

Friday, May 11, 2012

Soup Krim Jamur (Creamy Mushroom Soup)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 150 gr Ayam-rebus & potong2, 1 Kuning Telur, 2 sm Terigu2 sm Mentega
  • 25 gr Bacon-iris2, 250 ml Krim, 200 gr Jamur kancing-iris, 1 st Pala bubuk
  • 100 gr Bawang bombay-cincang, 1 st Lada bubuk, 2 Daun salam, 1 st Garam
  • 1 Bawang putih besar-haluskan, 800 ml Kaldu ayam, 1 st Thyme, Keju serut
  • 1 Daun bawang & 1 batang Seledri-potong2 besar, Peterseli & Dill-cincang

Cara membuat
  • Tumis bawang putih, bombay & bacon. Masukkan kaldu ke dalam panci bersama tumisan, seledri, salam, daun bawang & thyme. Didihkan hingga bumbu meresap. Buang seledri, salam & daun bawang.
  • Kocok kuning telur & krim di cup. Masukkan ke dalam kaldu lalu beri jamur, ayam, lada, pala & garam. Masak & aduk hingga mendidih dan semua bahan matang.
  • Panaskan mentega di pan, beri terigu lalu aduk hingga halus. Tuang ke kaldu, masak & aduk dengan whisk sampai mengental.
  • Tuang sup panas ke dalam mangkuk saji. Taburi keju parut, daun peterseli & dill cincang. Hidangkan sup selagi hangat dengan sepotong roti misalnya (klik pada link berikut untuk melihat resepnya): Roti Jalapeño Keju, Roti Olive à la MediteraniaRoti Serealia MaduRoti Keju & Bawang BombayRoti Tanpa Diuleni atau Roti Rosemary & Bawang Putih

  • 150 gr Chicken fillet-boiled & sliced2 tbsp Butter, 250 ml Cream
  • 1 Garlic clove-grind, 1 tsp Thymeshredded Cheese, 2 tbsp Flour
  • 25 gr Bacon-sliced1 Green Onion & 1 Celery rib-cut into 4
  • 100 gr Onion-chopped, 1 tsp Pepper, 800 ml Chicken broth
  • 1 tsp Salt, 2 Bay leaves, 1 Egg yolk, 1 tsp ground Nutmeg
  • 200 gr Button mushrooms-sliced, Parsley & Dill-chopped

  • Sauté garlic, onion & bacon. Put the broth into a pot together with sautéed ingredients, celery, bay leaves, green onions & thyme. Bring it to a simmer & cook until the flavor blended. Discard the celery, green onion & bay leaves.
  • In a bowl, beat egg yolk with cream. Pour it into the broth, then add in mushrooms, chicken, pepper, nutmeg & salt. Stir until all are cooked.
  • Heat butter in a pan, add in flour; stir well until it combine well & smooth. Put it into the soup; cook & whisk well until the soup thickens. Remove from heat.
  • Pour  soup into serving bowls. Sprinkle with parsley, dill & cheese. Serve the soup warm with a slice of bread, i.e. (click on the link for the recipe): No-Knead Jalapeño Cheese BreadMediterranean Olive BreadHoney Mix Oats BreadNo-Kned Cheese & Onion BreadNo-Knead Bread or Rosemary Garlic Bread

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