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Monday, March 3, 2014

Cake Coklat Tanpa Terigu Dengan Krim Kocok Santan (Flourless Chocolate Cake with Coconut Whipped Cream)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 250 gr Coklat masak semi manis-cincang kasar
  • 10 sm Minyak kelapa, 65 gr Coklat bubuk tawar
  • 225 gr Gula merah/palem-sisir, 3 sm Madu
  • 6 Telur-pisah, 1½ st Vanili, ¾ st Garam
Krim kocok santan:
  • 240 gr Krim santan/Santan kental dingin
  • 2 sm Gula bubuk, ½ st Kayu manis bubuk
Glazur coklat:
  • 120 gr Coklat masak dark-cincang halus¼ st Vanili
  • 2 st Madu, 80 gr Krim santan/Santan kental
Hiasan & Isi:
  • Raspberry, Blueberry, Kacang pistachio/almond

Cara membuat
  • Simpan krim santan/santan kental di kulkas selama 8 jam-semalaman. Bila anda menggunakan santan kental kalengan & bukan krim santan, buka kaleng lalu ambil bagian santan yang solidnya (kentalnya) saja. Gunakan 80 gr dari santan solid itu untuk membuat glazur & 240 gr untuk membuat krim kocok. Simpan air santan untuk keperluan lain. Simpan lagi santan solid tersebut di kukas sampai siap untuk digunakan.
  • Masukkan & tim coklat cincang serta minyak kelapa di pan double boiler (atau 2 buah pan untuk saus) sampai coklat leleh & lembut. Angkat dari api, masukkan gula merah & garam, aduk hingga gula leleh. Sisihkan.
  • Kocok kuning telur, madu & vanili hanya sampai menyatu. Tuang kuning telur itu ke adonan coklat sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk sampai adonan lembut. Ayak coklat bubuk ke dalam adonan, aduk hingga rata dengan whisk.
  • Kocok putih telur dengan mixer hingga kaku. Masukkan putih telur sedikit2 ke adonan coklat sambil diaduk dengan gerakan melipat2 menggunakan spatula. Aduk hanya sampai menyatu saja, jangan diaduk terlalu lama.
  • Panaskan oven 175° C. Alasi 2 loyang spring form ukuran 18 cm dng kertas perkamen & ulasi semuanya dengan minyak/spray. Tuang & bagi adonan sama banyak diantara kedua loyang lalu panggang selama ± 35 menit (sampai bagian tengah kue terasa padat saat ditekan). Bila bagian atas kue terlihat kering tetapi bagian tengahnya belum terasa padat saat ditekan, tutup loyang dengan aluminium foil & panggang lagi sebentar saja. Keluarkan loyang dari oven & letakkan di atas rak kawat sampai dingin. Kue akan sedikit memadat saat dingin. Bila tidak memiliki 2 loyang, kue dapat dipanggang satu persatu.
  • Krim kocok santan: Masukkan kocokan & mangkuk mixer ke freezer selama beberapa menit sebelum digunakan. Kocok 240 gr krim santan dingin di dalam mangkuk dingin dengan menggunakan kocokan mixer dingin sampai naik (± 3 menit). Tambahkan kayu manis & gula bubuk, kocok hingga rata. Gunakan krim segera (tutup & simpan di kulkas dulu sampai hendak digunakan-dapat bertahan sampai 3 hari).
  • Glazur coklat: Panaskan 80 gr krim santan di api sedang sampai mulai mendidih. Tuang krim ke coklat cincang halus. Diamkan tanpa diaduk selama 5 menit. Perlahan aduk adonan sampai lembut & mengkilat (± 2 menit). Beri madu & vanili, aduk rata. Biarkan glazur sampai sedikit mendingin sebelum dituangkan di atas cake.
  • Penyusunan kue: Letakkan 1 kue dengan posisi dibalik di atas piring. Ulasi bagian atas kue dengan krim kocok sampai rata. Atur buah2an di atasnya & taburi dengan kacang. Letakkan kue kedua di atasnya, tekan kue perlahan2. Tuang glazur di bagian atas tengah kue. Gunakan spatula/pisau panjang untuk meratakan/menghaluskan glazur hingga menutup kue seluruhnya. Hias bagian atas kue dengan buah2an & kacang.

  • 250 gr Semisweet chocolate-coarsely chopped
  • 10 tbsp Coconut oil, 65 gr unsweetened Cocoa
  • 225 gr Coconut/Palm sugar, 1½ tsp Vanilla
  • 6 medium Eggs-separated, 3 tsp Honey, ¾ tsp Salt
Coconut whipped cream:
  • 240 gr cold Coconut cream/Thick coconut milk *
  • 2 tbsp Icing sugar, ½ tsp Cinnamon powder
Chocolate Glaze:
  • 120 gr Dark chocolate-finely chopped, 2 tsp Honey
  • ¼ tsp Vanilla, 80 gr Coconut cream/Thick coconut milk **
Garnish & filling:
  • Raspberries, Blueberries, Pistachios/Almonds

  • Set the coconut cream or thick coconut milk in the fridge for 8 hours-overnight. If you're using a thick coconut milk instead of coconut cream, open up the can & only scoop out the solid cream part. Use 80 gr of it for making the glaze & 240 gr for whipped cream. Save the left over juice/water for other things. Put them back in the fridge until you`re ready to use them.
  • In a double boiler (or 2 saucepans), stir in chopped chocolate & coconut oil until the chocolate melted & smooth. Remove from the heat; add in sugar & salt. Stir until the sugar dissolved; set aside.
  • Beat egg yolks, honey & vanilla just until it combined. Add a small amount of egg yolks mixture, a little at a time into the chocolate mixture; whisk until the batter is smooth. Use a fine-mesh sieve to sift the cocoa into the mixture; whisk just to combine.
  • Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form. Using a spatula, fold small amount of egg white at a time into the chocolate mixture just until incorporated (don`t over mixed it).
  • Preheat oven to 175° C/350° F. Line 2 of 7 inch spring form pans with parchment paper & grease the whole thing. Divide the batter evenly between the pans & bake for ~ 35 minutes. The center of cake should be just firm to the touch. If the cake surface looks dry but the center haven`t firm to the touch, cover the pan with aluminium foil & bake again for few more minutes. Remove pans from the oven & put them on a wire rack to cool down completely. The cake will settle once it`s cooled. If you don`t have enough pan, just bake one at a time & repeat the whole procedure.
  • Coconut whipped cream: Set beaters & mixing bowl in the freezer for a few minutes before you begin. Beat 240 gr of cold coconut cream in chilled bowl with chilled beaters until fluffy (~ 3 minutes). Mix in icing sugar & cinnamon powder until it combined. Use it right away (or cover & keep in the fridge for up to 3 days).
  • Chocolate glaze: Heat 80 gr of coconut cream over medium heat until bubbles begin to appear around the edges. Pour hot cream over chopped chocolate; let it rest without stirring for 5 minutes. Gently stir the mixture until glossy & smooth (~ 2 minutes). Stir in the honey & vanilla to combine. Slightly cooled the glaze before spreading it to cover the cake.
  • Assemble: Invert 1 cake on a plate; spread coconut whipped cream evenly over the top. Arrange berries & sprinkle some pistachios/almonds. Place the next cake above the filling. Gently pressing the cake to compact it. Pour the glaze in the middle of stacked cake. Spread the glaze all over the cake to cover it completely. Using a spatula/palette knife to smooth. Garnish the top of cake with some berries & pistachios/almonds.

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