

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Fajitas Daging Sapi Mexico (Beef FajitasGrilled Skirt Steak)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 1 kg Daging sapi samcan depan/belakang *
  • 1 Bawang bombay besar-iris halus, Minyak
  • 1 Cabai jalapeño-buang biji & cincang
  • 1 Paprika merah & 1 hijau-iris2 memanjang
  • 8 Kulit tortilla & Keju parut secukupnya
Bahan perendam:
  • 3 Bawang putih-haluskan, 1 sm Cabai bubuk
  • ½ st Lada hitam bubuk, 75 ml Air jeruk nipis
  • 1½ st Jintan bubuk, 2 st Gula merah
  • ½ sm Ketumbar bubuk, 500 ml Olive oil
  • 3 sm Kecap inggris, 1 st Oregano
  • 2 sm Daun ketumbar cincang, 2 st Garam
Pico de gallo/Salsa Fresca:
  • 4-6 Tomat roma-cincang, Garam
  • 2 Cabai serrano/jalapeño-iris
  • ½ Bawang bombay kecil-cincang
  • 2 sm Daun ketumbar cincang
  • 2 st Air jeruk nipis, Lada
  • 1 Apukat matang, ½ sm Olive oil, ¼ st Garam
  • ½ Cabai serrano-cincang, Lada hitam bubuk
  • 1 Bawang merah+½ Bawang putih-cincang
  • 1 st Air nipis, ½ sm Daun ketumbar cincang

Cara membuat
  • Campur bahan2 perendam. Potong daging melintang besar2 (panjang & lebar, jangan terlalu tipis) Mskkan daging ke kantung plastik, tuang 2/3 bagian bhn perendam ke dalamnya. Aduk rata, sisihkan. Mskkan bombay, jalapeño, paprika & sisa bhn perendam ke kantung plastik lain. Aduk rata. Simpan kedua kantung di kulkas selama 2-8 jam/semalam.
  • Guacamole: Hancurkan daging alukat dng garpu tetapi jangan terlalu halus. Mskkan semua bhn guacamole lain & aduk rata. Bungkus wadah dng plastik & dinginkan di kulkas selama ± 1 jam.
  • Pico de gallo/Salsa fresca: Campur semua bahan salsa kemudian aduk rata.
  • Keluarkan daging & campuran paprika dari kulkas, biarkan hingga mencapai suhu ruang. Angkat daging & campuran paprika dari saus perendamnya. Ltkkan terpisah di 2 piring.
  • Panaskan alat grill/panggangan bbq dng gas/arang hingga benar2 panas (± 260° C) di salah satu sisinya. Panaskan sisi lain dari alat panggang dng panas sedang. Ulasi rak alat panggang dng minyak anti lengket. Letakkan daging di sisi rak panggang yg panas, beri jarak 5 cm diantara tiap daging agar matangnya merata. Bakar daging selama 1-2 mnt, balik & bakar sisi tsb selama 1-2 mnt lagi (bakar tiap sisi daging hingga kecoklatan tapi tdk gosong). Pindahkan daging ke sisi rak paggang dng panas sedang hingga daging matang (tergantung selera tingkat kematangan yg di inginkan). Jika tak memiliki pemanggang arang/gas, gunakan pan grill/pan besi berdasar tebal di atas kompor. Nyalakan fan bila memasak ddlm ruangan utk menyedot asap yg terbtk. Panaskan pan sampai benar panas, biarkan pan dlm keadaan panas tinggi ± 2 mnt. Tuangi sedikit minyak, panaskan selama 1 mnt. Ltkkan daging di pan & bakar hingga dasarnya kecoklatan. Balik daging & bakar lagi. Masak daging selama 2-3 mnt/sisi (utk kematangan medium) atau sampai tingkat kematangan yg diinginkan. Kecilkan api ke sedang-tinggi jika pan mulai berasap terlalu banyak.
  • Angkat daging dari api, bungkus dng aluminium foil. Biarkan daging beristirahat selama 2-5 mnt agar air daging terserap lagi kedalam daging (mencegah daging jadi kering).
  • Ltkkan kulit tortilla di atas rak panggangan & bakar dng api sedang-kecill selama ± 30-60 detik. Balik, bakar juga sisi tsb. Anda juga dapat memanaskan kulit tortilla ini dng pan (tanpa minyak) di atas kompor. Bungkus kulit tortilla panas tsb dng lap bersih agar tetap hangat.
  • Panaskan pan berdasar tebal hingga benar2 panas. Tuangi minyak sedikit, panaskan ± 1 mnt. Masukkan campuran paprika, tumis sampai sedikit kecoklatan tetapi masih renyah. Sisihkan.
  • Iris2 tipis daging melawan arah serat. Ltkkan campuran paprika secukupnya di kulit tortilla, taruh bbrp irisan daging di atasnya. Taburi keju parut, beri 1 sendok Pico de gallo/Salsa fresca & 1 sendok guacamole. Lipat kulit tortilla spt membungkus taco atau burrito. Utk 8 porsi.
  • * Yang dimaksud dng Samcan depan/belakang adalah daging skirt/plate atau flank. Resep ini dapat juga dibuat dng menggunakan fillet dada ayam atau daging pork tenderloin.

