

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Bakso Goreng (Fried Meatballs)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 250 gr fillet Ayam/Babi, 100 gr Udang¾ st Lada bubuk
  • 150 gr Kulit+lemak ayam, 1 st Baking powder, Minyak
  • 200 gr Tepung tapioka+50 gr Terigu-aduk, 1¼ st Garam
  • 1 st Gula, ½ st Ketumbar bubuk2 st Saus soya pekat
  • 2 st Minyak wijen, 2 sm Bawang goreng2 Putih telur
  • 3 Bawang putih-cincang, 1 st Kecap ikan, 1 sm Olive oil

Cara membuat
  • Campur rata tepung dng bak.powder, sisihkan. Blender daging, kulit, lemak, udang, bawang2 & bumbu2. Campur dng putih telur, aduk rata. Mskkan campuran tepung sedikit2 sambil diuleni dng tangan atau diaduk rata dng spatula hingga kalis & adonan menjadi benar2 lengket.
  • Hangatkan minyak di wajan dng api sedang (jangan sampai panas). Kecilkan api ke rendah. Basahi tangan, taruh adonan di telapak. Kepalkan & tekan agar adonan klr dari antara jempol & telunjuk. Potong membulat dng sendok. Celup sendok di air seblm digunakan. Mskkan bakso ke dalam minyak hangat. Bola2 jangan diletakkan terlalu berdekatan krn akan mengembang. Masak sambil sesekali dibalik2 sampai bola2 kuning kecokelatan & kering (30-45 mnt, semakin besar bola2 semakin lama pemasakan). Angkat & tiriskan di kertas penyerap minyak.
  • Sajikan bakso goreng sebagai snack dng saus sambal, sebagai bakso goreng kuah kaldu atau dpt juga digunakan sbg pelengkap Bakwan Malang (klik pada link utk resepnya).
  • Bila hendah disimpan: setelah mendingin, mskkan bakso goreng ke dalam kantung plastik, vacum kmd mskkan di freezer. Cara memanaskannya: Ltkkan bakso goreng di oven dng panas 125º C selama ± 10 mnt atau panaskan di toaster roti sambil sesekali dibalik2.

  • 250 gr Chicken/Pork fillet, 100 gr Shrimps, 2 Egg whites
  • 150 gr Chicken fat+skin, 3 Garlic cloves-minced, Frying oil
  • 200 gr Tapioca flour+50 gr Flour-mix, ¾ tsp ground Pepper
  • 1 tsp Sugar, ½ tsp ground Coriander, 2 tsp dark Soy sauce
  • 2 tsp Sesame oil, 1 tsp Fish sauce, 2 tbsp Fried onion
  • 1 tbsp Olive oil, 1 tsp Baking powder, 1¼ tsp Salt

  • Mix the flour & baking soda well; set aside. Grind the chicken meat-fat-skin, shrimps, garlic, fried onion & all seasoning in a food processor into smooth paste. Mix them with the egg whites well. Add in the flour mixture a little at a time; constantly kneading the dough with hand or spatula until incorporated & it becomes really sticky on your hand.
  • Warm up the frying oil in a wok/deep pan over medium heat; make sure the oil is only warm & not hot. Reduce the heat to low. Rub your hand with little bit water; put a handful of dough in your palm. Squeeze out a small portion of the dough, between index finger & thumb, to make a rounded ball shaped meatballs. Scoop out the balls dough with a watered spoon. Drop the balls into the warm oil. Give enough space between each ball as they will rise/expand. Fry the balls until it becomes nicely golden brown & crisp (30-45 min; will need a longer frying time if you make a bigger size balls); turning as necessary to ensure that both sides are cooked through. Remove them the heat & & drain on a paper towel.
  • Serve fried meatballs as snack with chili sauce; serve it as fried meatballs in broth soup or use fried meatballs as complement when you make Mixed Dumplings Soup à la Malang (click on the link to see the recipe).
  • You can store the fried meatballs in the freezer. Let the balls cooling down, then put them in vacuum plastic bag. Later on just heat the fried meatballs up in the oven at 125º C for ~ 10 min. Or you can also heat it up in toaster; turn it over once in awhile.

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