

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Roasted Herb Chicken

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 1 Ayam utuh (1,5-2 kg), ½ Lemon, 2 st Rosemary
  • 1 Seledri batang Eropa-iris, 1 st Thyme, Garam
  • 1 Bombay merah-belah 4, 4 sm Mentega, Olive oil
  • 3 sm Peterseli cincang, 4 Bawang merah-cincang
  • 1 Bawang putih-haluskan, 1 st Bawang putih bubuk
  • Lada bubuk
  • 100 ml Air dari pemanggangan, 1 st Mixed herbs
  • 2 sm Mentega, 375 ml Kaldu ayam/susu, ½ st Garam
  • 1 Seledri batang besar-iris jadi 4, 12 Lada hitam
  • 3 sm Terigu, ½ st Lada bubuk

Cara membuat
  • Lumuri bagian luar, di bwh kulit & dlm lubang ayam dng air lemon, rosemary, baw.pth bbk, lada, garam. Diamkan 15 mnt. Mskkan baw.pth hls, bombay, seledri, thyme & peterseli ke dlm lubang. Ikat kaki2nya utk mempertahankan bentuk yg baik.
  • Panaskan oven 220° C. Letakkan ayam dng posisi dada menghadap ke bwh, pd rak panggang yg ditaruh di atas sebuah loyang (tempatkan loyang di bwh rak panggang). Tuang 400 ml air & mskkan baw.merah cincang ke dlm loyang tsb. Panggang ayam 30 mnt. Balikkan posisi ayam (dada menghadap ke atas), lumuri dng olive oil. Kurangi panas oven ke 150°C & panggang ayam 1½ jam, siram ayam tiap 20 mnt dng air dari loyang & ulasi mentega cair. Balik lagi posisi ayam, panggang 10 mnt. Bungkus dng kertas aluminium, biarkan 15 mnt sebelum disajikan
  • Saus: Lelehkan mentega di pan. Biarkan sampai pnsnya berada pd suhu ruang. Mskkan terigu, aduk. Tuangi kaldu & air yg berasal dari loyang panggang sambil diaduk. Beri mixed herbs, lada hitam, seledri, garam & lada. Aduk hingga saus mengental.
  • Hidangkan ayam dng sausnya & Roasted Potato Slices with Bacon atau Kentang Ongklok (klik pada link untuk melihat resep2nya)

  • 1 Whole Chicken (1,5-2 kg), ½ Lemon, 4 tbsp Butter
  • 1 Celery rib-sliced, 2 tsp Rosemary, 1 tsp Thyme
  • 4 Shallots-chopped, 1 Red Onion-quartered, Salt
  • 3 tbsp chopped Parsley, ground Pepper, Olive oil
  • 1 Garlic clove-grind, 1 tsp Garlic powder
  • 100 ml Drippings from roasting, ½ tsp ground Pepper
  • 2 tbsp Butter, 375 ml Chicken broth/Milk, ½ tsp Salt
  • 3 tbsp Flour, 12 Black peppercorns, 1 tsp Mixed herbs
  • 1 Celery rib-cut into 4

  • Rub the chicken (incl. the cavity & under the skin) with lemon juice, rosemary, garlic pwd, salt, pepper. Let it stand for 15 min. Fill up quartered onion, ground garlic, celery chunks, thyme & parsley into the chicken cavity. Tie legs together loosely to hold shape.
  • Preheat oven to 220° C. Place the chicken, breast side down, on a rack in a roasting tin/baking dish (place the dish under the rack). Pour 400 ml water & put chopped shallots into the tin/dish. Roast chicken for 30 min. Turn the chicken over (breast facing up) & smear chicken with olive oil. Reduce oven temp. to 150°C & roast chicken for 1½ hours. Basting every 20 minutes with drippings & melted butter. Flip the chicken over & roast for 10 min. Remove from heat, cover with aluminum foil & allow to rest for 15 minutes before serving.
  • Gravy: Melt the butter in a saucepan. Wait until it reach room temperature; add the flour & mix until fully blended. Stir in the broth/milk &d drippings from roasting. Add in mix herbs, black pepper, celery, salt & pepper. Stir until the mixture thickens.
  • Serve chicken with the gravy & Roasted Potato Slices with Bacon or Steamed Potatoes with Garlic Butter (click on the link for the recipe).

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