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Stove Top Skillet Bufala Pizza |
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Stove Top Skillet Capriccio Pizza |
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Stove Top Skillet Diavola Pizza |
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Stove Top Skillet Prosciutto e Funghi Pizza |
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
- 125 gr Terigu serba guna+ekstra, 7 gr Ragi
- 450 gr Terigu protein rendah (Type 00)
- 2½ st Gula, 3 st Garam, Minyak secukupnya
- 350 ml Air suam2 kuku, 1 st Bawang putih bubuk
- 2 sm Olive oil+ekstra, Mentega secukupnya
- 1 Bawang merah-cincang, 1 Bawang putih-cincang
- 100 gr Saus tomat, 500 gr Puree tomat
- 1 st Oregano kering, ½ st Basil kering
- 1 Daun salam, sejumput Lada bubuk
- Cabai bubuk seckpnya, 1 st Air nipis
Topping: (sesuai selera, lihat juga contoh2 pizza)
- Keju mozzarella kering serut/keju cepat leleh lain
- Serpihan keju parmesan, Parmesan parut
- Mozzarella bola besar, Mozzarella bola2 kecil
- Jamur, Buah olive, Tomat besar, Tomat cherry
- Jalapeño-iris2, Irisan zucchini panggang
- Bawang bombay, Artichoke kalengan, Daun basil segar
- Saus pesto basil, Oregano, Salami pedas
- Daging asap/Ham, Sosis/Daging cincang
- Udang, Ikan salmon, dll
Cara membuat
- Persiapan: Bila memakai bahan mentah atau bahan spt baw.bombay, sosis, daging cincang atau jamur, maka bahan2 tsb hrs dimasak lebih dulu seblm menyusun pizza. Iris2 panjang baw.bombay, tumis dng mentega sampai mulai kecoklatan. Daging, irisan jamur & sosis juga ditumis sendiri2. Sisihkan topping.
- Campur 1½ st gula dng air, aduk sampai gula larut. Masukkan ragi kedalamnya, aduk sedikit & diamkan 5-10 menit (sampai berbusa & naik). Di wadah besar, campur rata terigu, baw. putih bbk & 2 st garam. Beri 2 sm olive oil, campur. Tuangi campuran ragi, uleni sampai kalis. Tutup wadah adonan dng lap lembab, ltkkan di tempat yg hangat sampai adonan mengembang 2 kalinya (± 30 mnt-waktu bervariasi).
- Saus: Tumis baw.merah & bawang putih cincang dng mentega secukupnya hingga layu. Mskkan tomat puree, saus tomat, air nipis, salam, lada, oregano, cabai bbk & 1 st garam. Masak di api kecil selama ± 10 mnt, aduk sesekali. Beri basil & 1 st gula. Masak lagi selama ± 10 menit. Angkat & sisihkan.
- Bagi adonan menjadi 4. Taburi terigu lalu bulatkan adonan. Kerjakan adonan hingga menjadi pizza satu persatu. Ambil 1 bola adonan, ltkkan sisanya di wadah & tutup lagi adonan dng lap lembab. Taburi meja kerja dng terigu, kmd giling adonan menjadi lingkaran berdiameter lbh kecil dari ukuran pan (saya pakai pan 22 cm, diameter pizza 21 cm).
- Siapkan saus, keju parut & semua topping dalam jangkauan, di dekat kompor anda. Panaskan pan besi berdasar tebal/stainless steel/teflon dng panas sedang-tinggi. Olesi pan dng 1-2 st minyak. Ltkkan adonan di dalam pan, rapikan bentuk tepian adonan dng tangan. Tusuk2 adonan dng garpu. Masak hingga dasar pizza berbercak2 coklat.
- Kecilkan api ke sedang-rendah. Balik adonan dng spatula. Tuang ¾ sendok sayur saus pizza di tengah permukaan adonan. Ratakan saus ke seluruh permukaan adonan dng punggung sendok sayur. Taburi dng 150-200 gr mozzarella serut (kecuali bila hendak membuat pizza Bufala). Atur topping sesuai selera (lihat pilihan jenis pizza di bawah). Tuang olive oil secukupnya mengelilingi sisi luar adonan. Tutup pan kmd masak hingga keju meleleh & pizza crispy (5-7 mnt) tetapi tidak gosong. Angkat pizza & hias bila diperlukan. Lanjutkan dng memasak adonan berikutnya.
