

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Chiffon Cake Lapis Surabaya (Layer Chiffon Cake Surabaya Style)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 6 Telur & 1 Putih telur-suhu ruang, ½ st Garam
  • 180 gr Terigu, 25 gr Maizena, Pewarna kuning
  • ½ st Cream of tartar, 180 ml Air1 st Vanili
  • 1 sm Baking powder, 1 sm Kulit jeruk parut
  • 250 gr Gula halus, 120 ml Minyak sayur
  • Selai strawberry-untuk olesan
Bahan Lapisan Coklat:
  • 3 Telur & 1 Putih telur-suhu ruang, ½ st Garam
  • 60 ml Minyak sayur, 1 st Pasta coklat (opsional)
  • 100 gr Terigu, 25 gr Coklat bubuk, ½ st Vanili
  • ½ st Cream of tartar, 2 st Baking powder
  • 90 ml Susu/Air, 140 gr Gula halus

Cara membuat
  • Pnskan oven 170°C, nyalakan fan oven. Ltkkan rak oven di posisi kedua dari bawah. Alasi dasar 2-3 buah loyang persegi ukuran 29x23x4 cm dng kertas perkamen. Bila loyang hanya 1, pada pembuatan adonan kuning, buat setengah resep dulu krn adonan tak bisa menunggu selama itu. Bila memiliki 2 loyang, itu tidak masalah.
  • Untuk kedua jenis lapisan: Kerjakan terpisah antara adonan yang coklat & kuning
  1. Pisahkan telur antara putih & kuningnya. Mskkan pth telur extra dng putih tlr yg lain.
  2. Kocok putih telur dng mixer sampai berbusa saja. Mskkan cream of tartar & kocok sampai mulai kaku. Secara bertahap mskkan 50 gr gula & kocok lagi hingga kaku. Sisihkan.
  • Untuk adonan kuning:
  1. Aduk rata kuning telur dng minyak sayur & pewarna, sisihkan. Campur terigu, maizena, 200 gr gula, bak.pwd, garam, vanili & klt jeruk.
  2. Tuang campuran telur ditengah2 campuran terigu, aduk rata. Tuangi air, kocok dng mixer/whisk sampai lembut tak bergumpal.
  • Untuk adonan coklat:
  1. Aduk rata kuning telur dng minyak sayur & pasta coklat, sisihkan. Campur terigu, coklat bubuk, 90 gr gula, bak.pwd, garam & vanili.
  2. Tuang campuran telur ditengah2 campuran terigu, aduk rata. Tuangi susu/air, kocok dng mixer/whisk sampai lembut tak bergumpal.
  • Untuk kedua jenis lapisan: Kerjakan terpisah antara adonan yang coklat & kuning
  1. Mskkan 1/3 adonan pth telur kedlm adonan kuning/coklat sambil diaduk perlahan dng spatula dng gerakan melipat2 searah, tambahkan sisanya sedikit2 sampai habis. Aduk sampai menyatu saja (jangan terlalu lama).
  2. Tuang adonan kuning, masing2 setengahnya kedlm 2 loyang & adonan coklat ke loyang ke 3, ratakan permukaannya. Panggang selama 10-15 mnt (sampai cake mengembang). Matikan fan oven, nyalakan api atas. Tutup loyang dng alu-foil. Panggang selama 25-30 mnt (sampai tusuk gigi yg ditusukkan ditengah cake bersih saat diangkat keluar).
  3. Keluarkan dari oven & balikkan loyang di atas rak kawat berkaki. Biarkan dalam posisi tsb sampai cake mencapai suhu ruang. Balik loyang, jelujuri melingkar di bagian tepi cake dlm loyang dng spatula/sisi tumpul pisau (sekali jalan) agar cake terlepas dari perlekatannya. Keluarkan cake dari pan, kupas kertas perkamennya.
  • Peyelesaian: Letakkan 1 buah cake kuning ditengah piring saji dng sisi bawah kue menghadap ke atas. Oles rata seluruh sisi atas cake dng selai strawberry. Tumpuk dng cake coklat di atasnya, olesi lagi merata dng selai strawberry. Letakkan cake kuning yg kedua di atasnya dng sisi dasar kue menghadap ke bawah. Tekan tumpukan cake perlahan2 utk memadatkannya.

  • 6 Eggs & 1 Egg white-room temperature, 180 ml Water
  • 180 gr Flour, 25 gr Corn starch, ½ tsp Cream of tartar
  • 1 tbsp Baking powder, ½ tsp Salt, Yellow food colouring
  • 120 ml Vegetable oil, 250 gr Sugar, Strawberry jam
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract, 1 tbsp grated Lemon zest
Chocolate layer ingredients:
  • 3 Eggs & 1 Egg white-room temperature, 100 gr Flour
  • 90 ml Milk/Water, 140 gr Sugar, ½ tsp Vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp Chocolate paste (optional), ½ st Cream of tartar
  • 60 ml Vegetable oil, 2 tsp Baking powder, ½ tsp Salt
  • 25 gr unsweetened Cocoa powder

  • Preheat oven to 170°C, turn oven fan mode on. Place oven rack in the second lowest position. Line the bottom side of 2-3 square pans (29x23x4 cm) with parchment paper. If you only have 1 pan, then you should only make half of the yellow layer recipe first because the batter can’t wait that long. It is ok if you have 2 pans.
  • For both kind of layers: Do it separately between the yellow & chocolate layer
  1. Separate eggs white & yolk. Add 1 extra egg white into the other egg whites.
  2. Beat egg whites with a mixer until foamy. Beat in cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Gradually add in 50 gr of sugar; beat until stiff peaks form. Set it aside.
  • For the yellow layers:
  1. Stir eggs yolk & food coloring into the vegetable oil; set it aside. Mix flour, corn starch, 200 gr of sugar, baking powder, salt, vanilla extract & lemon zest.
  2. Make a well in the center of the mixture; pour in egg yolks mixture; combine well. Add in water; beat with a mixer/whisk until the batter smooth, with no lumps.
  • For the chocolate layer:
  1. Stir eggs yolk & chocolate paste into the vegetable oil; set it aside. Mix the flour, cocoa powder, 90 gr of sugar, baking powder, salt & vanilla extract.
  2. Make a well in the center of the mixture; pour in egg yolks mixture; combine it well. Add in water; beat with a mixer/whisk until the batter smooth with no lumps.
  • For both kind of layers: Do it separately between the yellow & chocolate layer
  1. Add 1/3 parts the egg whites mixture into the yellow/chocolate batter. With a spatula, gently fold egg whites mixture in one direction. Fold in remaining egg whites, just until it blended.
  2. Divide the yellow batter evenly & then gently pour them among 2 pans. Pour the chocolate batter into the third pan. Smooth the top. Bake for 10-15 min (until the cake rose). Turn the oven fan mode off, turn on upper heat & then cover up the pan with aluminium foil. Bake again for 25-30 min (until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cakes comes out clean).
  3. Remove the pan from oven & turn the pan upside down on a wire rack. Let the cake cool down to room temperature. Turn the pan over. Run a blunt side of a knife, with one movement, between the sides of the cake & the pan. Remove cake from pans & peel the parchment paper.
  • To assemble the cake: Place first yellow cake layer in the middle of a cake plate, bottom side up. Spread strawberry jam over the top of the cake evenly. Stack the chocolate cake; spread the jam evenly & then top with second yellow cake layer, bottom side down. Gently pressing the stacked cake to compact.

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