In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
Adonan roti: utk 12 roti ukuran medium-besar
- 400 g Terigu serba guna+ekstra, 1½ st Baking powder
- 100 gr Maizena/Terigu protein rendah, 30 gr Gula
- 7 gr Ragi instant, 1 st Garam, 1 sm Minyak sayur
- 200 ml Susu hangat+150 ml Air hangat
Isian wijen hitam: untuk 12 roti
- 4 sm Gula, 4 sm Wijen hitam, 4 sm Mentega-suhu ruang
Isian daun bawang: utk 12 roti
- 4 Daun bawang kecil-iris halus, 2 tsp Wijen sangrai
- ½ st Bumbu ngohiong, 2 sm Minyak wijen, ½ st Garam
- sejumput Baking soda (opsional)
- Sosis Cina/Bacon-cincang (opsional)
Cara membuat
- Bahan utk adonan & tiap macam isian adalah untuk 12 roti. Jika hendak membuat 6 roti isi daun bawang & 6 isi wijen hitam, gunakan setengahnya saja dari bahan isian yg saya tuliskan di resep ini.
- Isian daun bawang: Campur daun bawang, bumbu ngohiong, wijen, sosis & garam. Beri minyak wijen, aduk rata. Aduk masuk baking soda utk mencegah daun bawang berubah warna saat dikukus.
- Isian wijen hitam: sangrai wijen di pan dng api sedang sambil diaduk2 hingga wangi. Angkat dari pan, biarkan hingga dingin. Masukkan di blender dng gula lalu proses hingga menjadi bubuk.
- Campur terigu, maizena, baking powder, garam, gula & ragi. Tuangi air & susu sedikit2 sambil diaduk dng spatula. Keruk semua sisi mangkuk, termsk dasarnya utk memastikan semua bahan tercampur rata. Uleni adonan sebentar lalu bulatkan. Tutupi adonan & diamkan selama 10 menit.
- Sementara itu, potong kertas perkamen sebanyak 12 lembar bentuk persegi 15 cm (lebih besar, tergantung besar ukuran roti yg akan dibuat, harap diingat adonan akan mengembang).
- Uleni lagi adonan hingga menjadi elastis & kalis. Ltkkan adonan di permukaan kerja bertabur terigu lalu bagi menjadi 2 bagian. Kerjakan 1 adonan dulu & tutupi adonan satunya sampai adonan pertama selesai dibentuk. Anda dapat menggilasnya menjadi persegi panjang tipis ataupun menjadi bbrp lingkaran tipis & lalu lumuri dng isian. Bentuk adonan sesuai selera. Yg saya tuliskan ini hanya salah satu contoh: Gilas adonan menjadi persegi berukuran 36X24 cm. Utk membuat roti isi daun bawang: ulasi adonan dng isian daun bawang dng rata. Utk membuat roti isi wijen hitam: ulasi adonan dng mentega lalu taburi dng bubuk wijen-gula dng rata. Dimulai dari sisi panjangnya, lipat adonan 2x sehingga membentuk 3 lapisan. Potong lipatan adonan tsb menjadi 12 buah. Tumpuk tiap 2 potongan menjadi 1. Tekan bagian tengahnya memanjang dng sumpit. Pegang kedua ujungnya lalu tarik hingga memanjang. Gantung adonan di bagian tengah sumpit. Pegang & jepit kedua ujungnya dng tangan. Putar sumpit dng tangan satunya. Letakkan adonan di permukaan kerja, tekan/press sumpit ke arah permukaan kerja lalu perlahan tarik keluar sumpit dari adonan. Letakkan adonan yg sdh dibentuk di lembaran kertas perkamen. Lakukan prosedur yg sama utk sisa adonan.
- Tutupi adonan dng serbet, biarkan hingga mengembang selama 30-45 mnt (tergantung suhu di tempat anda). Roti akan mengembang tetapi tidak menjadi 2x nya.
- Isi panci kukusan dng air, pastikan air tidak akan mengenai dasar wadah kukusan. Bungkus tutup kukusan dng lap. Atur adonan & kertas perkamennya di wadah kukusan, beri jarak yg ckp lbr krn adonan akan mengembang. Pasang tutupnya & kukus adonan dng api besar sampai air mendidih. Turunkan api ke sedang-kecil. Masak selama 10 menit, terhitung dari saat tsb. Matikan api tapi biarkan adonan dalam kukusan 5 menit lagi. Angkat tutupnya hati2 & keluarkan roti. Hidangkan selagi hangat.