- Contoh pilihan topping & posedur selanjutnya setelah pemasakan sesuai dng jenis pizza:
- Margherita-tak diperlukan topping lain selain keju mozzarella parut: Setelah matang, angkat dari pan kmd taburi dng sejumput oregano.
- Bufala (untuk 1 pizza)-Topping: 1 Mozzarella bola besar-iris jadi 8, ½ Tomat besar-iris bulat jadi 4 kmd belah 2 (4 tomat cherry-belah 2), 4 lbr daun basil. Atur irisan mozzarella mengelilingi pizza (setelah pemberian saus). Ltkkan irisan tomat di atas mozzarella. Setelah matang, angkat & potong pizza jadi 4. Letakkan daun basil segar di tiap potongan pizza.
- Capriccio (untuk 1 pizza)-Topping: 2 Artichoke-belah 4, 8 buah olive, jamur, 1 daging asap atau ham-ptg 4, saus pasto basil. Susun artichoke, olive, daging asap/ham & jamur mengelilingi pizza. Setelah matang, angkat dari pan lalu potong pizza. Hias dng saus pesto basil (opsional).
- Prosciutto e Funghi (untuk 1 pizza)-Topping: 1 Daging asap/ham-sobek/iris2 & 2 Champignon-iris tipis. Susun daging & jamur mengelilingi pizza lalu masak. Tak ada prosedur lanjutan
- Diavola (untuk 1 pizza)-Topping: 6 lembar Salami pedas, 2 Jalapeño-iris2, sejumput oregano, keju parmesan parut, 4 lembar daun basil segar. Susun salami & jalapeño mengellingi pizza. Taburi dng sejumput oregano. Setelah matang, angkat dari pan lalu taburi keju parmesan parut. Potong2 & letakkan daun basil segar di tiap potongan pizza.
- Sosis, Bawang & Jalapeño Pizza (untuk 1 pizza)-Topping: 1-2 Sosis Italy-iris, ¼ Baw.bombay kecil-iris panjang, 2 Jalapeño-iris2, keju parmesan parut. Susun sosis, baw.bombay & jalapeño mengellingi pizza. Setelah matang, angkat dari pan lalu taburi keju parmesan parut.
Resep untuk membuat sendiri saus pesto, silakan klik pada link: Saus Pesto Daun Basil
- 125 gr All-purpose flour+extra, 7 gr Yeast
- 450 gr Low protein flour (Type 00)
- 2½ tsp Sugar, 3 tsp Salt, enough Oil
- 350 ml lukewarm Water, 1 tsp Garlic powder
- 2 tbsp Olive oil+extra, enough Butter
- 1 Shallot-minced, 1 clove Garlic-minced
- 100 gr Tomato sauce, 500 gr Tomato puree
- 1 tsp dried Oregano, ½ tsp dried Basil
- 1 Bay leaf, pinch of ground Pepper
- enough Chili flakes, 1 tsp Lime juice
Topping: (to your liking; see also pizza examples)
- shredded dry Mozzarella/Other quick melt cheese
- Parmesan flakes, grated Parmesan
- Mozzarella ball, Mozzarella small balls
- Mushroom, Olives, Tomato, Cherry tomato
- Onion, Jalapeño-sliced, sliced grilled Zucchini
- Artichoke hearts, fresh Basil leaves
- Basil pesto sauce, Oregano, spicy Salami
- Smoked beef/Ham, Sausages/Ground meat
- Shrimps, Salmon, etc
- Preparation: If you will use raw toppings or ingredients such as onion, sausage, meat or mushrooms, then you should cook them before assembling the pizza. Sauté slice onion with butter to caramelize it. Sauté also the meat, sliced mushrooms & sausages separately. Set aside all toppings.
