Daun salam
  • 100 gr Daging ayam-potong kecil2, 1 sm Olive oil
  • 1 st Kaldu ayam bubuk, 1 Telur-kocok, 1 sm Air
  • 30 gr Mentega100 ml White wine, 1 st Garam
  • 30 gr Bawang bombay-cincang, ¼ st Pala bubuk
  • 1 sm Peterseli cincang, 4 sm Terigu, ½ st Lada
  • 60 gr Jamur kancing/champignon-potong kecil2
  • 1 Bawang putih-cincang, ½ st Rosemary-iris
  • 200 ml Krim/Susu, ¼ st Daun thyme kering

Cara membuat
  • Panaskan oven 200° C. Taburi permukaan meja kerja dng 1 sm terigu. Ptg 32-36 lingkaran sama besar di klt puff pastry dng pemotong kue btk bundar/permukaan gelas. Ambil ½ dari jumlah lingkaran tsb, potong berbtk lingkaran lbh kecil di tengahnya (btk spt cincin). Ulasi sisa lingkaran yg utuh dng sedikit air kmd ltkkan/tumpuk lingkaran btk cincin di atasnya. Ulasi kulit pastry seluruhnya dng telur. Ltkkan di pan panggang, panggang selama ± 6-10 mnt (sampai kulit pastry naik & kuning kecoklatan). Matikan oven, buka pintunya & biarkan pastry di dalam selama 3 mnt. Keluarkan dr oven, ltkkan kulit di rak kawat sampai dingin. Tutup & simpan di suhu ruang.
  • Tumis baw.pth & bombay dng olive oil & mentega sampai layu. Mskkan jamur, masak ± 4 mnt. Beri ayam, aduk sampai matang. Tuang wine, masak sampai cairan berkurang (3 mnt). Tuang susu & kaldu blok, didihkan. Kecilkan api ke rendah, beri thyme, salam, rosemary, garam, pala & lada; masak 10 mnt. Mskkan 3 sm terigu sedikit2 sambil diaduk cepat sampai saus mengental menjadi ragout. Angkat dari api & sisihkan
  • Ltkkan puff pastry di piring saji, isi dng ragout. Taburi atasnya dng peterseli cincang.

  • 2 Puff pastry sheets (550 gr), 1 tbsp Water, 1 Bay leaf
  • 1 Garlic clove-minced100 gr Chicken meat-small diced
  • 30 gr chopped Onion, 100 ml White wine, 4 tbsp Flour
  • ¼ tsp Thyme, 1 tbsp chopped Parsley, 1 tbsp Olive oil
  • 1 tsp Chicken broth powder, 1 tsp Salt, 30 gr Butter
  • 60 gr Button mushrooms/Champignon-small sliced
  • 200 ml Cream/Milk, 1 Egg-beaten, ½ tsp Pepper
  • ½ tsp chopped Rosemary, ¼ tsp ground Nutmeg

  • Heat the oven to  200° C. Dust a working surface/table with 1 tbsp of flour. Cut 32-36 equal circles from the puff pastry sheets using a round cookie cutter/drinking glass. Take ½ parts of the circles, cut smaller circles out of the middle (form them like a ring). Smear the full circles with a little water. Place the ring shaped circles on top of the full circles. Brush the whole pastry sheets with some egg. Place them on a baking sheet & bake for 6-10 min (until the pastry puffed & golden brown). Turn off the oven & open up the door; let the pastry stay there for 3 min. Place them into a wire rack to cool completely. Cover & let stand at room temperature.
  • Sauté the garlic & onions with olive oil & butter until wilted. Put in the mushrooms; cook for ~ 4 min. Stir in the chicken until it cooked. Pour in the wine; cook until the wine reduced (3 min). Stir in the milk & broth powder; bring it to a boil. Turn the heat to low; stir in thyme, bay leaf, rosemary, salt, nutmeg & pepper. Bring it to a simmer for 10 min. Add in 3 tbsp of flour, little by little; stir firmly & quickly until the mixture thicken. Remove from the heat & set aside.
  • Place the pastry cups on a serving plate. Fill them with the ragout; sprinkle with chopped parsley.

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