

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Ayam Goreng Kremes Tulang Lunak-Presto (Deep-Fried Soft Bone Chicken with Honeycombs Crunchy Flakes)

Ayam goreng presto berlapis & disajikan dengan kremesan bersarang
(Deep-fried soft bone chicken covered & served with the honeycombs crunchy flakes)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 1 Ayam kampung utuh, 6 Daun salam, 1 sm Air asam
  • 500 ml Santan, 1½ lt Air kelapa *, 40 gr Gula jawa
  • 8 Daun jeruk, 1 Jeruk nipis-peras, Minyak goreng
  • 2 Sereh & 4 cm Lengkuas-geprek
  • 8 cm/4 gr Kunyit, 6 gr Jahe, 2 st Ketumbar
  • 20 gr/6 Bawang putih, 30 gr/4 Bawang merah
  • 6 Kemiri, 1½ sm Garam1 st Lada
  • 400 ml Air sisa merebus ayam, ½ st Baking soda
  • 75 gr Tepung tapioka, 25 gr Tepung beras
  • 1 Kuning telur
Pelengkap penyajian:
  • Ketimun, Tomat & Wortel-potong2Daun Kemangi
  • Nasi Uduk/Nasi putih hangat, Sambal

Cara membuat
  • Belah ayam di bagian dadanya saja (jangan memotong ayam jadi 2). Pentangkan ayam & lumuri dng air jeruk nipis, diamkan 15 mnt. Tumis bumbu halus hingga harum.
  • Masukkan ayam, bumbu halus, semua bumbu, gula jawa, air asam, air kelapa & santan ke dlm panci presto. Masak ayam dengan api besar hingga panci mendesis (± ½ jam). Kecilkan api ke rendah, masak terus selama 1-½ jam (waktu tergantung ukuran ayam), hingga tulang ayam menjadi lunak. Matikan api, keluarkan ayam dari panci, biarkan hingga mendingin. Buang lengkuas, daun2an & sereh dari air sisa merebus.
  • Panaskan minyak goreng yg banyak di wajan. Ltkkan ayam di saringan besar. Goreng ayam hingga kuning kecoklatan. Balik posisi ayam perlahan & goreng lagi hingga sisi tsb juga menjadi kuning kecoklatan. Angkat, tiriskan minyaknya & sisihkan.
  • Kremesan: Panaskan minyak yg banyak di wajan anti lengket cekung sampai benar2 panas. Campur semua bahan kremes (tambahkan garam bila perlu). Aduk hingga menjadi adonan yg halus & encer. Tuang satu sendok sayur adonan sambil diputar di permukaan minyak agar tersebar rata di wajan. Biarkan hingga adonan mulai terbentuk spt lingkaran, masih putih & belum kering. Hati2 letakkan serok/saringan di bawah adonan (di dlm minyak) utk menahan ayam. Letakkan potongan ayam di adonan kremes (di atas posisi saringan). Gunakan sutil utk melipat adonan ke arah ayam sampai membungkus ayam seluruhnya. Goreng & balik posisi ayam hingga kremesan pada kedua sisinya mengeras & kuning kecoklatan. Angkat ayam dng saringan. Tiriskan di kertas roti. Aduk adonan seblm dituangkan lagi. Ulangi proses untuk sisa adonan. Bila ayam sudah terbalut kremesan, goreng sisa kremesan utk disajikan bersama ayam.
  • Ltkkan ayam & kremesan di piring saji. Hidangkan ayam dengan nasi putih panas atau Nasi Uduk, Sambal Bajak/Sambal Cabai Hijau/Sambal Mangga/Sambal Sereh dan sayur2an mentah (klik pada link untuk melihat resep2nya)
  • Setelah dingin, ayam & kremesannya dapat disimpan di wadah tertutup rapat. Panaskan ayam di oven bersuhu 150° C selama 15 menit sebelum dihidangkan kembali.
  • * Air kelapa dapat diganti dengan campuran 1½ lt Air, 2 st Cuka & 6 st Gula.

  • 1 whole Free-Range Chicken, 500 ml Coconut milk
  • 6 Bay leaves, 1½ lt Coconut water*, frying Oil
  • 8 Kaffir lime leaves, 1 tbsp Tamarind water
  • 2 Lemongrass & 4 cm Galangal-bruised
  • 40 gr Palm sugar1 Lime-squeeze
Grind into a paste:
  • 2 tsp Coriander, 20 gr Garlic, 30 gr Shallots
  • 6 Candlenuts, 4 gr Turmeric, 1½ tbsp Salt
  • 6 gr Ginger, 1 tsp Pepper
Crunchy flakes ingredients:
  • 400 ml leftover Stock, ½ tsp Baking soda
  • 75 gr Tapioca flour, 25 gr Rice flour, 1 Egg yolk
For Serving:
  • Cucumber, Tomato & Carrot-sliced, Sambal
  • Lemon basil leaves/Basil leaves
  • Scented Coconut Milk Rice or Steam rice

  • Cut chicken along the breast but don`t halve/cut the chicken into 2. Turn the chicken over; press the back to flatten. Rub chicken with lime juice; let it stand for 15 mim. Sauté the spices paste until fragrant.
  • Put chicken, spices paste, all seasoning & ingredients (with the exception of oil) into a pressure cooker. Cook over high heat until it whistled (~ ½ hour). Reduce the heat to low; cook again for 1-1½ hour (depends on the chicken size), until the bones becomes soften. Turn off the heat; lift the chicken from the pot. Let it cool down. Discard the galangal, all leaves & lemongrass from the leftover stock.
  • Heat lots of oil in a wok. Place chicken in a flat strainer/shovel (big enough to hold the chicken). Fry until the chicken colour becomes golden brown. Gently turn the position over; fry again the other side until golden brown. Remove from the heat; lift the chicken; drain & set aside.
  • Crunchy flakes: Heat lots of frying oil in a non-stick wok until really hot. Combine all ingredients until the mixture becomes smooth (add some salt if necessary). Ladle batter into the wok; swirl around the oil surface so the batter covers the surface evenly. Let it cook until the batter starts to set, forming a circle, still white & haven`t dry. Gently place a flat strainer under the batter (in the oil), to hold the chicken later on. Put chicken into the batter (above the strainer). Use a shovel spatula-frying utensil to fold the batter to cover the chicken completely. Fry & turn the chicken over; cook until the batter crisp & golden brown on both sides. Use strainer to lift the chicken from oil. Drain on paper towels. Stir the batter before using it; repeat the procedure for the rest of batter. You can also fry the batter without the chicken & serve the crunchy flakes with the chicken later on or for next time.
  • Place the chicken & crunchy flakes in serving plate. Serve it with steamed rice or Indonesian Scented Coconut Milk RiceSweet & Spicy Fried Sambal/Green Chili Paste/Spicy Mango Relish/Lemongrass Chili Paste and raw vegetables (click on the links for the recipe).
  • You can also store the chicken & crunchy flakes in a container after it cooled down. Warm it up in the oven 150° C for 15 minutes before serving it again.
  • * Coconut water substitute: a mixture of 1½ lt Water, 2 tsp rice Vinegar & 6 tsp Sugar.

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