In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
- 350 gr Daging bebek-cincang/potong kecil2, 2 sm Saus soya
- 2 Daun bawang & 7 Rawit-iris2, 1 sm Daun jeruk iris halus
- 3 st Daun ketumbar iris, 2 st Cabai bubuk, 2 st Kecap ikan
- 8 Daun kemangi/Mint-sobek2, 2 sm Ketan putih, Garam
- 50 gr Bawang merah-iris halus, 2 sm Air jeruk nipis
- 2 sm Sereh iris halus, 2 sm Air kaldu bebek/ayam
- Daun selada, Tomat, Ketimun, lobak, dll-untuk salad
Cara membuat
- Sangrai beras ketan di pan hingga kecoklatan. Angkat lalu biarkan sampai mendingin. Giling beras ketan tersebut sampai halus. Sisihkan.
- Campur daging dengan air nipis, saus soya & kecap ikan, biarkan 30 menit.
- Panaskan wajan anti lengket, tumis daging bersama rawit, sereh & daun jeruk hingga dagingnya matang. Masukkan kaldu, cabai bubuk & garam. Masak hingga mengering. Beri bawang merah, daun bawang & beras giling, aduk hingga rata saja. Angkat, beri kemangi & daun ketumbar/mint. Aduk rata.
- Atur daun selada dipiring saji, letakkan daging di atas selada. Hias dengan ketimun & tomat di sekelilingnya (sayuran dapat diganti, tergantung selera).
- 350 gr Duck meat fillet-minced/small cut, 2 tsp Fish sauce
- 2 tbsp raw Sticky rice, 2 tsp Chili flakes, 2 tbsp Lime juice
- 3 tsp sliced Cilantro, 8 Lemon basil/Mint leaves-shredded
- 1 tbsp finely sliced Kaffir lime leaves, 2 tbsp Soya sauce
- 2 Green onions & 7 Bird`s eye chilies-sliced, enough Salt
- 50 gr finely sliced Shallots, 2 tbsp Duck/chicken stock
- 2 tbsp finely sliced Lemongrass
- Lettuce, Tomato & Cucumber-for the salad
- Toast the sticky rice in a skillet until light brown; remove from the heat & let it cool down. Grind them into a coarse powder; set aside.
- Combine the meat with lime juice, soya sauce & fish sauce; let it stand for ~ 30 minutes.
- In a hot nonstick skillet, sauté the meat, bird`s eye chilies, lemongrass & kaffir lime leaves until the meat is cooked. Add in duck stock, chili powder & enough salt. Cooked until it becomes rather dry. Put in green onion, shallots & ground sticky rice; stir just until it combined. Remove from the heat; add in lemon basil/mint leaves & cilantro.
- Arrange lettuce in a serving plate & put in the meat above the lettuce. Place some cucumber & tomato slices around the plate (you could also add other kind of vegetable as desired).
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