

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Nasi Kuning-Tumpeng Kuning (Indonesian Yellow Rice-Cone Shaped Yellow Rice)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 1 kg Beras, 200 gr Ketan, 1 st Ketumbar bubuk
  • 1 lt Santan kental, 1 st air Nipis, 4 Daun jeruk
  • 2 Sereh-geprek, 3 Daun salam, 2 Daun pandan
  • 1 Cabai merah-belah & buang biji, 3 st Garam
  • ½ Bawang bombay/2 Bawang merah-cacah, Air
  • 2 cm Jahe, 4 Bawang putih, 2 sm Kunyit parut

Cara membuat
  • Nasi dapat dimasak secara diaron dulu lalu dikukus atau dengan rice cooker. Untuk memasak nasi tambahkan ± 450 ml air dengan santan (banyak air tergantung jenis beras yang digunakan). Perbandingan antara beras & total cairan kira-kira 1:1,2. 
    • Dengan cara tradisional: Tumis bumbu halus & bawang bombay hingga wangi. Masukkan santan+air, sereh, daun2an & bumbu. Didihkan di api sedang sambil diaduk sering2. Masukkan beras, aduk lalu kecilkan api. Masak hingga cairan terserap semua, aduk sesekali saja. Pindahkan beras beserta semua bumbu & herbanya ke dalam kukusan yang telah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu. Selipkan cabai merah di antara nasi. Tutup kukusan lalu kukus dengan api sedang hingga nasi matang (40-45 menit).
    • Dengan Rice cooker: Campur bumbu halus dengan santan, aduk rata. Masukkan semua bahan ke dalam rice cooker. Nasi akan matang setelah 15-20 menit. Buka rice cooker lalu aduk2 nasi. Cicipi, kalau kurang pulen, tambahkan sedikit air, aduk & masak lagi.
  • Bila hendak membuat tumpeng untuk acara2 khusus, masukkan nasi ke dalam sebuah cetakan berbentuk kerucut/bentuk lain, tekan2 utk memadatkan nasi lalu letakkan di atas tampah/loyang panggang datar beralas daun pisang (opsional). Buat 2 kali resep bila nasi tumpengnya hendak dibuat ukuran besar.
  • Susun hidangan pelengkap di sekeliling nasi, hias & sajikan. Lihat juga contoh pilihan untuk hidangan pelengkap (klik pada link untuk resep2nya): Kering tempe, Sambal goreng kentang & hati, Ayam bumbu kuning goreng, Ayam goreng bumbu lengkuasAyam suwir pedas, Rendang sapi padang, Empal sapi JawaUrap sayuran, Telur balado, Perkedel kentang daging & Perkedel rempah kelapa.

  • 1 kg raw Rice, 200 gr raw Sticky Rice, 2 Pandan leaves
  • 4 Kaffir lime leaves, 3 Bay leaves1 tsp Coriander powder
  • 1 tsp Lime juice, ½ of an Onion/2 Shallots-finely chopped
  • 1 Red Chili-halved & discard the seeds, 3 tsp Salt, Water
  • 1 lt thick Coconut milk, 2 stalks Lemongrass-bruised
Grind into a paste:
  • 2 cm Ginger, 4 Garlic cloves, 2 tbsp grated Turmeric

  • You could cook the rice with a rice cooker or with a traditional way (parboil & then steam it). To cook the rice, add 450 ml water to coconut milk (the amount of water depends to the kind of rice you're using). The ratio between rice & liquid should be around 1:1,2.
    • Traditional way: Sauté ground spices & onion/shallot until fragrant. Add in the coconut milk & water mixture, lemongrass, all leaves & seasoning. Bring it to a boil over medium heat; stirring it often. Put the rice into the liquid; stir & then reduce the heat to low. Cook until the rice absorbs all of the liquid (it dries); stirring it only once in a while. Transfer the rice, including all herbs & seasoning into a preheated steamer. Tuck in chili between the rice. Cover steamer & steam rice over medium heat until it's cooked (40-45 minutes)
    • With a Rice cooker: Mix ground spices with coconut milk; stir well. Put all ingredients into a rice cooker & cook. Rice will be cooked after 15-20 minutes. After it's cooked, fluff it up immediately. Taste, when the rice still a bit hard after cooking, put a bit more water; stir & then cooking it again.
  • If you want to make cone shaped rice for your special events, put enough rice into a big cone mould/other mould. Press rice to compact & then transfer shaped rice into a baking sheet covered with Banana leaves (optional). To make it as a big size cone shaped rice, just double my recipe.
  • Place several side dishes around the rice, garnish them & serve. See also examples of the side dish choices (click on the link for the recipes): Sweet & spicy deep fried tempeh, Spicy fried potato & liver, Aromatic yellow fried chicken, Galangal fried chickenSpicy shredded chickenIndonesian dried beef curry, Javanese bruised fried meatVegetable salad with grated coconut, Fried eggs in chili paste, Potato & meat frikadellerIndonesian coconut patty.

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