

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Soup Buntut (Indonesian Oxtail Soup)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 1-1½ kg Buntut sapi-potong2, Minyak, 2 liter Air
  • 300 gr Wortel & 250 gr Kentang-potong terpisah
  • 6 Cengkeh, 1 Sereh-geprek, 1 st Pala bubuk
  • 2 Pekak, 3 batang Seledri, 1½ st Gula merah
  • 1 sm Saus tiram, 1 sm Kecap asin, Lada bubuk
  • 1 sm Kecap manis, Garam secukupnya
  • 4 st Minyak wijen+6 st Olive oil-aduk
  • 6 Bawang putih, 4 cm Jahe, 2 st Lada
  • 10 Bawang merah, 2 st Ketumbar
  • Daun seledri & Daun bawang-iris, Bawang goreng
  • Sambal rawit, 2 Tomat-potong, Emping/Kerupuk
  • Jeruk nipis/limau, Acar ketimun wortel

Cara membuat
  • Bumbui & remas2 buntut dengan campuran minyak wijen, garam & lada bubuk. Simpan tertutup di kulkas ± 1-2 jam. Panaskan minyak secukupnya saja di wajan dengan panas sedang. Masak buntut hingga semua sisinya kecokelatan. Angkat buntut, sisihkan. Di wajan yg sama, tumis bumbu halus.
  • Masukkan buntut, air, bumbu halus & bumbu2 lain ke panci presto. Masak ± 30-45 menit/sampai buntut empuk. Masukkan kentang & seledri , masak hingga kentang matang. Beri wortel, kecap2 & saus tiram. Bumbui dengan garam secukupnya. Aduk rata kemudian buang batang seledri, sereh & pekak.
  • Penyajian: Taruh soup dalam mangkuk, taburi seledri, daun bawang, bawang goreng & tomat, beri air nipis. Makan dengan sambal rawit, emping/kerupuk & acar.

  • 1-1½ kg Oxtail-sliced, 2 lt Water, ground Pepper
  • 300 gr Carrots & 250 gr Potatoes-sliced separately
  • 1 tsp ground Nutmeg1 tbsp Salty soy sauce, Salt
  • 3 Asian celery stalk/½ Celeriac, 1½ tsp Brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp Sweet soy sauce, 6 Cloves2 Star aniseOil
  • 1 stalk Lemongrass-bruised, 1 tbsp Oyster sauce
  • 4 tsp Sesame oil+6 tsp Olive oil-mix
Grind into a paste:
  • 10 Shallots, 6 Garlic cloves, 2 tsp Coriander
  • 4 cm Ginger, 2 tsp Pepper
  • Sliced green onion, Chopped Celery leaves, Crackers
  • Pickled carrots & cucumber, Bird’s eye chili sambal
  • 2 Tomato-sliced, Lime/Kaffir lime, fried Shallots

  • Season & squeeze the oxtail with oil mixture, enough salt & ground pepper. Cover & let it stand in the fridge for ~ 1-2 hours. Heat enough oil in a pan over medium heat. Add in the oxtail & cook just until all sides are lightly brown. Remove oxtail; set it aside. In the same pan, sauté the spices paste.
  • Put oxtail, water, sautéed spices paste & other spices into a pressure cooker. Cook for ~ 30-45 minutes (until the meat tender). Add in potato & celery stalks; simmer until the potato soften. Add in the carrots & all sauces. Season with enough salt. Stir until the flavor blended; discard the celery stalk, lemongrass & star anise.
  • Place the soup into serving bowls; put in some tomato & green onions slices. Sprinkle some chopped celery leaves & fried shallots on top; then squeeze in lime/kaffir lime juice. Serve the soup with sambal, crackers & pickled carrots-cucumber.

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