  • 1 kg whole Beef skirt steak/flank steak *
  • 1 big Onion-thinly sliced, enough Frying Oil
  • 1 Jalapeño pepper-seeded & chopped
  • 1 Red & 1 Green bell peppers-seeded
  • 8 Flour Tortillas, Shredded Cheese
Marinade ingredients:
  • 3 Garlic cloves-grind, 1 tbsp Chili flakes
  • ½ tsp ground Black pepper, 75 ml Lime juice
  • 1½ tsp ground Cumin, 2 tsp Brown sugar
  • ½ tbsp ground Coriander, 500 ml Olive oil
  • 3 tbsp Worcestershire sauce, 1 tsp Oregano
  • 2 tbsp chopped Cilantro leaves, 2 tsp Salt
Pico de Gallo/Salsa Fresca:
  • 4-6 plum/Roma tomatoes-chopped, Pepper
  • 2 Serrano chilies/Jalapeños-sliced
  • 2 tsp Lime juice, ½ Small onion-chopped
  • 2 tbsp chopped Cilantro leaves, enough Salt
  • 1 ripe Avocado, 1 tsp Lime juice, ¼ tsp Salt
  • ½ Serrano chili-chopped, ground black Pepper
  • 1 Shallot+½ clove Garlic-chopped
  • ½ tbsp chopped Cilantro leaves, ½ tbsp Olive oil

  • Combine all of the marinade ingredients. Trim & cut crosswise the skirt steak into large pieces & then put the meat into a zip top bag; pour in 2/3 parts of the marinade. Turn to coat the meat all over; set aside. Sliced all bell peppers lengthwise into strips. Put the onions, jalapeño & bell peppers in another zip top bag; pour in the remaining of marinade. Turn to coat the veggies all over. Refrigerate the meat & veggies for 2-8 hours/overnight.
  • Guacamole: Mash the avocado with a fork, leaving them still a bit chunky. Add in all ingredients; mash some more. Wrap the bowl with plastic & refrigerate for ~ 1 hour before serving.
  • Pico de Gallo/Salsa Fresca: Mix all ingredients to combine them well.
  • Allow the meat & veggies to come to room temperature. Remove the meat & veggies from the marinade into 2 different plates; shaking off liquid.
  • Preheat a part of a gas/charcoal grill to high heat; allow the temperature to reach 260° C. Preheat another burner on your grill at medium setting. Coat the grill grates with nonstick cooking spray. Place the meat on the hotter part of the grill rack; leave at least 5 cm clearance around them for even cooking. Sear the meat for 1-2 min on the 1st side; flip them over. Cook the 2nd side for another 1-2 min. Each side of the meat should have a crisp caramelized crust that is brown without being burnt. Move them to the cooler part of the grill to cook them through (depending on your preference for doneness). If you don`t have a gas/charcoal grill; use a cast iron/heavy grill pan on the stove-top. Turn on an exhaust fan for indoor stove-top grilling Preheat the cast iron/heavy grill pan to smoking point; let it heat up for 2 min. Pour in some frying oil; heat it up for 1 min. Lay the meat into the pan; let it searing until a nice brown crust has developed & then flip them over. Cook for 2-3 min/side (medium rare) or to desired doneness. Reduce the heat to medium-high if the pan starts to smoke much.
  • Remove the meat from the heat & then cover them with an aluminum foil. Let it rest for 2-5 min to let the juices get re-absorbed into the meat.
  • Meanwhile, place tortillas on the grill grates over medium-low flame; let it char for 30-60 seconds. Flip it over & cook the other side. You can also use a pan on the stove-top (without adding any oil) to warm up tortillas. Wrap the hot tortilla with a clean tea towel to keep it warm.
  • Preheat a heavy skillet to smoking point; add in just a little oil & heat it up for 1 min. Add in the veggies; stir-fry for few minutes until slightly charred but still quite firm. Set aside.
  • Slice the meat against the grain into thin slices. Place some grilled veggies into the tortilla. Put some strips of meat on top. Add in enough cheese, spoonful of Pico de Gallo & a dollop of guacamole. Fold it up taco- or burrito-style. For 8 servings.
  • * Can also be made with chicken breast fillet or pork tenderloin steaks.

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