

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Balado Teri Petai (Fried Anchovy & Stinky Beans in Chili Paste)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 500 gr Ikan teri basah-buang kepala, 2 Kemiri
  • 100 gr Petai-belah 2 & goreng, Minyak goreng
  • 2 Daun salam, 50 gr Tomat, 4 Daun jeruk
  • 3 st Air jeruk nipis, 4 cm Lengkuas-geprek
  • 10 Cabai merah, 6 Cabai keriting, Garam
  • 6 Bawang merah, 2 Bawang putih, ½ st Gula

Cara membuat
  • Remas perlahan teri dengan 2 st air jeruk nipis & garam. Goreng teri di minyak panas hingga mulai mengering lalu panggang di oven hingga kering/crispy. Tiriskan.
  • Kukus/Rebus cabai2 & bawang mrh sampai layu, tiriskan & potong2. Ulek halus bawang putih, cabai2, tomat, 2 bawang merah, kemiri & garam secukupnya. Mskkan sisa baw. merah & gula. Tumbuk kasar, kmd cicipi rasanya.
  • Panaskan minyak di pan dng api besar. Tumis dn jeruk, salam, lengkuas & sambal hingga wangi. Kecilkan api, masak hingga sambal mulai mengering. Matikan api, diamkan hingga sambal dingin.
  • Masukkan 1 st air jrk nipis, teri & petai, aduk2 sampai tersaput rata dng sambal. Cicipi, beri garam bila perlu. Masak lagi sebentar dng api kecil hingga rasa menyatu. Angkat & sajikan. Bila akan disimpan, biarkan hingga dingin terlebih dulu, lalu simpan dlm wadah tertutup rapat.

  • 500 gr fresh Anchovies-discard heads, Salt
  • 100 gr Stinky beans-halved & fried, Oil
  • ½ tsp Sugar, 2 Bay leaves, 3 tsp Lime juice
  • 6 Shallots, 2 Garlic cloves, 2 Candlenuts
  • 10 Red chilies, 6 Cayenne peppers
  • 50 gr Tomato, 4 Kaffir lime leaves
  • 4 cm Galangal-bruised

  •  Combine anchovies with 2 tsp of lime juice & enough salt well. Fry anchovies until it start to dries & then bake it in the oven until dries/crisp. Drain & set aside.
  • Steam/Boil all chilies & shallots until wilted; drain & cut small. With a mortar & pestle, finely grind garlic, chilies, tomato, 2 of the shallots, candlenuts & enough salt. Put in the rest of shallots & sugar & then roughly grind them. Check the taste.
  • Heat some oil over high heat. Sauté ground chili, galangal, kaffir lime & bay leaves until fragrant. Reduce the heat to low; cook until the paste start to dries. Turn off the heat; allow it to cool down.
  • Put 1 tsp of lime juice, anchovies & stinky beans into the chili paste. Stir to combine them well. Check the taste; add some salt if needed. Cook anchovies over low heat for a while; just until the flavor blended. Remove from the heat & serve. You can also store the anchovies in a container after it cooled down.

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