

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Ayam Panggang Jawa (Javanese Roast Chicken)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 1 Ayam kampung, 3 Daun salam, 5 Daun jeruk, 500 ml Air
  • 500 ml Santan, 250 ml Air kelapa, ½ Jeruk nipis-peras air
  • 3 cm Lengkuas & 2 Sereh-geprek, 50 gr Gula jawa
  • 3 sm Minyak goreng, 2 st Air asam, 1½ sm Garam
Bahan olesan: campur rata semua bahan
  • 1 sm Margarin, 1 sm Kecap manis, ¼ st Pala bubuk
  • ½ st Lada bubuk, 1 sm Madu
  • 1 sm Ketumbar-sangrai, 1 st Lada, 2 cm Jahe, 5 Kemiri
  • ½ st Jintan, 2 cm Kencur, 7 (55 gr) Bawang merah
  • 5 (20 gr) Bawang putih

Cara membuat
  • Lumuri ayam dengan air jeruk nipis, diamkan 20 menit. Bilas lalu silangkan & ikat kaki ayam. Tumis bumbu hls, sisihkan. Didihkan santan, air kelapa, air, bumbu2 & bumbu halus. Kecilkan api, mskkan ayam, air asam & gula jawa. Tutup panci, masak hingga bumbu meresap & kuah mengental, balik posisi ayam sesekali. Matikan api, biarkan ayam di dalamnya selama ½ jam. Angkat ayam dari kuah. Semir ayam dng bahan olesan.
  • Metode panggang berdiri: Panaskan oven 200° C, pasang kipas oven. Masukkan kuah bumbu ke tabung alat panggang vertikal. Posisikan ayam berdiri di atas alat panggang (bila tidak ada alat panggang vertical, gunakan kaleng soft drink, isi dng kuah bumbu, mskkan ke lubang perut ayam). Taruh alat panggang di dlm loyang berisi air. Panggang sampai ayam kecoklatan. Metode panggang biasa: Panaskan oven 200° C, nyalakan api atas. Ltkkan ayam di atas rak berkaki yg di ltkkan dlm loyang berisi air. Panggang sampai kecokelatan. Balik ayam, beri olesan, panggang sampai sisi tsb kecokelatan. Keluarkan dari oven & buka ikatan pada kaki ayam.
  • Sajikan dng lalapan, Sambal Sereh & nasi hangat, Nasi Ulam atau Nasi Uduk (klik pada link utk melihat resep2nya).

  • 1 whole Free-Range Chicken, 3 Bay leaves, 500 ml Water
  • 5 Kaffir lime leaves, 2 tsp Tamarind juice, ½ Lime-squeeze
  • 500 ml Coconut milk, 250 ml Coconut water, 1½ tbsp Salt
  • 3 cm Galangal & 2 Lemongrass-bruised, 3 tbsp frying Oil
  • 50 gr Coconut/Palm sugar
Glaze: Combine all ingredients
  • 1 tbsp Margarine, 1 tbsp sweet Soy sauce, 1 tbsp Honey
  • ¼ tsp ground Nutmeg, ½ tsp ground Pepper
Grind into a paste:
  • 1 tbsp Coriander-toasted, 2 cm Lesser galangal, 2 cm Ginger
  • 55 gr (7) Shallots, 5 Candlenuts, 1 tsp Pepper, ½ tsp Cumin
  • 20 gr (5) Garlic cloves

  • Rub chicken with lime juice; let it stand for 20 minutes. Wash & then cross the legs; tie them together. Sauté the spices paste; set aside. Boil the coconut milk, coconut water, water, spices & spices paste. Reduce the heat to low; add in the chicken, tamarind juice & sugar. Put the pot lid on; cook until the flavor blended & the gravy thickens. Turn the chicken over once in a while. Turn off the heat; let the chicken stay in the gravy for 30 min. Remove chicken from the gravy & then brush it with the glaze.
  • Vertical roasting: Preheat oven to 200° C; turn on the oven fan. Pour some of the gravy into the tube of vertical roaster. Place chicken on the vertical roaster, upright (if you don`t have a vertical roaster, use a soft drink can filled with some gravy. Put the can into chicken cavity to support the chicken upright). Place a roasting pan filled with water underneath the vertical roaster. Roast the chicken until golden brown. For normal/horizontal roasting: Preheat oven to 200° C; turn on the upper heat. Place chicken on a roasting rack set in a roasting pan filled with some water. Roast the chicken until golden brown. Turn the chicken over; brush with the glaze. Roast the other side until golden brown. Remove from the oven & un-tie the chicken legs
  • Serve chicken with raw vegetables, Lemongrass Chili Paste & steamed rice, Herbs & Rice Salad or Indonesian Scented Coconut Milk Rice (click on the links for the recipe).

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