- Roti ini dpt disimpan di kulkas hingga 4 hari atau di freezer sampai 2 bulan. Tunggu hingga roti benar2 dingin lalu mskkan di wadah kedap udara/kantung plastik. Utk memanaskannya: kukus selama 5 mnt bila disimpan di kulkas atau 7 menit utk roti beku (tak usah dicairkan/defrost dulu)
Bun dough: for 12 medium-big size buns
- 400 g All-purpose flour+extra, 1 tsp Salt, 30 gr Sugar
- 100 gr Corn starch/Pastry flour, 1½ tsp Baking powder
- 7 gr Instant yeast, 1 tbsp Vegetable oil
- 200 ml warm Milk+150 ml warm Water
Black sesame Filling: for 12 buns
- 4 tbsp Sugar, 4 tbsp Black sesame seeds
- 4 tbsp Butter-room temperature
Scallion Filling: for 12 buns
- 4 small size Scallions-finely chopped, 2 tbsp Sesame oil
- ½ tsp Five-spice powder, 2 tsp toasted Sesame seeds
- ½ tsp Salt, a pinch of Baking soda (optional)
- Chinese sausage/Bacon-chopped (optional)
- The dough ingredients & each kind of filling are for 12 buns. So if you want to make 6 scallion & 6 black sesame buns, you have to use only half from the filling ingredients that I’ve wrote.
- Scallion Filling: Put scallions, 5-spice pwd, sesame seeds, Chinese sausage & salt in a bowl. Pour sesame oil over the scallions, give it a good stir. Stir in baking soda to prevent the colour of scallions from changing when it’s cooked
- Black Sesame Filling: Roast sesame seeds in a pan over medium heat until fragrant; stir it continuously while you roast. Remove from the pan & let it cool down. Put sesame together with sugar in a blender & then pulse until it's really fine.
- Mix flour, corn starch/pastry flour, baking powder, salt, sugar & yeast. Gradually add water & milk; stir it with a spatula. Scrape all sides of the bowl, including the bottom, to make sure you bring all ingredients in. Knead the dough briefly & then round it. Cover dough & let it rest for 10 minutes.
- Meanwhile, cut out twelve 15 cm square pieces of parchment paper (or bigger, it depends on how big you will make your buns, just remember that it will raise much).
- Knead the dough again until it's elastic & smooth. Put dough in a lightly floured working surface & divide it into 2. Work with 1 dough part & cover the other until the first dough had been shaped. You could roll it into a tin rectangle or into several thin circles & then coat it with the fillings. Shape the dough as you desire. What I write here is just an example: Roll the dough into a thin 36X24 cm rectangle. For making scallion buns: coat the dough with scallion fillings evenly. For making black sesame buns: brush the dough with melted butter & then sprinkle with the sesame-sugar powder evenly. From the rectangle long side, fold the dough twice making it into a 3-layer strip. Then cut it into 12 pcs. Stack up 2 pieces. Use a chopstick to press the middle line lengthwise. Hold both ends then stretch. Hang it over the chopstick. With 1 hand pinch & hold both ends. With the other hand twist the chopstick. Put the dough on the working surface, press the chopstick then gently remove the chopstick out of the dough. Put shaped dough on the parchment paper pieces. Do the same procedure with the rest of the dough.
- Cover dough with a damp cloth; let it stand to rise for 30-45 minutes (depending on your temperature). Well-rested buns should be bigger, but not double the size.
- Fill the steamer pot with cold water, make sure that the water won’t touch the bottom of the steamer basket. Tie a tea towel around the steamer lid. Arrange the dough, including the parchment paper in the steamer basket. Leave enough space between the dough as they will rise. Put on the lid & steam the dough over high heat until the water boiled. Turn down the heat to medium-low. From this moment, count 10 minutes cooking time. After it cooked, turn the heat off but let the buns stay inside of the steamer for 5 more min. Take off the lid carefully & remove the buns. Serve the buns warm.
- The buns can be store in the fridge for up to 4 days or in the freezer for up to 2 months. Just wait until they are completely cooled, then put them in an airtight container/plastic bag. To reheat the buns: steam the fridge-kept buns for 5 mins or 7 mins for frozen buns (no need to defrosting it)
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