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Monday, November 11, 2013

Roast Pork Roulade

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 1 kg Daging lulur luar/pork loin utuh, 2 st Olive oilLada bubuk
  • 120 gr Bawang bombay-cincang, 2 sm Mixed herbs, 2 sm Cognac
  • 1 sm Lada campur (merah-putih-hitam), 1 sm Lada hitam bubuk
  • 1 sm Oregano kering, 4 sm Minyak jagung/sayur70 gr Mentega
  • 200 gr Bacon/Daging asap-cincang, 1 sm Bawang putih bubuk
  • 1 cup Kaldu sapi, 1 Bawang putih-cacah, 1 sm Bawang bubuk
  • 2 sm Bawang merah-cincang, 2 sm Paprika bubuk, ½ st Gula
  • 150 gr Almond/Walnut-cincang, 1 sm Cayenne pepper bubuk
  • 150 gr Champignon-iris kecil2, 1 sm Thyme keringGaram

Cara membuat
  • Potong daging melingkar sebanyak 2 atau 3 irisan (tergantung ketebalan daging) hingga membentuk 1 persegi panjang. Cara: Letakkan tangan di atas daging utuh. Dengan pisau panjang tajam, iris daging memanjang, sekitar 1-2 cm dari dasarnya. Potong hingga ± ½ inch dari ujung satunya (jangan terputus). Buka irisan pertama & potong lagi sisa daging dengan ketebalan yang sama, dimulai dari sisi yang belum dipotong (prosedur yang sama, hanya berbeda sisi). Buka potongan, letakkan daging melebar. Hati2 pukul daging dengan palu hingga didapatkan ketebalan yang merata & dapat digulung.
  • Campur paprika, bawang putih bubuk, bawang bubuk, cayenne pepper, oregano, thyme, 1 sm garam & lada hitam bubuk. Simpan 1 sm dari campuran bumbu ini untuk membumbui isi roulade nanti. Balur kedua sisi daging dengan campuran bumbu. Diamkan selama 20 menit. Panaskan oven 180° C.
  • Isi: Masak 150 gr bacon/daging asap sampai berminyak di pan. Masukkan olive oil, bombay cincang & jamur. Masak hingga matang. Beri 100 gr almond/walnut cincang & 1 sm campuran bumbu paprika, aduk rata & masak 5 menit. Angkat dari api, masukkan 1 sm mixed herbs & aduk rata.
  • Tebar adonan isi di atas daging secara merata. Gulung daging sambil sedikit ditekan agar padat. Ikat daging gulung dengan benang/net untuk masak agar tak terbuka gulungannya
  • Panaskan minyak di pan besar; masukkan daging dengan posisi sisi ujung gulungan menghadap ke bawah. Masak hingga daging kecokelatan, balik, masak lagi hingga semua sisi kecokelatan. Angkat.
  • Tumbuk kasar lada campur, lalu campurkan dengan 50 gr almond cincang. Taburi roulade dng campuran ini hingga rata di semua sisinya. Letakkan roulade di atas rak panggang. Posisikan rak panggang itu di atas sebuah loyang panggang berisi air secukupnya. Ulasi bagian atas roulade dng 20 gr mentega cair. Panggang roulade 40-45 menit (sampai suhu dalam daging mencapai 70° C); balik posisi daging diantara proses memanggang. Keluarkan daging dari oven. Simpan 1 cup dari air sisa memanggang untuk membuat saus. Bungkus longgar daging dengan aluminium foil selama 10 menit sebelum dipotong. Iris sisi2 ujung daging agar terlihat cantik.
  • Saus: Masak 50 gr bacon sampai garing di dalam pan. Mskkan bawang putih & bawang merah cincang serta cognac. Masak 1 menit. Beri gula, garam, lada, kaldu & 1 cup air sisa memanggang. Masak di api sedang-kecil sampai cairan tinggal setengahnya & saus mengental (± 20 menit). Angkat dari api, mskkan 50 gr mentega cair & 1 sm mixed herbs. Aduk hingga mentega tercampur dengan rata.
  • Iris2 roulade, hidangkan dengan sausnya & polenta dengan kacang cannellini (lihat resep Polenta Dengan Kacang Cannellini) atau dapat juga dihidangkan dengan puree kentang.

  • 1 kg Boneless pork loin joint, 1 tbsp Garlic powder, 2 tbsp Cognac
  • 1 tbsp dried Oregano4 tbsp Corn/Vegetable oil1 cup Beef stock
  • 70 gr Butter, 120 gr Onion-chopped, ½ tsp Sugar, ground Pepper
  • 1 tbsp Mixed Peppercorns (black+white+red),2 tsp Olive oil, Salt
  • 1 tbsp Cayenne pepper powder150 gr chopped Almonds/Walnuts
  • 2 tbsp Paprika powder, 2 tbsp Mixed herbs, 1 tbsp dried Thyme
  • 200 gr Streaky bacon-chopped, 1 tbsp ground Black pepper
  • 150 gr Champignon-chopped1 Garlic clove-minced
  • 1 tbsp Onion powder2 tbsp chopped Shallots

  • Roll slice the pork loin joint to create a rectangle: Firmly place your hand on top of the pork. With a long sharp knife, slice the pork lengthways, about 1-2 cm from the bottom of the joint. Slice, following the curve of the joint until you almost reached the side (½ inch from the edge). Lay the joint flat & make one more slice at the thick end of the joint, so that you are able to fold it over to make 1 flat rectangle. Using a mallet, gently pound pork to get an even thickness.
  • Combine paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne pepper, oregano, thyme, 1 tbsp salt & ground black pepper. Save 1 tbsp of this seasoning mixture for the filling. Sprinkle both sides of pork with the rest of seasoning mixture; let it stand for 20 minutes. Preheat oven to 180° C.
  • Filling: In a frying pan, cook 150 gr of bacon until it has released its fat. Stir in olive oil, chopped onion & mushrooms; cook until soft & translucent. Add in 100 gr of chopped almonds/walnuts & 1 tbsp seasoning mixture; cook for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat & then stir in 1 tbsp of mixed herbs; combine them well.
  • Spread the filling over flattened pork evenly. Roll the pork up; tie the pork securely with cooking twine/kitchen string. Heat oil in a frying pan. Put in the roulade, seam side down. Cook until it browned & then turn it over. Cook until all sides are evenly brown. Remove from the pan.
  • Crush mixed peppercorns & combine it with 50 gr of chopped almonds. Sprinkle the roulade with this mixture to cover all sides. Transfer roulade to a roasting rack set on top of a roasting tin with water inside. Spread the top of roulade with 20 gr of melted butter. Roast roulade for 40-45 minutes (until pork internal temperature reaches 70° C); turn the roulade over in between. Remove pork from the oven. Save 1 cup of drippings from the roasting. Coverpork loosely with aluminium foil for 10 minutes before slicing. Trim off the ends of roulade.
  • Sauce: In a sauce pan, cook 50 gr of bacon until crispy. Add in chopped shallots, garlic & cognac; cook for 1 minutes. Stir in sugar, salt, pepper, stock & 1 cup of drippings from roasting. Cook over medium-low heat until the liquid reduces almost by half & the sauce thickens (~ 20 minutes). Remove from the heat; whisk in 50 gr of melted butter & 1 tbsp mixed herbs. Stir until the butter combine.
  • Slice the Roulade & serve it with the sauce & polenta with cannellini beans (see also Polenta With Cannellini Beans recipe) or serve it with mashed potatoes.

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