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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Slavinken (Dutch Bacon Wrapped Ground Meat)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 250 gr Daging sapi cincang & 250 gr Daging babi/ayam cincang
  • 150 gr Roti tawar, 2 st Thyme kering, 1 st Lada hitam bubuk
  • 150 ml Susu, 1 Telur, 2 sm Peterseli cincang, Bacon lembaran
  • 3 Bawang merah & 2 Bawang putih-haluskan & tumisMentega
  • ½ st Pala bubuk, 1 sm Terigu+2 sm Air-aduk, Garam

Cara membuat
  • Rendam roti di air sampai empuk lalu peras hingga kering. Kocok telur dengan 30 ml susu, garam, lada & pala. Beri roti, campur rata. Campur adonan dengan semua daging, peterseli, thyme, tumisan bawang2. Uleni dengan baik. Bagi adonan daging menjadi beberapa bagian sama banyak. Bentuk adonan menjadi persegi ukuran ± 8X5X2 cm.
  • Untuk membungkus tiap potong adonan dibutuhkan 3 lembar bacon: letakkan bacon irisan I memanjang di meja kerja. Letakkan irisan II melintang di atas pertengahan panjang irisan pertama. Letakkan irisan III memanjang sejajar dengan irisan I, bagian tengahnya terletak di atas irisan II (bentuk seperti anyaman tikar). Taruh daging di bagian tengah anyaman. Lipat ujung atas irisan I & ujung bawah irisan III ke arah tengah daging. Lalu lipat kedua ujung irisan II ke tengah. Lipat ujung bawah irisan I & ujung atas irisan III ke arah tengah untuk menutup semuanya. Semat dengan 2 tusuk gigi. Lihat gambar.
  • Panaskan oven 160° C. Panaskan mentega di pan dengan api sedang, goreng daging bungkus sampai semua sisinya berubah warna. Tutup pan, lalu masukkan ke oven & panggang ± 20 menit. Keluarkan daging dari pan, sisihkan.
  • Tuang 120 ml susu ke sisa cairan di pan, didihkan. Beri terigu, garam, lada & aduk hingga saus daging mengental.
  • Hidangkan daging bungkus dengan kentang rebus & sayuran, misalnya kembang kol, buncis, bayam dll. Tuang saus daging di atas kentang.

  • 250 gr ground Beef250 gr ground Pork/Chicken, 150 ml Milk
  • 2 tbsp chopped Parsley, ½ tsp ground Nutmeg, Streaky bacon
  • 1 tsp ground Black pepper, 1 Egg, 2 tsp dried Thyme, Butter
  • 300 gr White bread, 1 tbsp Flour+2 tbsp Water-mix, Salt
  • 3 Shallots & 2 Garlic cloves-grind & then sautéed

  • Soak bread in water until it's soften & then squeeze them firmly. Beat egg with 30 ml milk, salt, pepper & nutmeg. Add in the bread; mix well. Combine this mixture with ground meat, parsley, thyme, sautéed garlic & shallots; knead thoroughly. Divide the mixture into several equal portions & then form them into a firm ± 8X5X2 cm square.
  • For each portion you`ll need 3 strips of Bacon: place the 1st strip lengthwise on the counter. Place the 2nd strip wide wise, overlapping in the middle length of the 1st strip. Then place the 3rd strip right next to the 1st strip lengthwise, the middle part should be above the 2nd strip (looks like mat weaving). Place the meat in the middle of bacon strips. Fold the upper end of the 1st strip & the lower end of the 3rd strip over the meat.; fold both ends of the 2nd strip over; fold the lower end of the 1st strip & the upper end of the 3rd strip over to cover all. Fasten all with 2 toothpicks.
  • Preheat oven to 160° C. Heat the butter in a pan over medium heat, fry stuffed bacon until the colour has change on all sides. Put a lid on the pan & place it in the oven. Bake for ~ 20 minutes. Remove stuffed bacon from the heat & set it aside.
  • Pour 120 ml milk into the remaining liquid on the pan & bring it to a simmer. Add in flour mixture, salt & pepper; stir until the gravy thickens.
  • Serve stuffed bacon with boiled potatoes & vegetables such as Cauliflower, Peas, Spinach, etc. Pour some of the gravy over potatoes.

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