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Lasagna with Spinach |
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Lasagna without Spinach |
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
- 9 lembar Lasagna pasta*, 400 gr Keju Mozzarella serut
- 15 gr Peterseli cincang, Keju Parmesan-taburan, Minyak
- 1 Keju Mozzarella bulat-iris & 500 gr Bayam (opsional)
Saus Bechamel:
- 4 sm Mentega, 70 gr Terigu, Garam, Lada bubuk
- 900 ml Susu, 100 gr Keju Parmesan serut
- sejumput Pala bubuk
Bahan Daging:
- 600 gr Daging sapi cincang, 1 Daun salam, 4 st Garam
- 400 gr Sosis Italy cincang *, 1 st Lada hitam bubuk
- 3 (10 gr) Bawang putih+75 gr Bawang bombay-cincang
- 2 sm Tomat pasta, 400 gr Tomat cacah dalam kaleng
- 400 gr Saus tomat tidak manis, 2 st Gula merah
- 3 st Bumbu Italy (oregano+basil), 1 Wortel-parut
- 3 sm Olive oil
Cara membuat
- Daging: Tumis bombay & wortel dengan olive oil hingga layu. Masukkan bawang putih & daging2, masak hingga daging kecokelatan. Beri bahan lain, masak 20-30 menit di api sedang-kecil hingga saus sedikit mengental & daging empuk, aduk sesekali.
- Saus Bechamel: Lelehkan mentega di api sedang. Masukkan terigu, aduk cepat hingga tercampur rata. Kecilkan api & secara bertahap tuangi susu. Aduk & masak hingga saus tak bergumpal & membentuk krim. Masukkan parmesan & bumbu2, aduk sampai keju leleh.
- Panaskan oven 180°C. Olesi loyang berukuran ± 23X33 cm dengan sedikit minyak. Ulas selapis tipis saus dari daging di dasarnya. Susun 3 lembar lasagna memanjang di loyang hingga tertutup semua (bila lembaran terlalu besar, potong sedikit). Beri daging, keju mozzarella serut, bayam, peterseli & saus Bechamel di atasnya. Ulangi prosedur tetapi susun lembaran lasagna dengan arah sejajar sisi pendeknya. Tutup bagian paling atas dengan 3 lembar lasagna memanjang. Tuangi saus bechamel, susun mozzarella iris & taburi parmesan di atasnya. Penyusunan lembaran lasagna bersilang ini akan membuat lasagna lebih kokoh saat dipotong nantinya.
- Panggang selama 25-30 menit. Angkat dari oven dan tunggu ± 10 menit sebelum dipotong.
- * Gunakan lasagna lembaran yang tidak perlu direbus dulu atau Lasagna pasta segar. Sosis Italy cincang dapat diganti dengan daging babi/ayam cincang berlemak.
- 9 sheets no-boil/Fresh Lasagna noodles, Parmesan-sprinkle
- 400 gr shredded Mozzarella cheese, 15 gr chopped Parsley
- 500 gr Spinach & 1 Mozzarella ball-sliced (optional)
Bechamel Sauce:
- 4 tbsp Butter, 900 ml Milk, 70 gr Flour, ground Pepper
- 100 gr shredded Parmesan, Salt, pinch of ground Nutmeg
Meat Ingredients:
- 600 gr ground beef, 3 tbsp Olive oil, 2 tsp Brown sugar
- 400 gr ground Italian Sausage *, 400 gr Tomato sauce
- 3 (10 gr) Garlic cloves+75 gr Onion-chopped, 1 Bay leaf
- 400 gr can diced Tomato, 1 tsp ground Black pepper
- 2 tbsp Tomato paste, 1 Carrot-grated, 4 tsp Salt
- 3 tsp Italian seasoning (Oregano+Basil)
- Meat: Sautè onion & carrot with the olive oil until it wilts. Put in all meat & garlic; cook until the meat brownish. Add in other ingredients & cooking it for 20-30 minutes over medium-low heat until the sauce thickens & the meat are tender; stirring it occasionally.
- Bechamel sauce: Melt butter over medium heat. Add in flour; stir quickly to combine it well. Reduce the heat & gradually pour in the milk. Keep stirring & cooking it until the sauce smooth (no lumps) & creamy. Stir in parmesan & seasoning until the cheese melts.
- Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease a 9X13 inch baking dish. Spread a thin layer of meat sauce on the base of baking dish. Arrange 3 lasagna noodles lengthwise to cover it completely (trim sheets to fit the dish if needed). Add in the meat, shredded mozzarella, spinach, chopped parsley & Bechamel sauce on top. Repeat the layering procedure, but arrange the noodle sheets in the opposite direction. Top with 3 noodle sheets, arrange it lengthwise. Spread Bechamel sauce, arrange some slice mozzarella & sprinkle the parmesan all over. This criss cross layering system will make the lasagna hold together better when it slice later on.
- Bake for 25-30 minutes. Remove from the oven & let it stand for ~ 10 minutes before slicing.
- * You could substitute the ground Italian sausage with fatty ground pork/chicken.