- Combine 1½ tsp of sugar with water; stir to dissolve the sugar. Add in the yeast, stir a bit & let it stand for 5-10 min (until foamy). In a big bowl, combine all flour, garlic powder & 2 tsp of salt. Stir in 2 tbsp of olive oil. Pour in the yeast mixture; knead the mixture until the dough smooth. Cover the bowl with damp cloth & let it stand in a warm place until dough has doubled in bulk (~ 30 minutes; rising time may vary).
- Sauce: Sauté minced shallot & garlic with enough butter until wilted. Put in the tomato puree, tomato sauce, lime juice, bay leaf, pepper, oregano, chili flakes & 1 tsp of salt. Cook over low heat for ~ 10 min; stirring one in a while. Add in dried basil & 1 tsp of sugar. Cook for another 10 min. Set aside.
- Divide the dough into 4 equal parts. Sprinkle some flour & then form them into balls. Working with one piece of the dough at a time. Take 1 ball & put the rest of dough balls back in the bowl, cover with damp cloth. Lightly flour the working space. Roll out the dough into a circle slightly smaller than your pan size (I use a 22 cm pan, pizza diameter 21 cm).
- Arrange the sauce, shredded cheese & other toppings within easy reach of your stove. Heat an iron cast/stainless steel/nonstick pan over medium-high heat. Spread 1-2 tsp of cooking oil on the pan base. Lay the circled dough into the pan; use your hand to make the edges neater. Pierce the dough with a fork in several places. Cook the dough until the underside shows golden brown spots.
- Decrease the heat to medium-low. Use a spatula to flip the dough over. Put ¾ of a ladle full of pizza sauce in the centre of the dough surface. Spread the sauce evenly with the ladle back side. Sprinkle 150-200 gr of shredded dry mozzarella over the dough (unless you want to make Bufala pizza). Pile on all of your toppings (see also the examples of pizza below). Drizzle enough olive oil around the dough base. Put on the pan lid & cook until the cheese melted & the dough crisp but not burn (5-7 min). Remove from the pan & garnish if needed. Continue to cooking the next pizza.
- Example of toppings & next procedures after the cooking finished (depends of the kind of pizza):
- Margherita-no other topping than shredded dry mozzarella: After it cooked, remove pizza from the pan & sprinkle a pinch of dried oregano around the pizza.
- Bufala (for 1 pizza)-Topping: 1 Mozzarella ball-slice into 8, ½ Tomato-round slice into 4 & then halve (4 cherry tomato-halve), 4 basil leaves. Arrange sliced mozzarella around the dough (right after spreading the pizza sauce). Put sliced tomato above the mozzarella slices. After it cooked, remove pizza from the pan & cut it into 4. Lay 1 fresh basil leaves in each pizza slices.
- Capriccio (for 1 pizza)-Topping: 2 Artichoke-cut into 4, 8 Olives, Mushrooms, 1 smoked beef/ham-slice into 4, basil pesto sauce. Arrange artichoke, olives, smoke beef/ham & mushroom around the dough. After it cooked, remove pizza from the pan & cut it into 4. Garnish with basil pesto sauce (optional).
- Prosciutto e Funghi (for 1 pizza)-Topping: 1 smoked beef/ham-tear/slice & 2 Champignon-thinly slice. Arrange the smoked beef/ham & champignon around the dough. Cook & cut it. No further procedure.
- Diavola (for 1 pizza)-Topping: 6 slice of hot/spicy Salami, 2 Jalapeño-slice, pinch of dried oregano, grated parmesan, 4 fresh basil leaves. Arrange salami & jalapeño around the dough. Sprinkle dried oregano on top. After it cooked, remove pizza from the pan & sprinkle grated parmesan around. Cut it into 4 & then lay 1 fresh basil leaves in each pizza slices.
- Sausages, Onion & Jalapeño Pizza (for 1 pizza)-Topping: 1-2 Italian sausages-slice, ¼ small onion-slice, 2 Jalapeño-slice, grated parmesan. Arrange sausage, onion & jalapeño around the dough. After it cooked, remove pizza from the pan & sprinkle grated parmesan on top.
For the recipe on how to make a homemade pesto sauce, please click on the recipe: Basil Pesto Sauce