

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Mun Tahu (Indonesian Braised Tofu & Mince Meat)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


  • 250 gr Tahu sutra-potong dadu 1X1 cm, 100 gr Udang kupas
  • 350 gr Tahu putih-hancurkan dng garpu, 15 gr Jahe-cincang
  • 300 gr Daging babi/sapi/ayam cincang, 2 Daun bawang-iris
  • 20-22 gr (7-8 buah) Bawang putih-cincang, 2 st Minyak wijen
  • 400 ml Air, 2 sm Saus tiram, ½ st Cabai bubuk (opsional)
  • 1 st Lada bubuk, 1 st Gula, Garam & Minyak secukupnya
  • 1 sm Ang ciu/dry Sherry/white Wine/1 st Brandy (opsional)
  • 1 sm Maizena+4 sm Air, 3 sm Saus soya


Cara membuat

  • Panaskan minyak dng api besar. Tumis bawang putih & jahe hingga harum & kekuningan. Mskkan daging cincang & ang ciu, aduk hingga daging berubah warna. Beri tahu cincang, aduk rata. Kecilkan suhu ke sedang.
  • Tuang air, saus soya, saus tiram, lada & gula. Masak hingga mendidih. Mskkan tahu ptg dadu & cabai bbk, bumbui dng garam seckpnya. Aduk perlahan, pastikan utk mengangkat & membalikkan tahu2 potong saat mengaduk agar tak hancur. Beri udang, masak hingga tahu & udang matang.
  • Tuangkan larutan maizena, aduk hingga cairan mengental. Matikan api, mskkan minyak wijen & daun bawang, aduk rata & hidangkan.
  • Resep untuk membuat sendiri tahu sutranya, silakan klik pada link: Tahu Sutra Rumahan



  • 250 gr Silk/Egg tofu-diced 1X1 cm, 100 gr peeled Shrimps
  • 350 gr Firm tofu-mashed with a fork, 15 gr Ginger-minced
  • 1 tbsp Shaoxing wine/dry Sherry/-white Wine/1 st Brandy
  • 300 gr ground Pork/Beef/Chicken, 2 tbsp Oyster sauce
  • 20-22 gr (7-8 cloves) Garlic-minced, 2 tsp Sesame oil
  • 1 tbsp Cornstarch+4 tbsp Water, 1 tsp ground Pepper
  • 2 Green onions-sliced, ½ tsp Chili powder (optional)
  • 1 tsp Sugar, 3 tbsp Soy sauce, 400 ml Water
  • frying Oil, enough Salt



  • Heat the oil in a wok over high heat. Sauté the garlic & ginger, until it`s lightly browned & fragrant. Add in the meat & wine; sauté until the meat changes its color. Put in mashed tofu; stir for few seconds. Lower the heat to medium.
  • Pour in the water, all sauces, pepper & sugar. Bring it to a simmer. Stir in diced tofu & chili pwd; season with enough salt. Stir gently, making sure to lift & fold the diced tofu over instead of mashing it. Toss in the shrimps; cook until the tofu & shrimps cooked.
  • Put in the corn starch mixture; stir constantly until the gravy thickens. Turn off the heat; add in the sesame oil & green onions. Toss together for few seconds & then serve.
  • For the recipe on how to make a homemade silken egg tofu, please click on the linkHomemade Silken Egg Tofu

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