

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Sambal Lado Mudo (Minangese Green Chili Relish)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 10 Cabai hijau1-1½ Tomat hijau-potong2
  • 1 st Gula, 5 Bawang merah, 2 Bawang putih
  • 2 sm Minyak sayur/kelapa½ st Air nipis
  • 2 Daun Jeruk-iris tipis6 Rawit, Garam

Cara membuat
  • Kukus/Rebus cabai2 & bawang merah sampai layu, tiriskan & potong2Ulek halus bawang putih, rawit & garam.
  • Masukkan cabai hijau, bawang merah, gula & air nipis. Ulek kasar lalu cicipi rasanya.
  • Panaskan minyak di wajan, mskkan daun jeruk, tomat & sambal ulek. Masak hingga harum & tomat mulai layu. 

  • 10 Green chilies½ tsp Lime juice, 1 tsp Sugar
  • 5 ShallotsBird`s eye chilies2 Garlic cloves
  • 2 tbsp Vegetable oil/Coconut oil, enough Salt
  • 1-1½ Green tomatoes-cut small
  • 2 Kaffir lime leaves-thinly sliced

  • Steam/Boil all chilies & shallots until wilted; drain & then cut them smallWith a mortar & pestle, grind the garlic, bird’s eye chilies & enough salt finely.
  • Put in green chilies, shallots, sugar & lime juice. Roughly grind the chilies & shallots. Check the taste, add some salt if needed.
  • Heat the oil in a pan; stir in roughly ground ingredients, sliced kaffir lime leaves & green tomato. Cook until fragrant & the tomato slightly wilted.

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