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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Kembang Tahu Saus Jahe/Dou Fu Fa (Soy Bean Custard in Ginger & Sugar Syrup)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 1 lt Susu kedelai tawar, 1½ st Garam
  • 10 lembar Gelatin tawar (16½ gr)+Air *
  • 50 gr Jahe-iris2, 150 gr Gula jawa
  • 3 Daun pandan, 800 ml Air
  • 3 gr Kulit jeruk lemon parut (opsional)

Cara membuat
  • Rendam gelatin di air dingin & biarkan sampai mengembang ± 5 mnt. Angkat & peras perlahan.
  • Simpulkan 1 daun pandan. Hangatkan susu kedelai & pandan dlm pan (lbh baik pakai clay pot utk menghindari hangus-susu kedelai cepat hangus) dng api sedang. Matikan api seblm mendidih (jangan dididihkan). Mskkan 1 st garam & gelatin yg sdh mengembang. Masak sebentar & aduk cepat sampai gelatin larut. Matikan api segera seblm mendidih. Tuang larutan ke mangkuk. Dinginkan, tutup permukaan mangkuk dng plastik. Mskkan kulkas, biarkan 3-4 jam tanpa mengguncangnya.
  • Saus Jahe: Kulit jrk yg diparut adalah bagian luarnya, lap.putih jangan ikut diparut. Ptg 2 pandan masing2 jadi 3. Rebus jahe & pandan dng 800 ml air sampai harum. Mskkan gula jawa, kulit jrk & ½ st garam. Didihkan lalu masak terus dengan api kecil ± 30 mnt. Saring saus dng saringan halus kedlm mangkuk.
  • Penyajian: Gunakan spatula datar utk menyendok tipis2 kembang tahu ke dlm mangkuk saji. Tuangi 3-4 sm sausnya.
  • * Untuk hasil yg baik: Jangan gunakan agar2, kembang tahu tak akan selembut yg sehrsnya. Gelatin lembaran dpt diganti dng 4 st gelatin bbk. Rasa akan lebih baik bila menggunakan susu kedelai buatan sendiri (lihat juga resep Susu Kedelai Rumahan).

  • 1 lt unsweetened Soy milk, 1½ tsp Salt
  • 50 gr Ginger, 150 gr Coconut/Palm sugar
  • 10 Gelatin sheets (16½ gr)+Water *
  • 3 Pandan leaves, 800 ml Water
  • 3 gr grated Lemon zest (optional)

  • Place the gelatin sheets in cold water & allow them to swell for ~ 5 minutes. Remove & gently squeeze it to let the water out.
  • Tie 1 pandan leaf into a knot. Warm the soy milk & pandan in a sauce pan (better in a clay pot to avoid burning) over medium heat. Turn off the heat before it comes to a boil. Add in 1 tsp of salt & the swollen gelatin. Cook for a while & stir quickly just until the gelatin dissolved. Turn off the heat immediately before the mixture comes to a boil. Pour the mixture into a large bowl. Let it chill; cover the bowl with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 3-4 hours without jiggling the bowl.
  • Syrup: Slice the ginger. Cut 2 pandan leaves into 3. Boil the ginger & pandan leaves in 800 ml water until fragrant. Add in lemon zest, ½ tsp salt & coconut/palm sugar; bring it to a boil & then simmer over low heat for ~ 30 minutes. Pour the syrup through a fine-mesh strainer into a bowl.
  • To serve: Use a flat spatula to gently cut several thin slices of the pudding into a small serving bowl. Pour in 3-4 tablespoons of syrup.
  • * For a better result: Don`t use agar2, since the custard won`t be as soft as it should be. You could substitute gelatin sheets with 4 tsp of gelatin powder. It will taste better when you use homemade soy milk (see also: Homemade Soy Milk recipe).


  1. very new kinda recipe for me. looks very nice
    following u now. would love to see u visit/follow

    1. Hi Megha Singhal, thank U for Ur visit here & followed me..will go there & follow ur link also

  2. I love the flavor of pandan leaves. I have to find the leaves and try your recipe.:)

    1. Thank U Amallia..hope U will like it..:) I always have pandan leaves on my fridge..coz I also cook the rice with it..:)


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