

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Karin`s 5-Spice Schnitzel with Spicy Dill Pickles Sauce

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 900 gr Daging sapi muda/fillet ayam/babi, 3 sm Terigu
  • 2 Telur-kocok, 100-125 gr Tepung panko/panir, Minyak
Bumbu kering: campur semua bumbu2
  • Sejumput cengkeh bubuk, ½ st Bawang putih bubuk
  • Sejumput kayu manis bubuk, 1 st Bawang bubuk
  • ¼ st Cayenne pepper/Cabai bubuk, 1 st Garam
  • ½ st Bumbu ngohiong, ½ st Daun thyme kering
  • ¼ st Pala bubuk, ½ st Lada hitam bubuk
Saus acar ketimun pedas:
  • 100 gr Acar dill ketimun-potong dadu, 1 st Kecap inggris
  • 100 gr Bawang bombay-iris, 2 sm Terigu, 250 ml Susu
  • 25-30 gr Jalapeno/Cabai hijau-cacah, 50 gr Mentega
  • 1 Daun bawang-iris halus, Lada hitam bubuk & Garam
Cara membuat
  • Potong daging menjadi 4-5 potongan lebar. Letakkan daging diantara 2 lembar plastik, di atas permukaan yang rata & solid. Pukul2 perlahan daging dengan sisi halus dari sebuah palu daging sampai ketebalannya menjadi 1-1½ cm. Ulasi kedua sisi daging dengan campuran bumbu kering sampai bumbu habis, lalu simpan tertutup di kulkas selama minimal 3 jam.
  • Saus: Lelehkan mentega di wajan dengan api sedang. Masukkan bawang bombay & jalapeno/cabai hijau, aduk2 sampai bawang layu. Beri acar ketimun dill & daun bawang, aduk2 selama ± 3 menit. Taburi terigu, aduk cepat hingga rata dengan adonan. Kecilkan api, tuangi susu sedikit2 sambil terus diaduk. Beri kecap inggris, bumbui dengan garam & lada hitam secukupnya. Masak selama ± 5 menit.
  • Lapisi kedua sisi daging tersebut dengan terigu tipis2 saja. Celup daging ke dalam telur, kemudian mskkan ke tepung panko/panir. Tekan2 tepung agar melekat dengan baik di kedua sisi daging.
  • Panaskan minyak di wajan besar dengan api sedang-besar. Masukkan & goreng daging hingga matang & kecokelatan (4-5 menit/sisi). Angkat, letakkan di piring beralas kertas roti untuk menyerap minyak.
  • Hidangkan daging goreng dengan saus acar ketimun pedas & Kentang Ongklok (klik pada link untuk melihat resepnya).

  • 900 gr Veal/Chicken breast fillet/Pork, 3 tbsp Flour
  • 2 Eggs-beaten, 100-125 gr Panko/Bread crumbs, Oil
Spices mixture: combine well all of the spices
  • ½ tsp 5-Spice powder, ¼ tsp Cayenne pepper
  • 1 pinch of ground Cloves, 1 tsp Onion powder
  • ½ tsp ground Black pepper, ½ tsp dried Thyme
  • ¼ tsp ground Nutmeg, ½ tsp Garlic powder
  • Pinch of ground Cinnamon, 1 tsp Salt
Spicy dill pickles sauce:
  • 100 gr Cucumber dill pickles-dicedground Black pepper
  • 100 gr Onion-sliced, 1 Green onion-sliced, 2 tbsp Flour
  • 50 gr Butter, 250 ml Milk, 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 25-30 gr Jalapeno-seeded & minced, enough Salt

  • Slice the meat into 4-5 wide cutlets. Place them between 2 sheets of plastic on a solid, level surface. Lightly pound meat with the smooth side of a mallet to a thickness of ½ inch. Rub both sides of the meat generously with spices mixture. Cover & refrigerate them for minimum 3 hours.
  • Sauce: Melt butter in a pan over medium heat. Stir in the onion & jalapeno until the onion wilted. Add in the pickles & green onion; cook & stir for ~ 3 min. Put in the flour; stir quickly to combine them well. Turn the heat to low; pour in the milk a little at a time; whisking constantly. Stir in Worcestershire sauce & season with enough black pepper & salt. Simmer for ~ 5 minutes.
  • Lightly dust both sides of the meat with flour & then dip it into beaten eggs. Cover meat with panko/bread crumbs; press bread crumbs firmly into the meat on both sides.
  • Heat enough oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Fry meat until they are cooked & the crust is well-browned (~ 4-5 minutes/side). Transfer to a plate lined with paper towels.
  • Serve schnitzel with the spicy dill pickles sauce & Steamed Potatoes with Garlic Butter (please click on the link for the recipe).

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