

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Nachos Panggang Keju & Daging Sapi (Baked Beef & Cheese Nachos)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 125 gr pak Tortilla chips tawar/rasa Keju
  • 100 gr Keju parut100 gr Daging cincang
  • ¼ Bawang bombay-cincang, Lada bubuk
  • 2 sm Margarin, 3-4 sm Saus salsa
  • 4-5 Tomat cherry-belah, ½ st Oregano
  • 2 Cabai hijau/Jalapeno-iris, Garam
  • 1 Bawang putih-cincang, 1 Daun bawang-iris
  • 2 buah Olive-potong2 (opsional)

Cara membuat
  • Panaskan oven 175º C dng api atas. Sementara itu tumis bawang bombay, bawang pth & cabai dng margarin sampai layu. Beri daging, olive, oregano, garam & lada seckpnya. Aduk & masak daging sampai matang. Angkat & sisihkan.
  • Tabur tortilla secara merata (selapis) menutupi permukaan loyang panggang besar. Sebar adonan daging merata di atas tortilla. Beri saus salsa dng merata. Kemudian beri tomat & daun bawang. Taburkan keju parut.
  • Masukkan loyang ke oven & panggang selama ± 10 menit (sampai keju meleleh).

  • 125 gr packet plain/cheese Tortilla chips
  • 100 gr grated Cheese100 gr ground Beef
  • ¼ Onion-chopped, 1 Green onion-sliced
  • 2 tbsp Margarine, 3-4 tbsp Salsa sauce
  • 2 Green chilies/Jalapeno-sliced
  • 1 Garlic clove-minced, ½ tsp Oregano
  • 4-5 Cherry tomato-halved, Salt
  • 2 Olives-halved (optional), ground Pepper

  • Preheat oven to 175º C over upper heat. Meanwhile, sauté the onion, garlic & chilies with margarine until they are wilted. Stir in the beef, olive, oregano, salt & pepper; keep stirring it until the beef cooked. Set it aside.
  • Spread out a layer of tortilla chips in a large baking pan. Spoon on the beef; spread salsa sauce all over the tortillas. Put in tomato & sliced green onion. Top with grated cheese.
  • Place pan in the oven & bake for ~ 5-10 minutes (until the cheese melted).

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