

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Roti Goreng Daging Asap & Keju (Fried Bread with Smoked Beef & Cheese)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 7 Roti tawar tanpa kulit-potong 2 ( jadi 14)
  • 7 lbr Daging asap-potong 2 (jadi 14), 2 Telur
  • 1 st Pala, 1 st Lada, 125 ml Susu, ½ st Garam
  • 7 st Peterseli cincang, 35 gr Keju serut
  • 3½ st Cabai bubuk, Minyak goreng, Panir
  • Saus mustard/cabai (opsional)

Cara membuat
  • Kocok telur, susu, grm, lada, pala. Celup tiap roti dlm telur sebentar, angkat. Di tiap permukaan roti ltkkan 1 ptg daging asap, taburi ½ st peterseli & ¼ st cabai bbk. Di atas 7 potongan roti beri keju serut. Tutup dng 7 ptngan roti yg tanpa keju (sisi yg ada dagingnya menghadap ke bwh).
  • Tekan perlahan. Taburi seluruh permukaan dng panir. Goreng di minyak pns hingga kekuningan. Hidangkan dng saus mustard atau cabai.
  • Untuk membuat roti tawar sendiri, klik di link ini Roti Tawar (White Bread)

  • 7 slices toast Bread without crust-halved
  • 7 slices of Smoked beef-halved, ½ tsp Salt
  • 7 tsp chopped Parsley, 1 tsp ground Nutmeg
  • 2 Eggs, 3½ tsp Chili powder, 1 tsp Pepper
  • 125 ml Milk, 35 gr shredded Cheese
  • Oil, Breadcrumbs, Mustard/chilies (optional)

  • Beat eggs, milk, salt, pepper & nutmeg. Dip the bread in the egg for awhile; remove. Put 1 slice of smoked beef on each bread; sprinkle with ½ tsp parsley & ¼ tsp chili pwd. Put shredded cheese only on top of 7 slices of bread. Place the other 7 slices of bread on top of the cheese; the side with the smoked beef facing down.
  • Gently pressing. Cover all surfaces with bread crumbs. Fry in hot oil until golden browned. Serve warm with mustard or chili.
  • To make a homemade white bread, please click on this link Roti Tawar (White Bread)

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