

Friday, May 8, 2015

Lontong Sayur Medan (Vegetables in Coconut Broth Medan Style)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 1 Labu siam-potong korek api, 4 sm Tauco, 1½ st Gula
  • 25 gr Kecombrang-iris (opsional)6 Bawang merah-iris
  • 600 ml Santan kental, 6 Telur rebus/goreng, Minyak
  • 5 cm Laos-geprek, 500 ml Kaldu/Air, 3 Daun salam
  • 200 gr Daging tetelan-iris, 1 Tahu goreng-potong2
  • 100 gr Kacang panjang-potong2 kecil, 4 Daun jeruk
  • 100 gr Udang, 2 Cabai hijau-iris2, 30 gr Tekokak
  • 2 Belimbing sayur-iris/1 sm Air asam, Garam
  • 4 Kemiri, 1 st Lada5 gr Jahe, 50 gr Bawang merah
  • 16 gr Bawang putih4 Cabai merah, Cabai keriting
  • 1 Sereh-putihnya saja
  • Lontong-irisKering tempe, Sambal goreng kentang
  • Bawang goreng, Kerupuk

Cara membuat
  • Campur & remas2 labu siam dengan sedikit garam hingga layu. Bilas dengan air lalu tiriskan.
  • Tumis bumbu halus, bawang & cabai iris dengan minyak hingga wangi. Beri laos, tauco, daun jeruk & salam, aduk. Tuangi kaldu, santan & air asam/belimbing. Masukkan gula & daging. Masak hingga santan mendidih, aduk sering2.
  • Masukkan labu, tekokak, bunga kantan/kecombrang/kincung & kacang panjang. Masak hingga bahan2 matang. Beri udang, tahu, telur & bumbui dengan garam secukupnya. Masak hingga udang matang.
  • Siram sayur di atas lontong, sajikan bersama sambal goreng kentang & kering tempe, taburi bawang goreng & makan dng kerupuk. Klik pada link2 berikut untuk melihat resep2nya: Lontong, Sambal Goreng KentangKering Tempe.

  • 1 Chayote-shredded, 100 gr Shrimps½ lt Broth/water
  • 100 gr String beans-sliced small, 2 Green chilies-sliced
  • Bay leaves, 30 gr Pea eggplantsKaffir lime leaves
  • fried Tofu-sliced, 5 cm Galangal-bruisedfrying Oil
  • Boiled/-fried eggs, 200 gr Flanks meat-sliced, Salt
  • 600 ml thick Coconut milk, Shallots-sliced thinly
  • Bilimbi fruits-sliced/1 tbsp Tamarind juice
  • 4 tbsp Soy bean paste, 1½ tsp Sugar
  • 25 gr Etlingera elatior flower-sliced (optional)
Grind into a paste:
  • 16 gr GarlicRed chilies, 1 tsp Pepper, 5 gr Ginger
  • 50 gr Shallots, 4 Candlenuts, Cayenne peppers
  • Lemongrass-white part only
  • Spicy Fried Potato, Rice cakes-sliced, Fried shallots
  • Crackers, Sweet & Spicy Deep Fried Tempeh

  • Squeeze chayote with a bit salt to wither; rinse & then drain. Set it aside.
  • Sauté spices paste, sliced shallots & chilies until fragrant. Stir in galangal, soy bean paste, kaffir lime leaves & bay leaves. Pour in broth, coconut milk & tamarind juice/bilimbi fruits. Add in the meat & sugar. Bring it to a boil & stirring it often.
  • Put in chayote, pea eggplants, etlingera elatior flower & string beans. Boil until the vegetables soften. Add in shrimps, tofu, eggs & season with enough salt. Cook just for a while.
  • Pour the stew over sliced compressed rice cake. Serve it with spicy fried potato and sweet & spicy deep fried tempeh; sprinkle with some fried shallots & eat it with the crackers. Click on the following links for the recipe of: Compressed Rice Cake, Spicy Fried Potato, Sweet & Spicy Deep Fried Tempeh.

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