In Indonesian & English
- 350 gr Daging/Ayam cincang berlemak
- 3 Bawang putih-cincang, 1 sm Saus soya
- 4 st Minyak wijen, ¾ st Bumbu ngohiong
- 100 gr Bawang bombay-cincang, 1 st Lada
- 2 Daun bawang kecil-iris halus, 1 st Garam
- 1 sm Saus tiram, 3 sm Minyak goreng
- 2 st Kecap manis, 2 st Ang ciu
- 1 st Tepung tapioka+2 sm Air-aduk
Adonan pao:
- 300 gr Terigu serba guna+extra utk taburan
- 200 gr Terigu protein rendah, 50 gr Gula
- 350 ml Susu, 1 st Garam, 7 gr Ragi instant
- 1½ st Baking powder, 2 sm Minyak sayur
Cara membuat
- Isi: Tumis baw.pth & bombay dng minyak hingga layu. Mskkan daun baw. & daging, aduk hingga warna daging berubah. Buang sebagian lemak cair yg terbtk. Bumbui dng garam, kecap mns, saus soya, bumbu ngohiong, lada, saus tiram, ang ciu & minyak wijen. Masak hingga adonan hampir kering. Beri campuran tapioka, aduk hingga adonan mengental (± 3 mnt). Angkat.
- Adonan pao: Ptg2 kertas roti/perkamen ukuran 8X8 cm. Campur semua bhn & uleni selama ± 15 mnt/sampai kalis. Tutup adonan dng lap lembab, biarkan sampai mengembang (30-45 mnt). Ptg adonan masing2 seberat ± 80 gr. Bentuk menjadi bola2. Ltkkan di meja kerja bertabur terigu. Pipihkan menjadi lingkaran kmd ltkkan 1 sm adonan isi di tengahnya. Bungkus adonan sehingga menutupi isi, cubit bagian atas adonan pao utk merekatkan. Ltkkan pao ditengah kertas roti, dng sisi yg direkatkan menghadap ke kertas. Tutupi dng selembar lap.
- Bungkus tutup kukusan dng lap. Didihkan air di kukusan. Ltkkan bbrp pao di dlm kukusan, beri jarak ckp lbr krn akan banyak mengembang. Kukus ± 15 mnt. Angkat tutup hati2, jangan sampai air menetes. Keluarkan pao. Hidangkan hangat2 dng saus sambal. Akan dihasilkan ± 11-12 Bakpao.
- 350 gr fatty Ground meat/chicken
- 3 cloves Garlic-minced, Frying oil
- 100 gr chopped Onion, 1 tsp Pepper
- 4 tsp Sesame oil, 1 tbsp Soy sauce
- 2 small Green onions-thinly sliced
- 1 tsp Salt, 2 tsp Chinese rice wine
- 2 tsp sweet Soy sauce
- ¾ tsp 5-spice powder, 1 tbsp Oyster sauce
- 1 tsp Tapioca flour+2 tbsp Water-mix
- 300 gr All-purpose flour+extra for dusting
- 200 gr Pastry flour, 350 ml Milk, 1 tsp Salt
- 1½ tsp Baking powder, 7 gr Instant yeast
- 50 gr Sugar, 2 tbsp Vegetable oil
- Filling: Sauté the onion & garlic with frying oil until wilted. Stir in green onion & ground meat until the meat color change; skim some of the liquid fat off. Add in the salt, sweet soy sauce, soy sauce, 5-spice pwd, pepper, oyster sauce, rice wine & sesame oil. Cook until the mixture almost dry. Pour in the tapioca mixture; stir until the mixture thickens (~ 3 min). Remove from the heat.
- Dough: Cut a parchment paper into 8X8 cm squares. Mix all of the dough ingredients; then knead for ~ 15 min (until elastic). Cover the dough with a damp cloth; let it stand to rise for 30-45 min. Slice the dough into ~ 80 gr pieces. Shape them into balls; transfer to a lightly floured working surface. Flatten each ball into a circle. Place 1 tbsp of filling in the center of each dough circle. Wrap dough to cover the filling completely; pinch the top of dough to seal. Place dough, seam side down, in the middle of parchment paper. Cover the dough with a cloth.
- Tie a tea towel around the steamer lid. Bring the water in a steamer to a simmer. Put some dough into the steamer. Leave enough space between dough as they will rise/expand much. Steam the buns for ~ 15 min. Lift the lid carefully & remove the buns. Serve warm with chili sauce. Will get ~ 11-12 Buns.
hello Carin,
ReplyDeletecongratulations for your blog full of passion
I follow you now have your new followers
Hello David (Italy)
Welcome David & Simone...Happy to have both of U here!