

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Ikan Gabus Masak Cabai Hijau (Snakehead Fish in Green Chili Paste)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

Untuk ikan:                                                               
  • 750 gr Ikan gabus tanpa kepala, Minyak
  • Air Jeruk nipis/lemon & Garam secukupnya
  • 250-300 ml Air hangat
  • 20 gr (4) Bawang putih, 1 sm Ketumbar
  • 35 gr (4) Bawang merah, ½ st Gula
  • ½ st Lada, 2 cm Kunyit
Untuk sambal cabai hijau:
  • 4 Daun jeruk-iris halus, 2 Daun salam
  • 4 cm Lengkuas, 1 st Air jeruk nipis
  • 1 Tomat hijau/2 Belimbing wuluh-potong2
  • 4 Bawang merah-iris2 tipis, 2 Kemiri
  • 10 Cabai hijau, 2 Bawang putih, 6 Rawit
  • 1 st Gula, Minyak & Garam secukupnya

Cara membuat
  • Cuci ikan gabus dengan air mengalir. Potong2 ikan melintang setebal 1-1½ cm. Balur ikan dengan air jeruk nipis/lemon & garam secukupnya. Larutkan bumbu halus utk ikan dng air hangat. Lumuri ikan dng bahan tsb & diamkan selama 15 mnt. Tiriskan lalu goreng di minyak panas yang banyak hingga kecoklatan. Angkat, tiriskan & sisihkan.
  • Kukus/Rebus cabai2 sampai layu, tiriskan. Ulek halus bawang putih, kemiri, rawit & garam secukupnya. Beri cabai hijau, bawang mrh & gula. Ulek kasar kmd cicipi rasanya.
  • Tumis daun jeruk, daun salam, lengkuas & sambal dng minyak panas secukupnya hingga harum. Beri tomat/belimbing, masak hingga mulai layu. Kucuri air nipis lalu masukkan ikan. Aduk hingga ikan tersaput bumbu dng merata. Sajikan.

For the fish:                                                         
  • 750 gr Snakehead fish (without the head)
  • enough Lime/Lemon juice & Salt
  • 250-300 ml warm Water, Frying oil
Grind into a paste:
  • 20 gr (4) Garlic cloves, ½ tsp Sugar
  • 35 gr (4) Shallots, 2 cm Turmeric
  • ½ tsp Pepper, 1 tbsp Coriander
For the green chili paste:
  • 2 Bay leaves, 1 tsp Sugar, 2 Candlenuts
  • 4 cm Galangal, 1 tsp Lime juice, Salt
  • 1 Green tomato/2 Bilimbi fruit-sliced
  • 4 Shallots-thinly sliced, 2 Garlic cloves
  • 10 Green chilies, 6 Bird’s eye chilies
  • 4 Kaffir lime leaves-thinly sliced, frying Oil

  • Rinse the fish under running water. Slice fish vertically into ~ 1-1½ cm thickness. Rub them with enough lime/lemon juice & salt. Mix spices paste with warm water. Marinade the fish in the mixture for ~ 15 min. Take fish from the marinade out; deep fry them in hot frying oil until the color becomes golden brown. Remove from the heat; drain & set aside.
  • Steam/Boil all chilies until wilted; drain. Finely grind garlic, candlenuts, bird’s eye chilies & enough salt. Add in green chilies, shallots, sugar & then roughly grind them. Check the taste.
  • Sauté ground chili, galangal, kaffir lime & bay leaves with enough hot oil until fragrant. Add in the green tomato/bilimbi fruit; cook until it's wilted. Put in lime juice & then fried fish. Stir to combine them well. Remove from the heat & serve.

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